Interview Schedule for the ICPR General Fellowships

for the Batch 2018-19

The following applicants are recommended to the interview for ICPR General Fellowships (GF) – for the Batch 2018-19.

Date of Interview:

For SL. No. 1 to 28 on 2nd August 2018 (Timing: 09.00 AM to 07.00 PM)

For SL. No. 29 to 56 on 3rd August 2018(Timing: 09.00 AM to 07.00 PM)

Venue of Interview:

Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR),


36, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
(Near Batra Hospital, SangamVihar),

MehrauliBadarpur Road,

New Delhi – 110 062

Please bring the following documents while coming to attend the interview.

  1. The hard/printed copy of the application (which was filled up online/sent to the Council) being signed by the candidate and authorities, like, Supervisor, HOD and Registrar/Director, with seal.
  2. All the academic certificates, official proofs and other certificates, in original, for verifications.
  3. One set of photocopy of the same academic certificates signed by the candidate with date.
  4. 5 copies of synopsis of the proposed research programme. Please make sure that change or modifications in title and or theme are not permissible after the interview.
  5. Identity card of College/University and Aadhar Card.
  6. Copy of Ph.D. registration certificate / memorandum / notice and fee receipt.
  7. Caste and physically challenged certificates, if applicable.

ScreenedList of the Applicants for ICPR General Fellowship 2018-19

S. L. No. / Applied For / Category / Applicants' Full Name / Topic of Research / Date of Interview / Scrutiny No
GF / GEN / AbhinavAnand / Buddhist Ascetic Way of Life and Environmentalism: An Analysis from Theragatha and Therigatha / 02-08-2018 / 1
GF / GEN / Abhishek Kumar Tiwari / Buddhist notion of holistic well-being of human life: A Psycho-Philosophical analysis on the basis of Abhidhammatthasangho / 02-08-2018 / 3
GF / GEN / Ajai Kumar Mishra / JhjkekuUnkpk;Zd`roS".koerkCtkHkLdj% ,d nk'kZfudfoospu / 02-08-2018 / 5
GF / SC / AlkaChouhan / rylh ds dkO; xzaFkksaesaizfrQfyrlkekftdlejlrkdknk'kZfudvuq'khyu / 02-08-2018 / 6
GF / GEN / AlkaTyagi / Bhavana (Creative Contemplation) and Bhairava (Supreme Reality) in the VijnanabhairvaTantra in Kashmir Saiva Tradition / 02-08-2018 / 7
GF / GEN / AnamikaTripathi / vfHkuoxqIr dh ykspuVhdkij 'kSon'kZudkizHkko / 02-08-2018 / 10
GF / GEN / Anand Kumar Karn / enueksguekyoh; ,oaegkRekxk¡/khdklektn'kZu% ,d rqyukRed v/;;u / 02-08-2018 / 11
GF / GEN / Anita Chauhan / The Dhammapada: A Compendium of Ethico-Philosophical system of the Buddha / 02-08-2018 / 12
GF / GEN / AnuragPandey / ;ksxn'kZuesaof.kZr 'kjhj&fØ;k&foKku% ,d leh{kkRed v/;;u / 02-08-2018 / 13
GF / GEN / Ateequllah Dar / AurobindoIqbal's Concept of Superman, A Critical Study / 02-08-2018 / 17
GF / GEN / Avinash Mishra / ^'kadjiwoZ v}SrosnkUr o 'kadj v}SrosnkarrFkk 'kajksRrj v}SrosnkUr dh rdZ i)fr / 02-08-2018 / 19
GF / GEN / BabitaSrivastava / jk/kkd`".ku ds n'kZuesaekuorkokn% ,d fo'ys"k.k / 02-08-2018 / 20
GF / GEN / BarunNathTiwari / ikfjfLFkfrdhuSfrdlapsruk ,oaoSfnder / 02-08-2018 / 21
GF / GEN / Chandan Kumar Pandey / lkekftdlejlrk% xka/kh] vEcsMdj ,oaiafMrnhun;kymik/;k; / 02-08-2018 / 24
GF / SC / D.Reddeppa / Swami Vivekananda on Man and his environment and the relevance to the present world / 02-08-2018 / 27
GF / SC / Dr. Dhirendra Kumar Jalwani / ekuodklkekU; LokLF; ,oajkt;ksx% ledkyhuifjizs{; esank'kZfudfo'ys"k.k / 02-08-2018 / 29
GF / ST / DumaiVeino Jeremiah Amai / Moral Sentiments: Resentment and Forgiveness / 02-08-2018 / 31
GF / GEN / GeeteshNirban / Pilgrimage in Mahabharata: Reflection on Sacred and Salvific as Ethical and Environmental / 02-08-2018 / 33
GF / GEN / Ghanshyam Pal / cksf/kp;kZoprkjesaHkfDr dh vo/kkj.kkdkrqyukRedfoospu / 02-08-2018 / 34
GF / GEN / GudiyaYadav / ukxktqZudkjktuSfrdn'kZujRukoyh ds fo'ks"klUnHkZesa / 02-08-2018 / 36
GF / SC / Gurrala Lakshmi Prasad / The question of untouchbulity: A Philosophical Study of Gandhi and Ambedkar / 02-08-2018 / 37
GF / GEN / Jagdishwaranand / /keZ] v/;kRe ,oalekt ,d lkoZHkkSenk'kZfudvuq'khyu / 02-08-2018 / 38
GF / GEN / Jaikant Singh / t;izdk'kukjk;.k ds jktuSfrdn'kZudkHkkjrh; jktuhfrd o lkekftdifjn`'; ijizHkko / 02-08-2018 / 40
GF / SC / K Jayaramaiah / Educational and Religious Philosophy of Dr. SarveypalliRadhakrishnan / 02-08-2018 / 43
GF / GEN / K.Vengadachalam / An Ethical Exposition on Sri Aurobindo's Doctrine of Karma and Rebirth and Its Contemporary Relevance / 02-08-2018 / 44
GF / GEN / Karuna Sharma / mRrjk[k.MjkT; dklkekftd ,aouSfrdn'kZu&tkSulkjHkkcjoklhtutkfr;ksa ds fo'ks"klanHkZesa / 02-08-2018 / 46
GF / GEN / KshamaTiwari / ewY; dh vo/kkj.kk] orZekuewY; ladV ,oalek/kku% xhrk ds ^Lo/keZ* ds fo'ks"klanHkZesa* / 02-08-2018 / 47
GF / GEN / KuldeepPainuly / ^^"kM~n'kZuleqpp;** fo'ys"k.kkRed / 02-08-2018 / 48
GF / GEN / Mahesh Koul / Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga in the Light of Kashmir Shaivism / 03-08-2018 / 50
GF / GEN / MaiserHussainUntoo / Sufism and Bhakti movement: A Comparative Study / 03-08-2018 / 51
GF / GEN / ManishaSrivastava / dk'ehj 'kSon'kZuesarU= lk/kuk / 03-08-2018 / 53
GF / GEN / Mukesh Kumar Chourasia / ia- nhun;kymik/;k; dklekos'khfodkl% ,d nk'kZfudfoe'kZ / 03-08-2018 / 56
GF / GEN / Naveen Chand / dq.Mfyuhtkxj.kizfØ;kdklS)kfUrdfo'ys"k.k ¼dk'ehj&'kSon'kZu ds vkyksd esa½ / 03-08-2018 / 58
GF / GEN / NehaSrivastava / vFkoZosndkeuksoSKkfud ,oank'kZfudvuq'khyu / 03-08-2018 / 60
GF / GEN / NiveditaTembhare / Hkkjrh; n'kZuksaesavkuUn dh vo/kkj.kk ¼osnkUr n'kZu] ;ksxn'kZu] vjfoUn ds lexz ;ksxfoosdkUkUn ds O;kogkfjd ;ksx ds fo'ks"klanHkZ esa½ / 03-08-2018 / 62
GF / GEN / Pinky Yadav / f'koegkiqj.kdklaLd`frn'kZu / 03-08-2018 / 64
GF / GEN / PoojaShukla / Various Paradigms of Consciousness Studies / 03-08-2018 / 66
GF / GEN / Pramod Kumar Rai / mRrjHkkjresa larks dh lk/kukdkLo:i / 03-08-2018 / 67
GF / SC / RegulagaddaSheshagirirao / Contemporary Education Philosophy of John Dewey and Swami Vivekanand / 03-08-2018 / 72
GF / GEN / RekhaTripathi / jkek;.k esauSfrdewY;ksadknk'kZfudegRo / 03-08-2018 / 73
GF / GEN / Sanjay Kumar / rdZpfUnzdk ,oardZHkk"kkdkrqyukRed v/;;u / 03-08-2018 / 76
GF / GEN / Sanjay Kumar Tiwari / }Sr&v}Srlaokn ^^ijEijk** ds fodklesavkpk;Z 'kadjfeJdr ^^HksnjRueWdkvonkuA / 03-08-2018 / 77
GF / GEN / SantPrakashTiwari / Hkkjrh; lkSUn;Z'kkL= rFkkik'pkR;lkSUn;Z'kkL= ,d rqyukRedfoospu / 03-08-2018 / 78
GF / GEN / Santosh Kumar / tk¡ ikylk=Z ,oats- d`".kewfrZ ds n'kZuesaekuo Lora=rkdkrqyukRed v/;;u / 03-08-2018 / 79
GF / GEN / SarmilaSutar / "Thinking like a Planet" : A Behavioural Study in Enviornment Decision Making / 03-08-2018 / 80
GF / GEN / Satish Kumar Tiwari / Hkkjrh; jk"Vªokn dh vo/kkj.kkdknk'kZfudfo'ys"k.k / 03-08-2018 / 82
GF / GEN / ShyamBihari / egkefrizk.kukFkesa /keZ&n'kZu dh orZekuesaizklafxdrk / 03-08-2018 / 86
GF / GEN / Sonal Singh / vfHkle;kyadkjesaiz;DrckS) in&inkFkksZa dh vuqlwph ,oadks'kfuekZ.k / 03-08-2018 / 88
GF / GEN / SudhanshuShekhar / Mka- vacsMdjdkjk"Vªokn% ,d leh{kkRed v/;;u / 03-08-2018 / 90
GF / GEN / Sudhir Kumar Singh / ,dkRedekuookn% nk'kZfudfo'ys"k.k / 03-08-2018 / 91
GF / GEN / Sunil Kumar / fl)fl)kUri)frdknk'kZfud v/;;u / 03-08-2018 / 92
GF / SC / Sunil Kumar Rawat / tSuijEijkesaikfjfLFkfrdhlanHkZ% ,d nk'kZfudfoospu / 03-08-2018 / 93
GF / SC / Sushil Kumar / gB;ksx ^?ksjs.M&lafgrk* ds fo'ks"klanHkZesa / 03-08-2018 / 94
GF / GEN / Vijay Kumar Gupta / oSjkX;okn% ,d leh{kkRedewY;kadu / 03-08-2018 / 97
GF / GEN / Yogesh Kumar Tripathi / U;k;n'kZu dh yksdksi;ksfxrk / 03-08-2018 / 100
GF / GEN / Sujeet Kumar Pandey / dk'ehjf'kok};oknlEeregklRrkfoe'kZ / 03-08-2018 / 101

-End of the List -