“Come to Me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I shall give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble in heart, and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light”. Matthew 11:28-30
“For this is the love for Elohim, that we guard His commands, and His commands are not heavy, because everyone having been born of Elohim overcomes the world.” I John 5:2-3
“Beware of the barrenness of a busy life”, said Corrie Ten Boom. After Corrie was released from the concentration camp in Germany, during the Second World War, her life was very busy until her death. Yet, everything she said and did was to show the world that the love of the Father is greater than the hate of the Nazi’s, or anyone else filled with hate and violence. She died in her 80’s with rewards in heaven, for she faithfully tramped the world with the good news of the love of Yahushua (Jesus). Her life was busy, full, rewarding, and blessed. The Father planned her daily schedule!
She heard and obeyed, heard and obeyed, going all over the world, at His direction. She was busy, but not worn out and burdened by her own human effort to make things happen. The Word tells us that anti-messiah will wear out the set-apart ones. Most people are busy, but not fulfilled, running around like a rat on a wheel, trying to fulfill false responsibility that man has put on them. They are worn out with doing, doing, doing.
I had an international corporation for years—I was founder, President, and main missionary. I was a mover and a shaker. I got things done for the kingdom of God. Souls were won, people were taught, healed, delivered from demons, and strengthened in the faith. I was a go-getter everywhere I went. I networked with people all over the world. I knew how to plan and execute those plans. I loved my busy life, because in was I felt fulfilled and satisfied that I was doing something for God—something for the kingdom. I had many friends.
I have raised 4 children, and worked different types of secular jobs—including school teaching. All the while I was working in the ministry. I directed church choirs, taught Sunday School, taught classes on end-time prophecy, ministered in street ministry to the lost, ministered in jails, prisons, hospitals, rescue missions, going also to the Navajo Indians and to Mexico. Then when the kids were grown up and married, I was free to do ministry full-time, and I did it with vigor. It was my identity and my life. It fulfilled all my needs of being loved and needed, and kept me getting up happy each morning. I made trips to Africa, China, Mongolia, Russia, Europe, Mexico, within the United States and other places to preach and teach, and then I’d come back to my apartment and write newsletters about my adventures. I’d speak in churches about my work. It was an exciting life. I kept the momentum going and the Father always blessed me. I had miracles happening, and whatever I put my hand to prospered. Yet, He had a better
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plan for me, and He has a better plan for you, too.
At the end of 1998 He called me to move to the country of Jordan, which I did in April of 1999. I gave most of my possessions away, put most of the rest in a storage barn, and packed up and left with 3 suitcases full of mostly clothes and shoes. There, for the first 2 years, I spent days, and weeks and months staring at the ceiling and crying. No longer was I able to do what I did before. From 1999 and afterwards, I went to Russia and back to Africa several times, to Greece and Patmos (Greek Island where John received the Revelation), to Turkey, to Israel several times, to Europe and back to the U.S. with all sorts of ministry opportunities, still networking, and writing articles. That kept me occupied for a while. But my thirst to stay busy was a big thirst. It was a driving force in my life that He worked methodically to calm down, and to yoke me with Himself--His light and easy yoke. I
fought His calming down methods, complained heavily and moaned and groaned, cried and got mad.
Some disgruntled Israelite 4,000 years ago on his way to the “promised land”, coming across where my apartment now stands, must have left his personality behind for me to pick up.
Back in my apartment in Jordan, nothing was satisfying me anymore. I was dying of loneliness. I am a people-person, though I must have my time in the Most Set-Apart place with Him daily.
I was doing what He told me to do by just being in Edom, and that gave me peace. But, the busyness itself was not fulfilling anymore. I had no more pride in who I was—an ordained minister, the President of my own corporation. I dissolved the corporation at His request, at the end of 2000. I felt totally alone and a no-body.
I realized that my identity was in what I did, and what I had going for me. My identity was in Word Fellowship, because I really did not know the Father and Messiah that I was supposedly serving. I find that most believers in Messiah Yahushua (whether He is called Jesus, Yeshua or Yahshua) really do not know Him on an intimate personal basis. There is a principle in John 6:44-45 that we will talk more about later, but Yahushua said: “No one is able to come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him. And I shall raise him up in the last day. It has been written in the prophets, `And they shall all be taught by Yahuweh’. Everyone, then, who has heard from the Father, and learned, comes to Me”.
John 5:46 and 47 is even more amazing: “For if you believed Moses, you would have believed Me, since he wrote about Me. But, if you do not believe his writings, how shall you believe My words?”
Salvation came to the Torah-observant who obeyed the Torah (Instructions and Teachings of the Kingdom of Yahuweh, the Father). By observing the Torah, they learned about Yahushua.
But, in the man-created religious system of Christianity (325CE onward) we are not taught how to know the Father. Greco/Roman political and religious leaders hated Yahuweh and His Torah, so they sought to divide mankind away from what was of Yahuweh, by introducing a Greco/Roman savior, complete with his own Roman Catholic Church. They kept from us the knowledge of the loving, kind, gracious, merciful, sweet, gentle and precious Father Yahuweh. He was deemed to be some angry God of the Jews. For this, the Church from its inception has worked diligently from 325CE to June
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(today) of 2005CE to get rid of not only Jews who kept Torah, but of Torah-observant, Bible-believing lovers of Messiah Yahushua. Thus this “Church” has murdered more people in its 1700 years of existence than have died in all the wars that have ever been fought.
We are taught that everyone who comes to the Son is restored to the Father. And yes, II Corinthians 5:17-21 has the message: “Be reconciled to Elohim”. But, Elohim is not clearly defined as a Person. From its inception, Christianity, created by the Greeks and Romans, distorted our understanding of the Father, relegating Him to an “Old Testament”. According to Gnostic Christian belief of the Greeks, Lucifer was the illumined, shining god, who offered Eve illumination. Yahuweh was the evil one who kept illumination from Eve, and her “son” Adam. Thus, today, getting rid of Yahuweh and His tree of life, the Torah, is paramount to everything that the world system does daily. (Psalm 2)
Supposedly, Greece and Rome said, that the new religion of Gnostic Greek Christianity replaced the teachings of the “God of the Jews”, therefore it was unacceptable to follow the Instructions and Teachings of Yahuweh—Torah (Hebrew). Yet, even in Greek, the Torah is called “nomos”—teachings.
The Roman Church enforced this concept of dividing between the Father and the Son from 325CE, and it is still the foundational teaching of the church in general. Except for mental images we get from reading the New Testament, looking at pictures on Sunday School walls or paintings in museums, most really don’t know the Son either. People may think they “know God”, but if we can’t even call Him by His right Hebrew Name, or guard His eternal instructions of His Kingdom because of our Greco/Roman teaching, then how can we know Him intimately as a Person? -- We can’t! He is not some vague “God” or “Lord”, but is a real Person who is so filled with love that we cannot possibly imagine the depths. Yet, He is a consuming fire, pure light, and because of that, He cannot stand sin in His presence. He only dwells with those who are pure of heart, and obey Him.
John 14:13, 21-24; 15:10, 14: “If you love Me, you shall guard My commands. He who possesses My commands and guards them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I shall love him and manifest Myself to him. If anyone loves Me, he shall guard My Word.
And My Father shall love him, and We shall come to him and make Our stay with him. He who does not love Me does not guard My Words. And the Word, which you hear is not Mine but of the Father who sent Me. If you guard My commands, you shall stay in My love, even as I have guarded My Father’s commands and stay in His love. You are My friends IF you do whatsoever I command you”.
Redundant? – Yes! What’s His point? To the Hebrew mind, if you believe something you practice it—obey it. You can’t just believe something in your head and not follow through. That is Greek and Roman philosophical thinking. What are the commands that He gave us from the Father? --The terms of the marriage covenant cut with His people. Deuteronomy 4:13: “And He made known unto them His Covenant, which He commanded you to do, the Ten Words, and He wrote them on two tablets of stone”.
(“The Ten Commandments”) Take the first four commandments: Christianity teaches the breaking of all four.
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They have a concept of who He is, and know a few Bible verses, but they really do not
have a Bridal/Bridegroom relationship with Him. That is why in Matthew 7, when He tells the lawless ones “I never knew you”, the word for “knew” there is an intimate word used for a relationship of a husband and wife. He tells the foolish virgins the same thing (Matthew 25:12).
I began the long process of getting rid of my own agenda, my own ambitions, my own selfish desires, and to learn to live one day at a time, just letting Him guide my steps. What peace—what contentment, to just let Him do all the arranging, all the planning. All I had to do was do what He asked me to do at the moment.
Father would leave me alone, just Him and me, for weeks at times—6 weeks one time. I got to know Him, and after a while, I got content with just being with Him. He taught me His Torah. He showed me what was now happening from the Prophets. It was the start of a new mentality, a new security, and a new joy. I now am gaining weight because my metabolism has slowed down considerably. I am a laid-back Middle Easterner. I am content to just spend days alone with my Father, in His presence, just soaking up His presence and listening to what He tells me. I am not lonely anymore—I am fulfilled, just knowing that I am in His will. I’ve learned to be totally dependant on Him, trust Him totally, walk on the water with Him, hear His voice and obey. It is a miraculous lifestyle. I have so many divine appointments of His making that it is mind-boggling. I don’t plan my own agenda anymore--I let Him do that. I am constantly surprised with good things. His networking is so incredible that it would be impossible for any human to duplicate it. He has brought people across my path, and re-established old relationships that I could never have imagined possible. What a way to live!!! Depending on man, or on my own abilities to move and shake is a total boring thought now. I wake up each day, ready to hear Father give me my marching orders.
For the first time in my life, I know what it means to be “led by the Ruach ha Kodesh” (Holy Spirit). How can we be led by the Ruach if we are doing the leading? Man’s ways are so boring compared to following the Lamb. It is said of the end-time remnant that they “follow the Lamb wherever He goes”. Have you ever tried to follow a lamb?
We must never ever base our decisions on our own personal security or comfort, because He doesn’t think like that—and neither should we. Remember that according to the Word, death for His sake is a blessing. So, we must daily die to our own will, and be used to death of the soul’s demands, the sin nature’s demands, so that if our body is threatened, we won’t panic and deny our faith. We must “fear Him” more than we fear the loss of our lives and possessions. What we fear losing is our God—either the Creator, or our self-life. Yahushua said, “Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul. But, rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell”. Also, in that chapter, we are told that if we love anything or anyone more than Yahushua, we are not worthy of Him. He says that whosoever tries to protect his life will lose it, but he who loses his life for His sake will save it.
He also says in Matthew 10:22: “And you shall be hated by all men for My Name’s sake. But he who endures to the end shall be saved”. He said that came in His Father’s Name, so the only Name He knew and was called was Yahushua. Those who guard and keep His commands and love Him call Him by His right name.
In Matthew 13, Yahushua, our Savior, spoke to the multitudes in parables, ending his speaking with: “He who has ears to hear, let him hear”. We can’t hear if we’re too busy
with our own agenda!!! How can we know Him if we’re so busy trying to do our
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responsibilities to family and church that we don’t spend time with Him? His disciples