Interview Schedule for the ICPR General Fellowships
for the Batch 2018-19
The following applicants are recommended to the interview for ICPR General Fellowships (GF) – for the Batch 2018-19.
Date of Interview:
For SL. No. 1 to 28 on 2nd August 2018 (Timing: 09.00 AM to 07.00 PM)
For SL. No. 29 to 56 on 3rd August 2018(Timing: 09.00 AM to 07.00 PM)
Venue of Interview:
Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR),
36, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
(Near Batra Hospital, SangamVihar),
MehrauliBadarpur Road,
New Delhi – 110 062
Please bring the following documents while coming to attend the interview.
- The hard/printed copy of the application (which was filled up online/sent to the Council) being signed by the candidate and authorities, like, Supervisor, HOD and Registrar/Director, with seal.
- All the academic certificates, official proofs and other certificates, in original, for verifications.
- One set of photocopy of the same academic certificates signed by the candidate with date.
- 5 copies of synopsis of the proposed research programme. Please make sure that change or modifications in title and or theme are not permissible after the interview.
- Identity card of College/University and Aadhar Card.
- Copy of Ph.D. registration certificate / memorandum / notice and fee receipt.
- Caste and physically challenged certificates, if applicable.
ScreenedList of the Applicants for ICPR General Fellowship 2018-19
S. L. No. / Applied For / Category / Applicants' Full Name / Topic of Research / Date of Interview / Scrutiny NoGF / GEN / AbhinavAnand / Buddhist Ascetic Way of Life and Environmentalism: An Analysis from Theragatha and Therigatha / 02-08-2018 / 1
GF / GEN / Abhishek Kumar Tiwari / Buddhist notion of holistic well-being of human life: A Psycho-Philosophical analysis on the basis of Abhidhammatthasangho / 02-08-2018 / 3
GF / GEN / Ajai Kumar Mishra / JhjkekuUnkpk;Zd`roS".koerkCtkHkLdj% ,d nk'kZfudfoospu / 02-08-2018 / 5
GF / SC / AlkaChouhan / rylh ds dkO; xzaFkksaesaizfrQfyrlkekftdlejlrkdknk'kZfudvuq'khyu / 02-08-2018 / 6
GF / GEN / AlkaTyagi / Bhavana (Creative Contemplation) and Bhairava (Supreme Reality) in the VijnanabhairvaTantra in Kashmir Saiva Tradition / 02-08-2018 / 7
GF / GEN / AnamikaTripathi / vfHkuoxqIr dh ykspuVhdkij 'kSon'kZudkizHkko / 02-08-2018 / 10
GF / GEN / Anand Kumar Karn / enueksguekyoh; ,oaegkRekxk¡/khdklektn'kZu% ,d rqyukRed v/;;u / 02-08-2018 / 11
GF / GEN / Anita Chauhan / The Dhammapada: A Compendium of Ethico-Philosophical system of the Buddha / 02-08-2018 / 12
GF / GEN / AnuragPandey / ;ksxn'kZuesaof.kZr 'kjhj&fØ;k&foKku% ,d leh{kkRed v/;;u / 02-08-2018 / 13
GF / GEN / Ateequllah Dar / AurobindoIqbal's Concept of Superman, A Critical Study / 02-08-2018 / 17
GF / GEN / Avinash Mishra / ^'kadjiwoZ v}SrosnkUr o 'kadj v}SrosnkarrFkk 'kajksRrj v}SrosnkUr dh rdZ i)fr / 02-08-2018 / 19
GF / GEN / BabitaSrivastava / jk/kkd`".ku ds n'kZuesaekuorkokn% ,d fo'ys"k.k / 02-08-2018 / 20
GF / GEN / BarunNathTiwari / ikfjfLFkfrdhuSfrdlapsruk ,oaoSfnder / 02-08-2018 / 21
GF / GEN / Chandan Kumar Pandey / lkekftdlejlrk% xka/kh] vEcsMdj ,oaiafMrnhun;kymik/;k; / 02-08-2018 / 24
GF / SC / D.Reddeppa / Swami Vivekananda on Man and his environment and the relevance to the present world / 02-08-2018 / 27
GF / SC / Dr. Dhirendra Kumar Jalwani / ekuodklkekU; LokLF; ,oajkt;ksx% ledkyhuifjizs{; esank'kZfudfo'ys"k.k / 02-08-2018 / 29
GF / ST / DumaiVeino Jeremiah Amai / Moral Sentiments: Resentment and Forgiveness / 02-08-2018 / 31
GF / GEN / GeeteshNirban / Pilgrimage in Mahabharata: Reflection on Sacred and Salvific as Ethical and Environmental / 02-08-2018 / 33
GF / GEN / Ghanshyam Pal / cksf/kp;kZoprkjesaHkfDr dh vo/kkj.kkdkrqyukRedfoospu / 02-08-2018 / 34
GF / GEN / GudiyaYadav / ukxktqZudkjktuSfrdn'kZujRukoyh ds fo'ks"klUnHkZesa / 02-08-2018 / 36
GF / SC / Gurrala Lakshmi Prasad / The question of untouchbulity: A Philosophical Study of Gandhi and Ambedkar / 02-08-2018 / 37
GF / GEN / Jagdishwaranand / /keZ] v/;kRe ,oalekt ,d lkoZHkkSenk'kZfudvuq'khyu / 02-08-2018 / 38
GF / GEN / Jaikant Singh / t;izdk'kukjk;.k ds jktuSfrdn'kZudkHkkjrh; jktuhfrd o lkekftdifjn`'; ijizHkko / 02-08-2018 / 40
GF / SC / K Jayaramaiah / Educational and Religious Philosophy of Dr. SarveypalliRadhakrishnan / 02-08-2018 / 43
GF / GEN / K.Vengadachalam / An Ethical Exposition on Sri Aurobindo's Doctrine of Karma and Rebirth and Its Contemporary Relevance / 02-08-2018 / 44
GF / GEN / Karuna Sharma / mRrjk[k.MjkT; dklkekftd ,aouSfrdn'kZu&tkSulkjHkkcjoklhtutkfr;ksa ds fo'ks"klanHkZesa / 02-08-2018 / 46
GF / GEN / KshamaTiwari / ewY; dh vo/kkj.kk] orZekuewY; ladV ,oalek/kku% xhrk ds ^Lo/keZ* ds fo'ks"klanHkZesa* / 02-08-2018 / 47
GF / GEN / KuldeepPainuly / ^^"kM~n'kZuleqpp;** fo'ys"k.kkRed / 02-08-2018 / 48
GF / GEN / Mahesh Koul / Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga in the Light of Kashmir Shaivism / 03-08-2018 / 50
GF / GEN / MaiserHussainUntoo / Sufism and Bhakti movement: A Comparative Study / 03-08-2018 / 51
GF / GEN / ManishaSrivastava / dk'ehj 'kSon'kZuesarU= lk/kuk / 03-08-2018 / 53
GF / GEN / Mukesh Kumar Chourasia / ia- nhun;kymik/;k; dklekos'khfodkl% ,d nk'kZfudfoe'kZ / 03-08-2018 / 56
GF / GEN / Naveen Chand / dq.Mfyuhtkxj.kizfØ;kdklS)kfUrdfo'ys"k.k ¼dk'ehj&'kSon'kZu ds vkyksd esa½ / 03-08-2018 / 58
GF / GEN / NehaSrivastava / vFkoZosndkeuksoSKkfud ,oank'kZfudvuq'khyu / 03-08-2018 / 60
GF / GEN / NiveditaTembhare / Hkkjrh; n'kZuksaesavkuUn dh vo/kkj.kk ¼osnkUr n'kZu] ;ksxn'kZu] vjfoUn ds lexz ;ksxfoosdkUkUn ds O;kogkfjd ;ksx ds fo'ks"klanHkZ esa½ / 03-08-2018 / 62
GF / GEN / Pinky Yadav / f'koegkiqj.kdklaLd`frn'kZu / 03-08-2018 / 64
GF / GEN / PoojaShukla / Various Paradigms of Consciousness Studies / 03-08-2018 / 66
GF / GEN / Pramod Kumar Rai / mRrjHkkjresa larks dh lk/kukdkLo:i / 03-08-2018 / 67
GF / SC / RegulagaddaSheshagirirao / Contemporary Education Philosophy of John Dewey and Swami Vivekanand / 03-08-2018 / 72
GF / GEN / RekhaTripathi / jkek;.k esauSfrdewY;ksadknk'kZfudegRo / 03-08-2018 / 73
GF / GEN / Sanjay Kumar / rdZpfUnzdk ,oardZHkk"kkdkrqyukRed v/;;u / 03-08-2018 / 76
GF / GEN / Sanjay Kumar Tiwari / }Sr&v}Srlaokn ^^ijEijk** ds fodklesavkpk;Z 'kadjfeJdr ^^HksnjRueWdkvonkuA / 03-08-2018 / 77
GF / GEN / SantPrakashTiwari / Hkkjrh; lkSUn;Z'kkL= rFkkik'pkR;lkSUn;Z'kkL= ,d rqyukRedfoospu / 03-08-2018 / 78
GF / GEN / Santosh Kumar / tk¡ ikylk=Z ,oats- d`".kewfrZ ds n'kZuesaekuo Lora=rkdkrqyukRed v/;;u / 03-08-2018 / 79
GF / GEN / SarmilaSutar / "Thinking like a Planet" : A Behavioural Study in Enviornment Decision Making / 03-08-2018 / 80
GF / GEN / Satish Kumar Tiwari / Hkkjrh; jk"Vªokn dh vo/kkj.kkdknk'kZfudfo'ys"k.k / 03-08-2018 / 82
GF / GEN / ShyamBihari / egkefrizk.kukFkesa /keZ&n'kZu dh orZekuesaizklafxdrk / 03-08-2018 / 86
GF / GEN / Sonal Singh / vfHkle;kyadkjesaiz;DrckS) in&inkFkksZa dh vuqlwph ,oadks'kfuekZ.k / 03-08-2018 / 88
GF / GEN / SudhanshuShekhar / Mka- vacsMdjdkjk"Vªokn% ,d leh{kkRed v/;;u / 03-08-2018 / 90
GF / GEN / Sudhir Kumar Singh / ,dkRedekuookn% nk'kZfudfo'ys"k.k / 03-08-2018 / 91
GF / GEN / Sunil Kumar / fl)fl)kUri)frdknk'kZfud v/;;u / 03-08-2018 / 92
GF / SC / Sunil Kumar Rawat / tSuijEijkesaikfjfLFkfrdhlanHkZ% ,d nk'kZfudfoospu / 03-08-2018 / 93
GF / SC / Sushil Kumar / gB;ksx ^?ksjs.M&lafgrk* ds fo'ks"klanHkZesa / 03-08-2018 / 94
GF / GEN / Vijay Kumar Gupta / oSjkX;okn% ,d leh{kkRedewY;kadu / 03-08-2018 / 97
GF / GEN / Yogesh Kumar Tripathi / U;k;n'kZu dh yksdksi;ksfxrk / 03-08-2018 / 100
GF / GEN / Sujeet Kumar Pandey / dk'ehjf'kok};oknlEeregklRrkfoe'kZ / 03-08-2018 / 101
-End of the List -