The Spiritual – Magnetic School of the Universal Commune; present for the benefit of all of you, a leaflet where you will find in the way of simple questions and answers, the essence itself of the Spiritist Philosophy, with the purpose of having the highest number of persons drink from the fountain of live waters which these pages contain.

It is of great satisfaction from the Director to write this questionnaire form, to orientate all those persons who might be lucky enough to have it in their hands.

This booklet, let’s call it so for its appearance, has in an extracted form all the Philosophy which man must know in order to remain in the regenerated world.

Master – Director

Joaquin Trincado

Therefore, The Spiritual – Magnetic School of the Universal Commune and the “Jose Marti” Provincial classroom, accomplishing the mission, which has been given to it, brings out into the light this booklet as an active aid to make all of you conscientious.


The Spiritist School, daughter of the Truth in trying to accomplish its mission of diffusing the spiritist philosophy, angular stone, on which rests the regeneration of the spiritual family of this planet, is very proud to circulate this “Spiritist Rationalist Questionnaire”, originally edited by the School founded by the Philosopher Joaquin Trincado in Argentina, adapted to the needs and demands of the present times.

Enlightenment and truth Spiritism has been detracted by the usual created interests, which resists to the last minute to remove their pharisaical and prepotent attitudes, in order to have unity and fraternity which by the law of our world, Earth, should be already living.

This questionnaire, made up of eighty eight questions, contains a series of basic and necessary elementary information so those persons who read it, get a true idea of what the Spiritist Philosophy is, about Spiritist School and its goals, in order that “All who have ears, hear, and those who have eyes, see”, and consequently judge in accordance to the development of their own conscience.

The education of mankind has been distorted and deformed, following religious, social, political, casts, and scientific prejudice of the times. Upon beginning to read this questionnaire we invite you to free your mind of all types of prejudices. If you should do so, we do not doubt that the light and knowledge of your spirit will enlighten your soul and all the accomplishment of your life, demonstrated by “Faith in works” turning you into a regenerated person apt to live under the new regime of the Universal Commune which is nearing.

Master – Director

Joaquin Trincado

Q1- What’s the name of our School?

A - Spiritual – Magnetic School of the Universal Commune.

Q2- Who is its founder?

A-  Master Joaquin Trincado, who is the general director and Philosopher.

Q3- How do you prove that he is the Master Director?

A-  Because he has been solemnly designated by the Spiritual Council which directs

the School.

Q4- As a man is he different from us?

A-  No. Spiritism teaches that there is only one law, and one substance, therefore, as a man he is not different from others, as a Master we owe him love and respect.

Q5- Who represents the Spiritual Council before the School?

A-  Master Joaquin Trincado is the representative and is responsible for directing the School at this time. He is also helped and advised by all other Enlightenment Masters headed by Francisco Javier, Spirit of Truth for this plane.

Q6- What are the goals of the Spiritist School?

A-  First; to gather within its organization all the missionaries who are incarnated;

Secondly, to rescue all those apt spirits in this planet with the help of those brothers who will assist the School from the interplanetary crafts; and lastly to implant the Commune of Love and Law in this Earth planet after the cataclysm

Q7- What is the understood by “The Commune”?

A-  The Commune is the fraternizing of all mankind, just as if it were one family.

Q8- What immediate benefits will humanity receive with the establishment of the

Love and law commune?

A- The benefits are innumerable as far as welfare is concerned, but the biggest will

be the total abolition of all wars, which are a shame o humanity.

Q9- What is the name given to those who accept our doctrine?

A-  They are called Rationalistic Spiritist.

Q10-Why are they called Rationalistic Spiritist?

A-  Because they practice the “Enlightenment and truth Spiritism” which is

Philosophy and since philosophy means to reason, they are rationalists.

Q11-Is Spiritism a religion?

A-  Spiritism, being a Philosophy, is reason and because it is reason, Spiritism is not

a religion.

Q12-Why can’t Spiritism be a religion?

A-  Because Spiritism can not be amalgamate with anything which is a fallacy

(fraud, lie, deceit).

Q13-How many kinds of Spiritism are there?

A-  Only one, which our School, in order to distinguish it from amalgam, has called

it Spiritism, “Enlightenment and Truth”.

Q14-How are those centers then called, which practice Spiritism and religion?

A-  Those centers and their cults are called spiritualists.

Q15-Is its study of any profit to humanity?

A-  Since it is an amalgam of religion and science which cannot unite, on the

contrary they get detriment of doubt and stagnation, which is a damage to them.

Q16-With what purpose do religions back them up so silently?

A-  They don’t confess them, but it is understood that the purpose is to inculcate all

the errors which they possess and to get mankind away from studying the real

Spiritism, which is the Universal Solidarity.

Q17-And without going inside; can one get to know those centers and spiritualistic


A-  All they have to do is talk about saints, charity and healing, foretelling and

fortune telling and you will be sure that what is practiced there will be

everything, except Spiritism.

Q18-Do Spiritist believe in religions gods?

A-  No, we don’t believe in any way religious god, but we do believe in the Father

Creator, which we consider is in everything and in all the worlds of the


Q19- What is the name of our Father, in the Universe?

A-  His name is ELOI.

E = Eternal

L = Light

O = Omnipotent, Omnimodal

I = Infinite

Q20-How is he worshiped and what prayers does he like?

A-  He is worshiped by LOVING YOUR BROTHER, and productive work is the

prayer he likes most.

Q21-Does he, who eats and does not work commit an offense to our Father?

A-  Before our Father he is transgressor of the Law, and before man he is an usurper

Of someone else’s job, backed up by suprematic laws, which make such usurpations unjustly legal.

Q22-Is there any saint or being in Spiritism which might be of divine origin?

A-  The only saint and divine is our Father Eloí.

Q23-Why have religions, especially the Christian, made so many saints?

A-  Because, since they have lived in ignorance, the more saints they make, the

more benefits and supremacies they would receive, because there would be

more fanaticism.

Q24- Do you know of any Catholic Saints which cannot be a catholic?

A-  A lot of them; but amongst others, Moses, Isaac, Jacob, Abraham, Joseph,

Mary, Jesus, Teresa, Lucy, John, James and all the Apostles, Prophets and

centuries before the founding of the Catholic Church and cannot therefore be

Catholics and are still Hebrew and Jews, who are a race destroyed and

persecuted by that same catholic religion.

Q25- Is it rational to believe in miracles of gods and saints?

A-  A miracle is an absurdity which has never existed, and cannot exist, because it

would break the Universal laws which do not change.

Q26- How can those healings and radiations obtained from miracles the be


A-  We all have in ourselves a magnetic remnant, which if well developed, produces

surprising effects, but never a miracle; since there is NO EFFECT

WITHOUT A CAUSE; the miracle would be something out of the laws of

creation, which is not reasonable since those laws are immutable.

Q27- What does religion means?

A-  Relegation of rights.

Q28- What is relegation of rights?

A-  To resign to some or all that which is man’s freedom.

Q29- Do religions demand that their followers resign to something?

A-  It is prohibited to a religious person to think with his own head, he has to

believe everything priests tell them to do, no matter how absurd it might be,

they demand blind faith, which is relegating thoughts.

Q30- He who thinks and reasons outside of that, which the church wants him to,

What punishment does he have?

A-  Excommunication, that is he condiment to eternal fire, and while still living

they are condemned to the despise of the fellow Catholics, from which we

have horrible history: example as that of Henry IV and thousands more in the


Q31- Do Spiritists relegate their rights to someone?

A-  If they are spiritist, because are rationalists, they do not make such a mistake;

therefore, they do not relegate anything, and before anybody, by express

command of the Creator.

Q32- Does the School admit anyone who is not capable of reasoning by himself?

A-  Our School admits all men of good will, ignorant and wise men, its adepts learn

from the wise ones and teach the ignorant, therefore, the School does not want

neither slaves, no fanatics, but does want rational thinking men.

Q33- Our School is then rationalistic?

A-  Yes, it is philosophical rationalistic and purely fraternal.

Q34- How does our School differentiate from red communism or Marxist doctrine?

A-  In absolutely everything, since we aim to implant the “Commune of Love and

Law” which means fraternity without blood shedding; which besides being a

command from our Father we are convinced that violence brings about

violence and love brings about love.

Q35- Therefore, it is a command from our Father Eloí for his king on the Earth,

Exclusively, to live in a Commune of love and law”?

A-  His law is only one and embracing for all the worlds and it is not an exclusive

commandment for the Earth, because it reaches out to all the worlds within the

Infinite Universe.

Q36- Then, are there more worlds than the one we inhabit?

A-  All those millions of shiny dots which we see in the infinite universe, are

worlds and those already created, are inhabit by men like us with more or less


Q37- Then, which is the land of the spirit?

A-  Man is spirit. Then our land is infinite universe, in as much as in a state of

freedom of the incarnated.

Q38- Which is and how does the free stage of the incarnated differ?

A-  What we have come to call death, is nothing more than a transformation

through which the spirit frees itself from the matter, and it always does it for

its progress; but when it is incarnated is when it is as we are now in a material


Q39- Does the spirit suffer much when it disincarnate?

A-  As the spirit’s dress is the human body, once it realizes that is of no help for

him to accomplish the mission for which he came to earth or when it has been

accomplished, it takes it off without caring for it being old or young; therefore

it does not suffer more than its progress will bind him to his next of kin and

material things.

Q40- Once disincarnation occurs, does the spirit leave the body immediately?

A-  This is precisely one point which we all must bear in mind. When the spirit

leaves its body, it sees and hears the family claiming him; listen to the laments

and wants to go back to the body; but since it has already cut off the fluidic

cord, it cannot undo what is already done and suffers horribly by seeing and

listening to the family; therefore, our School asks us, as much as possible, to

avoid moaning and crying and with this we will avoid the suffering of our kin

at the time of disincarnation.

Q41- When the body serves the spirit well, does the spirit suffer any?

A-  Yes, it does, it’s only natural, it suffers the natural lethargy, and before

leaving it gives it, the kiss of peace and thanks it for having served him well

and the goes away quietly without listening to moaning, accompanied by its

guides to rest for a while.

Q42- Therefore, we come to the conclusion that our School will never appeal to

violence in order to achieve its goal of implanting the “Commune of Love and


A-  Being the Spiritism Enlightenment and Truth is Philosophic Rationalistic its

defensive weapon is pure reason; it cannot therefore, use violence because its

only law and proclamation is LOVE.

Q43- In case of being offended does the School prohibit to its adepts to defend


A-  It not only does not prohibit it; but the Divine Law imposes itself over it and

human laws in its codes do not have punishment that will fall over anyone who

once being attacked defends himself; therefore, we all have a right to defend our


Q44- At the Lectures, how should we treat each other?

A-  At the lectures, and outside of them, we should treat each other as brothers and

we should be proud of that, but better than just calling us as such, we should

demonstrate it by facts, the fact that we are brothers.

Q45- At the Lectures, are there categories or class distinctions?