Erie Community College

Title III

English Composition Assignment

Interdisciplinary Course Materials


Course: EN023 Improving Reading and Writing

Topic: Informational Writing

Project Title: The Complicated Brain

Project Description: The brain is a complex organ in the body. The brain controls a person’s thoughts and behavior and may change throughout a person’s lifetime. If a brain does not function properly it can change how a person acts. This project will focus on choosing a brain disorder, researching it, and writing an essay and presenting it to the class.

Author: Anne Benedict (South Campus English Department)

Curriculum Expert: Rozanne Redlinski (South Campus Biology)

Semester Created: Fall 2008

A.  Essential Question: What behaviors are associated with brain disorders?

B.  Introduction: There are many different types of brain disorders. Using your brainstorming and research skills, you will be responsible for picking a disorder of the brain and reporting on the disorder and the behaviors that are associated with it.

C: Basic Directions: This project will consist of the following three basic steps. First of all, you will consider and discuss several different brain disorders. You will be encouraged to consider different behaviors in people and what disorder they may have that make them act the way they do. Next, you will choose and research a brain disorder and the behaviors associated with it. if you choose a brain disorder from a person that you have witnessed a specific behavior in, it may help you better understand the disorder and the behaviors associated with it. For example, you may want to consider choosing a fictional character from a movie (example “Rainman”--autism), a famous person that may have or have had some type of brain disorder (example- Michael J. Fox---Parkinson’s), or a person that you may have had direct contact with that has a disorder. Finally, you will be responsible for writing an informational research paper and presenting it to the class.

D: Things to Learn or Consider Starting This Project: It is essential that you have learned the library research skills necessary to complete this project. A familiarity with the Library Resource Center Home Page is required. Writing for the purpose to inform is considered a prerequisite along with knowledge of writing an MLA style research essay.

E. The Project Assignment: This assignment can be broken down into three main parts: Introduction, Research, and Essay.

Introduction: Becoming aware of brain disorders and the impact they have on peoples’ lives is important for us to live more empathetic lives. Some of the more common brain disorders are as follows: anxiety disorders, autism, dyslexia, bipolar disorders, brain injury, brain tumor, dementia, depression, epilepsy, migraines, panic disorder, Parkinson’s, schizophrenia, sleep disorders, and stroke. Discuss these and other possible brain disorders with your classmates. You and your classmates may want to “Google” or “ ” the term “brain disorders” or a similar term to help with understanding of some of these disorders.

Research: Choose a brain disorder and research it. Try to pick one that may have relevance to you or someone close to you. Chances are, the more you have vested into your choice of a particular brain disorder, the more effective your project will be. Utilize the Library Home Page and databases, along with the internet for your research. Essay/Presentation: You will write a 3-4 page research essay explaining the brain disorder and the behaviors that are associated with it and give a presentation to the class. Make sure you give enough evidence to support your thesis statement.

F.  Student Resources: Internet Access, Library Resource Center Home Page,, Purdue University Online writing lab (for specific questions on research, documentation, and your essay.)

G. Faculty Resources: Internet Access, Library Resource Center Home Page,, Purdue University Online writing lab

H. Grading Rubric:

Participation (includes conferences with teacher throughout project) 25 points

Essay 50 points

Presentation 25 points

Essay Rubric

/ Excellent / Adequate / Not Adequate /
Ideas (0-10)
Topic, thesis, purpose, audience / Ideas are thought provoking, consistently supporting a strong thesis. There is a clear sense of purpose and audience. / Ideas are clear and support the thesis and overall purpose of the paper. / Ideas are unclear and demonstrate a lack of focus
Development (0-10)
Details, evidence, support / Many interesting details that provide relevant and adequate support / Development is sufficient, providing adequate support. / Development is insufficient, not providing enough evidence and support
Organization (0-10)
Structure, coherence, unity, transitions / Shows close connections with each section anticipating the next. Transitions enhance understanding / Enables the reader to follow most of the text. Some transitions between paragraphs and ideas may be abrupt. / Is lacking so the reader is often confused
Style and Mechanics (0-10)
Sentence structure, word choice, tone, grammar, spelling, punctuation / Correct conventions, used strategically, facilitate and add to the reading of the text. Sentences have power, rhythm, vary in length and style, are fluent, and easy to understand / Correct conventions facilitate the reading of the text. Sentences are fluent and easy to understand. / Errors affect the reading of the text.
Sentences are sometimes fluent and other times awkward, exhibiting errors in grammar and word choice.
Format (0-10)
Presentation, sources, MLA format / Format is accurate and all guidelines have been followed / Most of the format is correct and most of the guidelines have been followed / Format has many errors and guidelines are not met

Erie Community College

Title III Grant