American Imperialism
“Project Based Learning Activity”
Objective: To understand how individuals and events moved the United States into the role of world
power and to recognize the effects of economic policies on U.S. diplomacy.
Task: To develop and create a project which reflects your knowledge and understanding of American
The Choices: Based on your interests, choose from the list of project choices below which one you
would like to develop and create as your project.
- Design and create a newspaper detailing and illustrating each category.
- Create a movie/documentary that discusses each category.
- Create an illustratedtimeline which depicts and explains the events, causes, and outcomes for all the categories below.
- Design a tri-fold posterdescribing each category.
- Create Scrapbook detailing each category.
- Create a PowerPoint or Pezi to detail each category below.
- Role-play or simulate various aspects of each category (tape/record).
- Build a board game centered on the various aspects of each category.
- With a partner conduct an interview of a nation’s leader discussing each category (record on video theinterview).
- Create your own personalized project which includes each category and describe your feelings about your project and results.
- Create and Plan an outdoor field trip to take throughout each nation America will become involved with which will discuss and describe each category.
My Choice: ______
Categories which Must Be Included in Each Project Choice:
- Reasons for the Growth of American Imperialism(section 1)
- America’s acquisition of Alaska(section 1)
- America’s acquisition of Hawaii(section 1)
- The Spanish-American War causes, public opinion, events, and outcomes (section 2)
- America and Puerto Rico (section 3)
- America and Cuba (section 3)
- America and the Philippines (section 3)
- America and China (section 3)
- Theodore Roosevelt and the Worldhis foreign policy and outcomes/impacts(section 4)
- Woodrow Wilson and the World his foreign policy and outcomes/impacts (section 4)
Components to be Turned in:
Your Completed Project (all categories included)
Notes (all categories included from Chapter 10)
Total Value: 60pts_
Due Date: ______
American Imperialism Project Based Learning Assignment
Grading Rubric
Completed Chapter Notes0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Category 1 Reasons for Imperialism0 1 2 3 4
Category 2 Acquisition of Alaska0 1 2 3 4
Category 3 Acquisition of Hawaii0 1 2 3 4
Category 4Spanish-American War0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Category 5 America & Puerto Rico0 1 2 3 4
Category 6 America & Cuba0 1 2 3 4
Category 7 America & the Philippines 0 1 2 3 4
Category 8 America & China0 1 2 3 4
Category 9Roosevelt & Foreign Policy0 1 2 3 4
Category 10Wilson & Foreign Policy0 1 2 3 4
Neatness and Creativity0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Total Earned ______
Total Value 60 pts.