American Imperialism

“Project Based Learning Activity”

Objective: To understand how individuals and events moved the United States into the role of world

power and to recognize the effects of economic policies on U.S. diplomacy.

Task: To develop and create a project which reflects your knowledge and understanding of American


The Choices: Based on your interests, choose from the list of project choices below which one you

would like to develop and create as your project.

  • Design and create a newspaper detailing and illustrating each category.
  • Create a movie/documentary that discusses each category.
  • Create an illustratedtimeline which depicts and explains the events, causes, and outcomes for all the categories below.
  • Design a tri-fold posterdescribing each category.
  • Create Scrapbook detailing each category.
  • Create a PowerPoint or Pezi to detail each category below.
  • Role-play or simulate various aspects of each category (tape/record).
  • Build a board game centered on the various aspects of each category.
  • With a partner conduct an interview of a nation’s leader discussing each category (record on video theinterview).
  • Create your own personalized project which includes each category and describe your feelings about your project and results.
  • Create and Plan an outdoor field trip to take throughout each nation America will become involved with which will discuss and describe each category.

My Choice: ______

Categories which Must Be Included in Each Project Choice:

  1. Reasons for the Growth of American Imperialism(section 1)
  2. America’s acquisition of Alaska(section 1)
  3. America’s acquisition of Hawaii(section 1)
  4. The Spanish-American War causes, public opinion, events, and outcomes (section 2)
  5. America and Puerto Rico (section 3)
  6. America and Cuba (section 3)
  7. America and the Philippines (section 3)
  8. America and China (section 3)
  9. Theodore Roosevelt and the Worldhis foreign policy and outcomes/impacts(section 4)
  10. Woodrow Wilson and the World his foreign policy and outcomes/impacts (section 4)

Components to be Turned in:

Your Completed Project (all categories included)

Notes (all categories included from Chapter 10)

Total Value: 60pts_

Due Date: ______

American Imperialism Project Based Learning Assignment

Grading Rubric

Completed Chapter Notes0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Category 1 Reasons for Imperialism0 1 2 3 4

Category 2 Acquisition of Alaska0 1 2 3 4

Category 3 Acquisition of Hawaii0 1 2 3 4

Category 4Spanish-American War0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Category 5 America & Puerto Rico0 1 2 3 4

Category 6 America & Cuba0 1 2 3 4

Category 7 America & the Philippines 0 1 2 3 4

Category 8 America & China0 1 2 3 4

Category 9Roosevelt & Foreign Policy0 1 2 3 4

Category 10Wilson & Foreign Policy0 1 2 3 4

Neatness and Creativity0 1 2 3 4 5 6


Total Earned ______

Total Value  60 pts.