Britain versus France
As of 11/20/07
Note the significance, not definition, of each term. Wikipedia articles have been attached to some terms, although there is no guarantee that the articles are legit. These articles have links to some interesting websites.
Samuel de Champlain
the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
Jacques Marquette & Louis Jolliet
Sieur de la Salle
Benjamin Franklin
William Pitt
Gen. Edward Braddock
Gen. Jeffrey Amherst
Marquis de Montcalm
the Paxton Boys
Half-King (Tanacharisson)
George Grenville
Col. George Washington
New France
Fort Duquesne
Pays de Illinois
Fort Detroit
Fort Necessity
Great Lakes
Chicagou Portage
Battle of the Plains of Abraham
Massacre of Fort William-Henry
Pontiac’s Rebellion
Siege of Fort Detroit
Albany Congress
Georgian Era
Jumonville Affair
Seven Years’ War
French & Indian War
Sugar Act
Other Terms of Note
Proclamation of 1763
Fur Trade
Illinois Confederacy
Iroquois Confederacy
Northwest Passage
Primary Source
Piasa Bird
Peace of Paris 1763
Germ Warfare
Things to think about
• How did the F&I War tear the American British colonies apart from the British in Britain?
• Who started the F&I War?
• How did the British turn the tide of war?
• How is the F&I War the “war that made America?”
• Compare French relations with the natives with the relations of the French and Spanish.
• Why did the French ally themselves with the Algonquians and vice-cersa?
• What role did religion have in the French & Indian War?
• What role did fashion have in New France?
• What sort of power was exerted by the Native Americans of the American northeast?
(All Open and homework questions could be helpful in your studying as well.)
< This is meant to be used by both A.P. and Regular classes. Not all material was covered, but studying all on this guide will help you pass the test.>