MAPS Board of Directors DRAFT Minutes
November 8th, 2017, 10:00 am to noon
MAPS Offices, Stratis Health
Item / Action- Welcome
- Introductions and meeting objective
Guests: Betsy Jeppesen, Tania Daniels, Diane Rydrych (phone)
Staff: Marie Dotseth, Betsy Currie
- Strategic Alliance
- Update
- Joint board activities and scheduling
- Assessing success
- Board Member exchange
- MAPS to Stratis – Patti Cullen & Laurie Drill-Mellum
- Stratis to MAPS – Jan Malcolm & David Satin
- Bylaws changes - Recommendation from Governance Committee
- Change terms for director from 2 to 3 years
- Add non voting, chair appointed director
The Board unanimously approved the motion to have Patti Cullen and Laurie Drill-Mellum represent MAPS on Stratis Health’s Board. Jennifer Lundblad abstained.
The Board unanimously approved the motion to have Jan Malcolm and David Satinserve on the MAPS board as representatives of Stratis Health.
A motion was made to adopt the resolution to change the By-Laws as written and seconded. Resolution & Redlined Bylaws attached. Voting was postponed because a 2/3 majority of Board members was not present. Subsequent electronic voting approved the Bylaws changes and the resolution.
- Strategic Action Planning Follow up
- Review New Strategy Mountain and Potential Actions
- Patient and provider safety
- The strategies for achieving mission are largely unchanged from previous go around.
- Organizational Health & Sustainability – sufficient resources are available to advance MAPS work.
- Assure evolution box should be updated to maximize affiliation. Utilize the strength of the strategic alliance.
3.2.What criteria would you use to prioritize actions?
3.3.Select top priority based on criteria (each board member selects one).
3.4.Review and discuss top priorities, determine what is realistic to accomplish. / Criteria to guide our selection of most important work in this year ahead:
- No one else is doing it – we have a unique opportunity – can MAPS play a unique role
- Accomplishable in a certain timeframe
- Measurable & meaningful impact
- Is MAPS the only or best organization to do the work?
- Leverages other community work to move us farther, faster
- Is there a resource match?
- Best aligns with our mission – who is our audience
Items selected:
- long term care efforts to promote safety, including transitions of care
- building & family partner capacity
- AHE reporting
- building patient family partnership
- building patient family partnership – bring LTC
- building patient family partnership, lens to use in working on everything else
- building patient family partnership
- building patient family partnership
- transitions of care still key, could add to the LTC care or building patient family
- building patient family partnership – spills over to most other areas
- Strategic Communications
An alliance = ally
Accelerate advocate
Getting first crack at opportunities and recognition for participating
- 2018 Budget - Recommendation from Governance Committee
- Director Outreach
- Consent Calendar
- Financial statements, September 2107
- Minutes from August 23 Board meeting
- Wrap up and adjourn
- Future Meetings - 2018
January TBD (25th?)
April 27
July 26, 1-3pm
Nov 6, 9-11am