

Please read the following carefully before completing the form overleaf:

Your circumstances will only be considered for deferral:
  • When they are outside of your control
  • When you provide supporting documentary evidence (please see below)
  • If your circumstances are exceptional
  • When you have met the attendance requirements of the module. (Deferrals may be overridden by an X grade)
  • When self deferral is not allowed or is no longer available
  • Within 2 years of the first assessment opportunity for this module registration
The University may:
  • Decide to allow deferral only until the next available opportunity
/ Extenuating circumstances will only be considered:
  • When they are outside of your control
  • When you provide supporting documentary evidence (please see below)
  • If you cannot automatically progress to the next stage of your programme
  • If your final award classification is on a borderline or your profiles indicate two different classifications.
The Assessment Board may:
  • Consider the higher classification of degree if your final profile of grades shows two different classifications or a borderline
  • Allow assessment where your attendance has been below the required minimum
  • Compensate a reassessment grade of 17 or 18 (but not projects or dissertations)
  • Allow you to remain in full time or thick sandwich mode with a credit deficit

Examples of supporting evidence required:

  • Illness or injury - an original medical certificate must be provided and be signed, dated and stamped by an approved Doctor/Surgery/Hospital. It must state what you are suffering from, the period of time affected and how it may affect your academic performance
  • Death of a relative or friend - a copy of the death certificate is normally required
  • Burglary or theft – a Police crime report or case reference number is required
  • Public transport delay of over 1 hour – a letter from the Operating Company is required
  • Private transport problem – will only be considered if acceptable authoritative evidence is supplied

International students who defer must be able to provide a satisfactory reason to the Home Office to remain in the UK as a student. If there is a valid reason this must be explained in writing when submitting a visa application. Please contact the Student Visa Compliance Team for information and advice. Email:

Any full time student in private rented accommodation who has completed the taught element of their studies and defers exams, coursework or dissertations will be liable to pay council tax.



Student ID Number
Student Surname / Student First Name
Programme Title / Period of time affected (dates) / From / To
Module affected (code) / Which type of assessment are you deferring: example, coursework/exam / What was the original date your assessment was due / Module Tutor

Please indicate if you are requesting an assessment deferral or have extenuating circumstances:

Assessment deferral request: Please tick here if you are prevented from taking exams or will miss deadlines and wish to be considered for deferral of assessment. IMPORTANT: Shortage of credit points may prevent you from continuing further tuition. Further information can be found at
Extenuating circumstances: Please tick here if you are attempting assessments but have extenuating circumstances which are affecting your academic performance. IMPORTANT: Extenuating circumstances are only considered when determining the progression or the final classification of borderline candidates. They are not used to change the grade in a module. Further information can be found at

Please summarise the circumstances affecting your ability in the boxes below:

A brief note of these circumstances will be put on your computer record by the University and will be available for the Assessment Boards to consider. If the matter is very confidential, you are welcome to go to the UniHelp Desk to see a specialist or you can make an appointment via UniHelp.

Circumstances (If you are requesting a deferral the decision will be based on the information given here and your supporting evidence).
Attach securely if continued on a separate page.
Effect on you
If you are deferring please indicate whether you would like your extenuating circumstances presented to an assessment board (please tick) / Yes / No

Your declaration:

  • I have read and understood all of the information on this form
  • I have securely attached documentary evidence supporting my case
  • I declare the information above and supporting evidence attached is true and accurate
  • It is my responsibility to find out if a deferral has been granted (where applicable)
  • I am aware that an agreed deferral may be overridden by an X grade due to non attendance (where applicable)

Signature / Date
Telephone number in case of query / Submit this form to the UniHelp desk before the deferrals deadline