Body of NominationASDBoK Form
Knowledge Sheet Revision: B
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Skill/Knowledge Title: Quality Function Deployment(QFD)
Nominating BoK Team:
BoK Board ProgramMgt Design Purchasing Production Maintenance
Skill/Knowledge is applicable to which segment of the BoK
Program Mgt Design Purchasing Production Maintenance
Division Category:
Aerospace Non-Aerospace Defense
Associate Knowledge Level:
Skill/Knowledge Objective: (Clearly state what the expected capability should be)
Awareness of QFD method/tool. Able to understand the House of Quality model.
Skill/Knowledge Content: (Clearly state the knowledge content)
General understanding of QFD intent and structure.
Map the skill/knowledge on the matrix:
Checking a high level of knowledge capability measure implies that all lower level measures are know (i.e. if analyze is checked apply/understand/remember are also necessary)
Practitioner Knowledge Level:
Skill/Knowledge Objective: (Clearly state what the expected capability should be)
Ability to use the QFD method/tool in small-medium sized projects, and apply results.
Skill/Knowledge Content: (Clearly state the knowledge content)
Full understanding of QFD intent and structure, application of it, inputs to it, and who to involve when completing the model.
Map the skill/knowledge on the matrix:
Senior Knowledge Level:
Skill/Knowledge Objective: (Clearly state what the expected capability should be)
Ability to use the QFD method/tool in complex projects, apply results, and determine effectiveness.
Skill/Knowledge Content: (Clearly state the knowledge content)
Detailed understanding of QFD intent, structure, and reasoning. Able to lead the application of it, identify and explain the inputs to it, and interpretation of it. Considered an expert at applying the model.
Map the skill/knowledge on the matrix:
Master Knowledge Level
Skill/Knowledge Objective: (Clearly state what the expected capability should be)
Significant and mastered ability to apply QFD in non-routine and complex projects, apply results, and determine effectiveness.
Skill/Knowledge Content: (Clearly state the knowledge content)
Mastery of the tool and has complete understanding of QFD intent, structure, and reasoning. Able to lead the application of it irregardless of project/product, apply modifications if needed, identify and explain the inputs to it, and interpretation of it. Understands interrelationships between QFD and other quality tools. Considered the local expert for QFD.
Map the skill/knowledge on the matrix:
Is there a Certification Program for this Skill? (N/A or List Cert & Certifying Body)
Review/Approved by:
BoK Board Nominating Team Leader
Remember: At this level the individual has an awareness of the subject matter, but that awareness is relatively shallow. The retrieval of this knowledge is form long-term memory. They recognize and recall the terms and can repeat what they have read or heard but have no real ability to apply it to a process. Usually the result of communication sessions, briefings, awareness training, or everyday language and has little applied use other that awareness.
Understand: The person understand the subject matter but may not be ready to apply the knowledge to a task. They can understand or grasp the meaning of what is being communicated and make use of the idea. Knowledge may come from reading, short raining sessions, or observation.
Apply: The individual has the ability to use ideas, principles, and theories in particular and concrete situation. They are applying what they know to practice, but at a basic level, and are dependent upon procedure to guide them through the process. People who possess this level of knowledge can be peer trainers in executing the defined process. This knowledge is the result of training and some supervised interaction in application of the knowledge
Analyze: the test for this level is communication. The individual is required to understand the subject matter to the extent that they can engage in discussion of the various elements. The person has sufficient knowledge to break down a communication into constituent parts to make the organization of the idea clear. The knowledge comes after the individual has been formally trained on the job and has interacted with the application of the knowledge for some time so that they understand how and why the process works
Evaluate: This level requires the person to be able to put together parts and elements into a unified organization or while and make judgments based on criteria and standards. They have a true understanding of the subject matter and can effectively make sense of the complexity of the applications for the knowledge. To be judged to have capability at this level, people will need to perform all the abilities of the previous levels and be able to organize their understanding around the issues the knowledge is intended for. Those with this level of understanding have the ability to check and critique the work of others as well as to judge which method is best when more than one option is available.
Create: At the highest end of the scale, one expects mastery of a subject. The individual should have the ability to judge the value of ideas, procedures, and methods using the criteria for evaluation inherent in the knowledge of the subject. They have a clear understanding of what good looks like and can easily engage learning and application of the knowledge. A characteristic of this level is the ability to understand the concept to sufficient depth to select alternate methods, change existing processes in the application of the concept, or create something completely new. At this level, people should be able to speak on behalf of the knowledge to others so as to generate activities for new knowledge creation. This level of knowledge capability is never a result of attending formal training sessions. It is obtained only through extensive hands-on application of the knowledge.
Factual Knowledge: The basic elements organizational members must know to be acquainted with a disciple or to solve problems in it. i.e. Knowledge of terminology, knowledge of specific details and elements.
Conceptual Knowledge: The interrelationships among the basic elements within a larger structure that enable them to function together. i.e. Knowledge of classifications and categories, knowledge of principles and generalizations, knowledge of theories, models, and structures.
Procedural Knowledge: How to do something, methods of inquiry, and criteria for using skills, algorithms, techniques, and methods. i.e. Knowledge of subject specific skills and algorithms, knowledge of subject specific techniques and methods, knowledge of criteria for determining when to use appropriate procedures.