Organisations & People: Index
Issues 1.1 to 1.4 (1994)
Abraham Maslow and self-actualisation. Brown, Reva Berman. 1.1
Against team building. Cunningham, Ian. 1.1
'All the world's a stage.' - acting techniques in communication skills. Haigh, Jonathan. 1.2
Business leadership - results of an MCE survey. Mce. 1.3
Cathie Storrie, Network Manager, TVEI Project. Kemp, Barry. 1.1
Chief executive styles for the 1990s. Coldicott, Tim. 1.2
Collaborative development centres and the management of change. Forster, Annette & Iles, Paul.
Dealing with obstacles to career development. Radcliffe, Rodney. 1.2
Developing while delivering. Fletcher, Barry. 1.2
Development centres for the 90s - 3rd generation design. Goodge, Peter. 1.3
Development through assessment centres. Jackson, R.P. 1.3
Elliot Jacques: a visionary theorist. Dyer-Smith, Martin. 1.2
Empowerment - lessons from Northern Telecom. Rooke, David & Jones, Michael. 1.3
Establishing a learning regime. Honey, Peter. 1.1
Home on the range: career development on the managerial plateau. Pemberton, Carole &
Herriot, Peter. 1.1
'It takes two to tango' - collaborative working amongst developers. Hall, Ian. 1.1
Learning at McVitie's. Gibbs, Bob & Humble, Brian. 1.2
Learning to learn in Lewisham. Jackson, Stella. 1.4
Lighting fires or filling buckets ?. Large, Martin. 1.4
Liz Cross, Training & staff services manager. Whitaker, Vivien. 1.2
Looking at change management from the inside. Acker, Bill. 1.2
Maggie Stubbs, Primary Care Manager. Whitaker, Vivien. 1.1
Mapping the learning landscape. Benson, Roger. 1.4
Mentoring is for personal growth. Freeman, Clare. 1.4
Metalingua - a new language of management. Lupton, Tom. 1.4
One MD's vision of a learning company. Cumber, Bob. 1.1
Open Space technology - an innovative way to manage meetings. Leith, Martin. 1.1
Performance development in Nepal. Lustig, Tricia. 1.2
Preparing your voice and body. Mars, Alan. 1.4
Robert Fritz and organisational structure. Taylor, Carole. 1.4
Roy Williams, Chairperson of AMED & BP's Head of Group Learning. Guptara, Prabhu. 1.4
Seeds of success. Davies, Gary & Leigh, Andrew. 1.4
Strategic human resource development: the Robert Bosch approach. Banfield, Paul. 1.1
Towards a characterisation of British management'. Lawrence, Peter. 1.3
Welcome to O & P. Sadler, Philip. 1.1
Welcome to O & P. Seear, Baroness. 1.1
What's systemic thinking got to do with anything?. Mckergow, Mark. 1.1
Which lever do I pull now? The role of emergent planning. Jones, Peter. 1.1
Widening your support network - who supports the supporter ?. Fletcher, Barry. 1.3
Acker, Bill. Looking at change management from the inside. 1.2
Banfield, Paul. Strategic human resource development: the Robert Bosch approach. 1.1
Benson, Roger. Mapping the learning landscape. 1.4
Brown, Reva Berman. Abraham Maslow and self-actualisation. 1.1
Coldicott, Tim. Chief executive styles for the 1990s. 1.2
Cumber, Bob. One MD's vision of a learning company. 1.1
Cunningham, Ian. Against team building. 1.1
Davies, Gary & Leigh, Andrew. Seeds of success. 1.4
Dyer-Smith, Martin. Elliot Jacques: a visionary theorist. 1.2
Fletcher, Barry. Developing while delivering. 1.2
Fletcher, Barry. Widening your support network - who supports the supporter ?. 1.3
Forster, Annette & Iles, Paul. Collaborative development centres and the management of change.
Freeman, Clare. Mentoring is for personal growth. 1.4
Gibbs, Bob & Humble, Brian. Learning at McVitie's. 1.2
Goodge, Peter. Development centres for the 90s - 3rd generation design. 1.3
Guptara, Prabhu. Roy Williams, Chairperson of AMED & BP's Head of Group Learning. 1.4
Haigh, Jonathan. 'All the world's a stage.' - acting techniques in communication skills. 1.2
Hall, Ian. 'It takes two to tango' - collaborative working amongst developers. 1.1
Honey, Peter. Establishing a learning regime. 1.1
Jackson, R.P. Development through assessment centres. 1.3
Jackson, Stella. Learning to learn in Lewisham. 1.4
Jones, Peter. Which lever do I pull now? The role of emergent planning. 1.1
Kemp, Barry. Cathie Storrie, Network Manager, TVEI Project. 1.1
Large, Martin. Lighting fires or filling buckets ?. 1.4
Lawrence, Peter. Towards a characterisation of British management'. 1.3
Leith, Martin. Open Space technology - an innovative way to manage meetings. 1.1
Lupton, Tom. Metalingua - a new language of management. 1.4
Lustig, Tricia. Performance development in Nepal. 1.2
Mars, Alan. Preparing your voice and body. 1.4
Mce. Business leadership - results of an MCE survey. 1.3
Mckergow, Mark. What's systemic thinking got to do with anything?. 1.1
Pemberton, Carole & Herriot, Peter. Home on the range: career development on the managerial
plateau. 1.1
Radcliffe, Rodney. Dealing with obstacles to career development. 1.2
Rooke, David & Jones, Michael. Empowerment - lessons from Northern Telecom. 1.3
Sadler, Philip. Welcome to O & P. 1.1
Seear, Baroness. Welcome to O & P. 1.1
Taylor, Carole. Robert Fritz and organisational structure. 1.4
Whitaker, Vivien. Maggie Stubbs, Primary Care Manager. 1.1
Whitaker, Vivien. Liz Cross, Training & staff services manager. 1.2
Book Reviews
Bank, The Essence of total quality management. Macnamara, Tom. 1.4
Cane & Lowman, Putting redundancy behind you:life/career strategies. Temple, Paul. 1.1
Clements & Spinks, Equal opportunities guide. Cooper, Don. 1.4
Craig & Grant, Strategic management. Serle, David. 1.2
De Pree, Leadership is an art. Macnamara, Tom. 1.3
Hamilton, Mentoring: practical guide to the skills. Gibb, Stephen. 1.1
Handy, The empty raincoat:making sense of the future. Cooper, Don. 1.4
Ivancevich & others,Management-quality&competitiveness. Calvert, John. 1.4
Kay, Foundations of corporate success. Cooper, Don. 1.3
Mayo, Managing careers: strategies for organisations. Stannard, Dave. 1.2
McLoughlin, & Clark, Technological change at work. Cooper, Don. 1.3
Reay, Identifying training needs. Cooper, Don. 1.4
Report writing (video). Roberts, Alex. 1.2
Rothery, BS7750:Implemnt envrnmnt mgmt stndrd & EC ecomgmt. Temple, Paul. 1.1
Selecting the perfect team (video). Roberts, Alex. 1.2
Smithson, The Shape of the whole. Macnamara, Tom. 1.4
The floor is yours (video). Roberts, Alex. 1.2
The 'Perfect' series - 4 short reviews. Wilkins, Julian. 1.2
A plea for the disabled. Maynard, Alice. 1.1
Abraham Maslow and self-actualisation. Rann, Phillipa. 1.4
Admitting to mistakes. Garratt, Bob. 1.2
Against team-building. Colclough, Julia. 1.3
Elliott Jacques: a visionary theorist - 1. Saunders, Mike. 1.4
Elliott Jacques: a visionary theorist - 2. Pullen, Trevor. 1.4
Ethics and interventions. Sang, Bob. 1.2
Mergers and acquisitions. Lomas, John. 1.1
Reaching out to line managers. Blackmore, R.J.V. 1.1
Reply to Phillipa Rann's letter. Brown, Reva Berman. 1.4
The language of development. Mumford, Alan. 1.1
UK plc. Everard, Bertie. 1.1
What price development ?. Cumber, Bob. 1.3
Organisations & People
Issues 2.1 to 2.4 (1995)
A £million in a bag just for you: perfect freedom is perfect discipline. Hunting, Paul. 2.1
Belbin's team-role model: a silk purse from a sow's ear ?. Parkinson, Robert. 2.1
Danger, confusion, conflict & deficit: a framework for prioritising organisational interventions.
Clarkson, Petruska & Kellner, Kamil. 2.4
Deeper than the quick fix: what a performance !. Tate, William. 2.3
Design of self-managed learning: some choices & dilemmas. Easterby-Smith, Mark. 2.3
Emerging business education: programmes in China. Mockler, Robert, Et Al. 2.4
Encouraging learners to volunteer. Fletcher, Barry. 2.2
Helping people change roles. Lawrence, Derek & Yartlett, Peter. 2.1
How to be innovative without giving away the bank - Baring. Acker, Bill. 2.3
In search of a satisfactory sufficiency-origins of Simon's satisficing. Brown, Reva Berman. 2.2
Investing in people USA style. Churchill, Sue. 2.4
Management power for the millenium. Hunter, Ann. 2.4
Not in front of the children-'involvement' in managing change. Smith, Bart. 2.2
Open space technology revisited: an eastern perspective. Palmer, Eddie. 2.3
Organisation culture change in Mid Devon District Council. Simpson, Peter, Et Al. 2.3
Pain and gain of devolution and empowerment, The. Mayo, Andrew. 2.4
Personnel services in a new attire ?. Kramer, Charles. 2.1
Questions about mentoring - resp to Clare Freeman O&P 1 (4). Clutterbuck, David. 2.2
Reaction to first three issues. Marsden, Edmund. 2.1
Renewal agenda-sustainable development for organisations. Hutchinson, Colin. 2.2
response to Culture change & trainers O&P 1 (4). Brian, John. 2.2
Role of a professional body in management development - from exclusion to empowerment.
Baker, Alison. 2.2
Scania, Angers: an intercultural case. Brooks, Ian. 2.4
Taking M Scott Peck's community buiding into organisations. Sokolov, Ivan. 2.3
The 'Clyde' classification of consultants. Lickfold, Gordon & Hinton, Ian. 2.1
The 'Clydebank' collective of consultants. Cole, John. 2.2
The making of managers - a reflection. Hinton, Ian. 2.2
The Well-behaved business (David Murray interviewed). Macnamara, Tom. 2.3
Turning survivors into winners. Pay, Peter. 2.1
Understanding the link between personality & work behaviour. Duncanson, Alison. 2.2
View from the cave. Merlin. 2.1
View from the cave. Merlin. 2.3
View from the cave. Merlin. 2.4
What is action learning? Lustig, Patricia. 2.2
What's in a name? Hopwood, R.H.J. 2.1
Why am I here? Megginson, David. 2.1
Working with emotions in the change process: using drawings for team diagnosis. Vince, Russ.
Acker, Bill. How to be innovative without giving away the bank - Baring. 2.3
Baker, Alison. Role of a professional body in management development - from exclusion to
empowerment. 2.2
Brian, John. response to Culture change & trainers O&P 1 (4). 2.2
Brooks, Ian. Scania, Angers: an intercultural case. 2.4
Brown, Reva Berman. In search of a satisfactory sufficiency-origins of Simon's satisficing. 2.2
Churchill, Sue. Investing in people USA style. 2.4
Clarkson, Petruska & Kellner, Kamil. Danger, confusion, conflict & deficit: a framework for
prioritising organisational interventions. 2.4
Clutterbuck, David. Questions about mentoring - resp to Clare Freeman O&P 1 (4). 2.2
Cole, John. The 'Clydebank' collective of consultants. 2.2
Duncanson, Alison. Understanding the link between personality & work behaviour. 2.2
Easterby-Smith, Mark. Design of self-managed learning: some choices & dilemmas. 2.3
Fletcher, Barry. Encouraging learners to volunteer. 2.2
Guptara, Prabhu. Editorial. 2.1
Hinton, Ian. The making of managers - a reflection. 2.2
Hopwood, R.H.J. What's in a name ?. 2.1
Hunter, Ann. Management power for the millenium. 2.4
Hunting, Paul. A £million in a bag just for you: perfect freedom is perfect discipline. 2.1
Hutchinson, Colin. Renewal agenda-sustainable development for organisations. 2.2
Kramer, Charles. Personnel services in a new attire ?. 2.1
Lawrence, Derek & Yartlett, Peter. Helping people change roles. 2.1
Lickfold, Gordon & Hinton, Ian. The 'Clyde' classification of consultants. 2.1
Lustig, Patricia. What is action learning ?. 2.2
Macnamara, Tom. Editorial. 2.4
Macnamara, Tom. The Well-behaved business (David Murray interviewed). 2.3
Marsden, Edmund. Reaction to first three issues. 2.1
Mayo, Andrew. Pain and gain of devolution and empowerment, The. 2.4
Megginson, David. Why am I here ?. 2.1
Merlin. View from the cave. 2.1
Merlin. View from the cave. 2.3
Merlin. View from the cave. 2.4
Mockler, Robert, Et Al. Emerging business education: programmes in China. 2.4
Murray, David. Editorial. 2.2
Palmer, Eddie. Open space technology revisited: an eastern perspective. 2.3
Parkinson, Robert. Belbin's team-role model: a silk purse from a sow's ear ?. 2.1
Pay, Peter. Turning survivors into winners. 2.1
Simpson, Peter, Et Al. Organisation culture change in Mid Devon District Council. 2.3
Smith, Bart. Not in front of the children-'involvement' in managing change. 2.2
Sokolov, Ivan. Taking M Scott Peck's community buiding into organisations. 2.3
Tate, William. Deeper than the quick fix: what a performance !. 2.3
Vince, Russ. Working with emotions in the change process: using drawings for team diagnosis.
Weinstein, Krystyna. Editorial. 2.3
Book Reviews
Balle, Managing with systems thinking:making dynamics work for you. Cooper, Don. 2.1
Bank, Outdoor development for managers (2nd ed). Peckham, Mike. 2.1
Boot, Lawrence & Morris, Managing the unknown. Cooper, Don. 2.1
Boot, Lawrence & Morris, Managing the unknown. Garratt, Bob. 2.1
Cardy & Lamplugh, Training for personal safety at work. Dence, Roger. 2.3
Cunningham, Wisdom of strategic learning:self-manag learning solution. Reeves, Tom. 2.1
Downs, Learning at work: effective strategies for making things happen. Dence, Roger. 2.3
Hastings, The new organisation:growing the culture.. Dence, Roger. 2.2
Honey, Manual of self-assessment questionnaires. Macnamara, Tom. 2.2
J Brookes, Training & development competence:practical guide. Windy, Neil. 2.4
Making benchmarking work - conference. Stone, Kevin. 2.3
Maurik, Discovering the leader in you. Stannard, D. 2.2
Mayo & Lank, The power of learning -guide to competitive advantage. Cook, Peter. 2.4
Moxon, Building a better team: handbook for managers & facilitators. Macnamara, Tom. 2.2
P Sadler, Managing change. Minter, Anne. 2.4
Priesmeyer, Organisations&chaos:defining the methods of nonlinear mgt. Lloyd, Bruce. 2.2
Rowlands, Enquiring tutor. Peckham, Mike. 2.3
Waud, Employment law 1995. Oldfield, Chrissie. 2.3
Weinstein, Action learning: journey in discovery & development. Dence, Roger. 2.3
Alfa Romeos and development. Blackmore, Robin. 2.4
Developing towards sustainability. Emerson, Tony & Martin, Peter. 2.3
Looking back. Humaire, Brian. 2.4
Spells, potions and management techniques. Perren, Lew. 2.4
To our readers - invitation to write to soapbox. Mercury. 2.3
Working in the client's paradigm. Baines, Tony J. 2.3
Organisations & People
Issues 3.1 to 3.4 (1996)
A competent experience?. Hall, Dr Laura & Holman, David. 3.1
A conversation with Enid Mumford. Mcgill, Madeline. 3.2
An interfaith code for international. Webley, Simon. 3.2
Balancing good and bad effects. Mahoney, Jack. 3.2
Business simulations are not just for finance. Smith, P & Levenson, S. 3.3
Changing approaches to management: from coercion to co-determination. Jones, Trevor &
Gibbs, Bob. 3.1
Competitiveness and corporate social responsibility. Marsden, Chris. 3.2
Consulting from the psychoanalytic perspective. Atkins, Linklater, & Kellner. 3.3
Culture change at McVitie's (in 2 parts). Peckham, M & Roome, H. 3.3
Customised management: walk your own path. Ryan, Mark. 3.3
Development - on or off the rails?. Tate, William. 3.4
Extending knowledge in management development - case for self-managed learning(re Easterby-
Smith). Cunningham, Ian. 3.2
Factors to consider when formulating an acquisition strategy. Trim, Dr Peter. 3.4
Handling ethical dilemmas. Murray, David. 3.2
High performance teams: lessons from the cockpit. Bonney, John. 3.4
Joan Woodward - the foundation for contingency theory. Lethbridge, David. 3.1
Managing change equals personal change. Jones, Peter Lewis. 3.1
On becoming a learning community. Jones, Peter & Saunders, I.3.3
Preparing to handle dilemmas in the computing profession. Rogerson, Simon. 3.2
Reaching for what's right. Kidder, Rushworth M. 3.2
Real time management development. Nixon, Bruce. 3.4
Rejoinder to Ian Cunningham's critique. Easterby-Smith, Mark. 3.2
Responsibilities and rights at work. Jones, Peter & Bell, David. 3.2
Self development: the role of HR professionals in making IT work. Bal, Sukhwant. 3.1
Supporting transition. Grant, Pauline. 3.4
The coaching dilemma. Pay, Peter. 3.2
The Hermann brain dominance inventory and development goals. Estienne, Marion. 3.4
The rhythms of organisational life. Whitaker, Vivien. 3.1
Toward sustainability: transformation from within. Hutchinson, Colin. 3.2
What can be learned using action learning?. Bourner, Tom. 3.4
When men and women meet. Lieberman, Sue. 3.3
Atkins, Linklater, & Kellner. Consulting from the psychoanalytic perspective. 3.3
Bal, Sukhwant. Self development: the role of HR professionals in making IT work. 3.1
Bonney, John. High performance teams: lessons from the cockpit. 3.4
Bourner, Tom. What can be learned using action learning?. 3.4
Cunningham, Ian. Extending knowledge in management development - case for self-managed
learning(re Easterby-Smith). 3.2
Easterby-Smith, Mark. Rejoinder to Ian Cunningham's critique. 3.2
Estienne, Marion. The Hermann brain dominance inventory and development goals. 3.4
Grant, Pauline. Supporting transition. 3.4
Hall, Dr Laura & Holman, David. A competent experience?. 3.1
Hutchinson, Colin. Toward sustainability: transformation from within. 3.2
Jones, Peter & Bell, David. Responsibilities and rights at work. 3.2
Jones, Peter & Saunders, I. On becoming a learning community. 3.3
Jones, Peter Lewis. Managing change equals personal change. 3.1
Jones, Trevor & Gibbs, Bob. Changing approaches to management: from coercion to codetermination.
Kidder, Rushworth M. Reaching for what's right. 3.2
Lethbridge, David. Joan Woodward - the foundation for contingency theory. 3.1
Lieberman, Sue. When men and women meet. 3.3
Mahoney, Jack. Balancing good and bad effects. 3.2
Marsden, Chris. Competitiveness and corporate social responsibility. 3.2
Mcgill, Madeline. A conversation with Enid Mumford. 3.2
Murray, David. Handling ethical dilemmas. 3.2
Nixon, Bruce. Real time management development. 3.4
Pay, Peter. The coaching dilemma. 3.2
Peckham, M & Roome, H. Culture change at McVitie's (in 2 parts). 3.3
Rogerson, Simon. Preparing to handle dilemmas in the computing profession. 3.2
Ryan, Mark. Customised management: walk your own path. 3.3
Smith, P & Levenson, S. Business simulations are not just for finance. 3.3
Tate, William. Development - on or off the rails?. 3.4
Trim, Dr Peter. Factors to consider when formulating an acquisition strategy. 3.4
Webley, Simon. An interfaith code for international. 3.2
Whitaker, Vivien. The rhythms of organisational life. 3.1
Book Reviews
5 books on teams. Minter, Anne. 3.2
Acland, Resolving disputes without going to court - a consumer guide. Large, Martin. 3.1
Aubrey & Cohen, Working wisdom. Mumford, Alan. 3.3
Barnes,Christensen&Hanson (eds), Teaching and the case method. Mumford, Alan. 3.2
Birchall & Lyons, Creating tomorrow's organisation. Minter, Anne. 3.1
Blakstad & Cooper, The communicating organisation. Peckham, Mike. 3.2
Buckley & Caple, Theory & practice of training. Windy, Neil. 3.1
Chang,Creating high-impact training. Peckham, Mike. 3.1
Dale, Successful recruitment and selection: prac gd for managers. Hays, Gary. 3.3
Humayan Ansari & Jackson, Managing cultural diversity at work. Biswas-Benbow, Indira. 3.2
Itzin&Newman (eds), Gender,culture & organisation change. Harrison, Mark. 3.3
Knight, NLP at work-the difference that makes a difference in business. Cook, Peter. 3.1
Krouwel & Goodwill, Management development outdoors. Peckham, Mike. 3.1
McRae, The world in 2020: power, culture & prosperity. Dence, Roger. 3.1
Radford, Managing people in professional practices. Mumford, Alan. 3.2
Robinson, Snapshots from hell:the making of an MBA. Mumford, Alan. 3.1
Sadler, HRM - developing a strategic approach. Browell,Sue. 3.2
Salaman, Managing. Cooper, Don. 3.1
Taffinder, The new leaders. Hartle, How to re-engineer performance management. Marshall, Bob.
Taylor & O'Driscoll, Structured employment interviewing. O'Donovan-Rossa, Christina. 3.1
Teams - themed review covering 5 publications. Minter, Anne. 3.3
Tuson, Outdoor training for employee effectiveness. O'Donovan-Rossa,Christina. 3.1
ANET and AMED. Shepherd, David. 3.2