DigiTool Service Pack 15 Highlights

rep_change #818

Description: Continuation of rep-change 000734

Adding expand option to De2MARCTransformer and De2MODSTransformer

The expand xsl is given as a param in repository_replication.xml under the param section of the "convertor". Any param name which starts with "expand..." is treated as an xsl file name to be applied on the replicated entity.

A given xsls file are "addUrlsToMARC.xsl" (and addUrlsToMODS.xsl), which can be found under jboss-home/system/xsl directory, adds 856/u (or "location/url") element to the result xml record.

Example replica:


<target type="nfs">

<directory sub_dir_num="3">/exlibris/dtl/j3_1/digitool/home/profile/replications/oai/marc</directory>

<format_convertor type="class" convertor="">


<param name="expand">addUrlsToMarc.xsl</param>




A given xsl file (default is "addUrlsToMarc” or “addUrlsToMods” .xsl" and can be found under ./home/system/xsl directory) which adds "856/#/#/u or <url> elements with all links to delivery to the resulting record of the relevant transformer - This is configurable.

rep_change #831

Description: Resource Discovery - Collection View Enhancement - Allow search base sensitive collection trees

This is based on a newly added table in $dtle/coll_mng/tab_coll_base_owner

Determines the display of the collection tree for patron users of the RD by using a search-base to collection unit ownership mapping.

Activated in www_server.conf

setenv coll_by_base Y





The above represents a logical base named MY-BASE – as defined in column 1 of $dtle_tab/tab_base.eng (.lng)

Whereby when in that search base, the collection trees (top-level owned) will be displayed for units ADM03 and ADM04 ONLY.

rep_change #847

Description: Adding export and import support for ALL Oracle tables using DigiTool-provided Oracle export and import scripts. These scripts may be useful for sites wishing to copy a production database to a test database.


1. Export/Import individual unit

$dtl_proc/oracle_exp_library - Allows individual units to be exported individually.

Usage: dlib <unit name> for instance dlib rep00

csh -f $dtl_proc/oracle_exp_library

Output is saved in a tar.gz file under the unit's files directory.

$dtl_proc/oracle_imp_library - Allows individual units to be imported individually.

Usage: dlib <unit name> for instance dlib rep00

csh -f $dtl_proc/oracle_imp_library

Input should be stored in a tar.gz file under the unit's files directory.

Note: If the exported database is running under a different slot than the target database - i.e. the exported database is 3_1 (d31_rep00) and the target database is 3_2 (d32_rep00) or vice versa, please use the oracle_imp_various_library script rather than the oracle_imp_library script - see #3 below.

2. Export/Import ALL units

$dtl_proc/oracle_exp_dtl_libs - Allows ALL units to be exported one after the other.

Usage: dlib <unit name> for instance dlib rep00

csh -f $dtl_proc/oracle_exp_dtl_libs

Output is saved in a tar.gz file under each unit's files directory.

$dtl_proc/oracle_imp_dtl_libs - Allows ALL units to be Imported one after the other.

Usage: dlib <unit name> for instance dlib rep00

csh -f $dtl_proc/oracle_imp_dtl_libs

Input should be stored in a tar.gz file under each unit's files directory.

3. Import from one schema slot (source schema) to a different schema slot (target).

Usage: dlib <unit name> for instance dlib rep00

csh -f $dtl_proc/oracle_imp_various_library <source schema>


csh -f $dtl_proc/oracle_imp_various_library d31_rep00

rep_change #850

Description: New OAI Provider Back-end

Added new OAI providing functions in DigiTool

1. Repository replication has a new transformer type which writes replica data directly into a database table.

2. A new dedicated server type will be available (oai_server)

Similar to how www server operates and communicates with Apache, a new oai_server will handle OAI requests. Internally, it will run default on port 3881 - and be web-accessed on the default Apache port.

Example Replication Setup:

<replication name="oai_pub" enable="true">



<logical_operator logical_op="or">

<field key="usagetype" op="exact">VIEW</field>

<field key="usagetype" op="exact">VIEW_MAIN</field>



<require_md name="descriptive" type="dc"/>

<require_md name="descriptive" type="marc"/>

<require_md name="descriptive" type="mods"/>



<target type="class" class_name="">


<param name="db_url">dbc:oracle:thin:@il-dtldev02:1521:dtl10</param>

<param name="db_username">d31_oai01</param>

<param name="db_password">d31_oai01</param>

<param name="db_table_name">oai_pub</param>

<param name="set_spec">myset</param>

<param name="metadata_format">oai_dc</param>


<format_convertor type="class" convertor="">


<param name="xsl_dc2simpleDc">/exlibris/dtl/j3_1/digitool/home/system/xsl/DC2SimpleOAIDC.xsl</param>




<target type="class" class_name="">


<param name="db_url">dbc:oracle:thin:@il-dtldev02:1521:dtl10</param>

<param name="db_username">d31_oai01</param>

<param name="db_password">d31_oai01</param>

<param name="db_table_name">oai_pub</param>

<param name="set_spec">myset</param>

<param name="metadata_format">marc21</param>


<format_convertor type="class" convertor="">




Base URL:

General configuration: $dtle_tab/oai/oaipubconf.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>




<setName>oai set</setName>

<setDescription>The default oai set</setDescription>










<repositoryName>ExLibris Repository</repositoryName>













rep_change #854

Description: JPEG 2000 delivery enhancement - JP2 parameters (e.g. coordinates) may now be passed using standard JP2 delivery

The new functions now check if the DeliveryManager URL includes one or more of the relevant JP2 parameters (i.e. filename, res, x, y, viewwidth and viewheight) and uses these parameters, if they exist. If one or more of these parameters are missing in the URL, the application checks if the missing parameters are defined as viewer parameters in Management Module -> Delivery -> Rules section, and uses them if they exist.

For example, if Management Module -> Delivery -> Rules section defines:

Condition: File Extension=jp2,j2k

Viewer URL: .../ImageServer/dtlimagenav.jsp?

Viewer Params: x=100, viewheight=200


1) If the user will go to .../webclient/DeliveryManager?user=GUEST&metadata_request=false&pid=30448

S/he will get the relevant file displayed in JP2 Viewer with the following parameters:

x=100 and viewheight=200

2) If the user will go to .../webclient/DeliveryManager?user=GUEST&metadata_request=false&pid=30448&res=4&x=500&y=600&viewwidth=700

S/he will get the relevant file displayed in JP2 Viewer with the following parameters:

res=3, viewwidth=1400

rep_change #858

Description: CSV Transformer - changing the behavior of the mapping processing so if an md field value to be mapped is empty in the source csv, it will skip the creation of the related md record for that particular created digital entity.

This is most relevant when for some digital entities it is desired to map metadata fields and others for which it is not - for instance a COMPLEX parent (to gain md) and children items with md field values left blank (not to gain md).

rep_change #861

Description: Meditor Enhancement - Support download of original file stream as well as object package - i.e. the stream and related md.

1. From streamref tab in Meditor's object editor, a new function “Download” allowing downloading of file stream was added.

This is limited to staff users with authorization MEDITOR/DOWNLOAD-STREAM in the relevant unit.

2. Download object package allows a user to download the stream and metadata records (packaged in a zip file) for further dissemination. This is available from the top toolbar menu Object > Download Object.

rep_change #863

Description: Enhancement - SingleAccessPort and SSL - Support for Apache/JBOSS port connector - MOD-JK

This Apache Tunnel connector allows ALL web-accessible modules:

1. Resource Discovery

2. ALL JBOSS web modules (deposit,approver,webingest,mng,collection, etc)


to be accessed on one port number - the Apache port - even though the non-Apache modules are actually running on different ports on the back-end.

This essentially also allows all of these web-accessible modules to all be accessed on port 80 - if Apache is defined on port80.

Additionally, only one SSL certificate is needed for setup (if SSL is implemented at your site) - the Apache SSL certificate.

Instructions detailed in implementation notes for this repchange.

rep_change #870

Description: Digital Entity Services Enhancement - Added "Add Metadata Job" to the maintenance jobs available from the management interface. This is similar in functionality to the "Add Metadata" task from the webingest module, but allows sharing/copying mids or metadata to a set of objects already in the repository.

In addition - the add metadata task has been improved to allow better selection of the metadata name/type using dropdown values instead of relying on user's manual data input.

rep_change #882

Description: Improvements to METS namespace handling:

1. If there are embedded md sections, they will inherit the relevant namespaces from the primary mets namespace declaraion

2. If there are no relevant namespace declarations in the mets main section, but are in the md sections, DigiTool will stillbe able to handle embedded md sections properly.