Douglas County College & Career Institute Meeting Minutes
Location: CCI - West Georgia Technical College – Douglasville Campus
Date/Time: April 13, 2010, 11:30 AM
Committee Chair: Kali Boatright
Agenda Item / Discussion / Action/
Recommendation / Responsible Party
Call to Order / At 11:30 AM the members were welcomed.
Lunch provided by Matt Lawson, AML Communications and prepared by Kroger Deli.
During lunch Tamara Whitehead-Coleman, Pharmacy Tech instructor, spoke to the group regarding her class. The students receive a look “behind the scenes” and “how to” call a doctor’s office as well as insurance procedures. Students can find work as technicians and can be a certified pharmacy tech after passing the national certification test.
The meeting was called to order by Kali Boatright.
Minutes approved as presented.
CEO School Status Report / Mr. Carter informed the Board of some of the activities happening this semester.
CCI received a $250 scholarship from the Georgia Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives to use for students. Mr. Carter spoke at the Downtown Development Authority meeting and at Yeager Middle School Career Day.
Each month we have tours on Tuesdays and Thursdays for middle and high school students to see the facility and visit the classrooms.
Mr. Carter also works with students helping with the interview process and job placement.
We had a good response getting funds to pay for our yearbook. Our Graphic Arts students produced the pages and we have contracted with a company to bind the book. Each of you will receive one and your name / company will be in the book at least three times.
Chamber Business After Hours Reception sponsored by WGTC was held at the CCI and was well attended (approximately 150 people).
The recruitment CCI Expo was March 29th with over 100 potential students and parents visiting classrooms and talking to instructors.
We have had many speakers this semester to come and talk to students regarding their business: Lee Culberson (MoJo Productions), Richard Bowen, Chief Parole Officer (Criminal Justice), John Lewis, TransAmerican Computer Consulting (CIS) and Geek Squad (CIS). We are planning a tour of the new West Point Kia Motors Plant on April 20th.
Kali Boatright thanked Mr. Carter for the update.
Old Business / Kali Boatright spoke at the Georgia State Charter School Association and gave them information about the CCI.
New Business / Work on a Strategic Plan
(Janet Baskin read the Charter and gave us some pointers.)
End of Year Report
(with number of students who completed programs and their future plans)
Marketing Committee / Draft by June Meeting / Kali, Julian, Mandy and Janet Baskin
Kali, Julian
Questions / Don Moore asked, what are some of the struggles?
  • Getting the HVAC program up and running. The instructor left to go out of the country the day before school opened.
  • Auto Tech is small but growing.
  • We lost our Welding instructor. It was a financial decision.
Jerry Hall asked if we could go to A/C businesses to ask for help finding a HVAC instructor.
Comments / Pat Hannon said the problem was the state required degree needed for the HVAC position and finding someone who could work a few hours morning and afternoon.
He was glad to see the school system bringing counselors on board from the middle school level.
Rob Brown said the system is looking at a non-traditional school day to help those students who need to work.
We are trying a new registration procedure at CHHS. Middle school students and parents are making appointments with high school teachers to talk about student path options.
Trey Dettmering suggested that CCI banners be placed in all schools to get student attention. Evette Jones stated that we also need to focus on the parents.
Pat Hannon said that we have the right people doing the job at the CCI. Mandy Johnson is the right person for this job.
Hopefully she will be able to attend the next meeting. / Check with Allen DeNyse about price / Julian
In Attendance:
K. Boatright, J. Carter, D. Moore, J. Hall, P. Hannon, R. Brown, M. Golemo, C. Bonds, Dr. Liethner, T. Dettmering, M. Seahorn, B. King, E. Jones
Guests: Tamara Whitehead-Coleman Others present: Nora McDonald
M. Saffo, N. Chastain, A. DeNyse, L. Jayasinghe, Z. Morris
Next Meeting
Date/Time/Location / June 8, 2010, 11:30 AM
Location : CCI
Adjournment / Meeting was adjourned at 1 PM
Prepared and submitted by: / Nora McDonald