Science Classes
1) Left-Brain / Right-Brain- How does your brain-work, and why do some people see an image one way and others see it another? Learn about color fatigue and what happens to your eyes and brain when looking at optical illusions.Solving puzzles by following the scientific method starting with a poignant question, formulating a hypothesis, conducting an experiment and then analyzing data collected.
2) Creating models of Atoms- Learn about atomic theory from a historical perspective. After learning about scientists and their contributions towards the structure of the atom including subatomic particles, pom-poms will be used to construct different atoms.
3) Chemistry Bingo- Learn the elements of the periodic table with their appropriate symbols through a fun game of bingo. Two bingo boards will be made by each student, one of just symbols and one of just element names, adding a level of randomness to who wins. Prizes will be awarded!
4) The Modern Periodic Table- From Chaos to Order. What does it mean to be periodic? Starting with a classification system that is self-created, students will practice concepts of families, periods, rows, and categorizing due to similar characteristics.
5) Classification of Matter- Students will explore mixtures, pure substances, heterogeneous and homogenous matter, elements and compounds. Electrostatic cling “particles” will be manipulated to demonstrate concepts of various classes of matter. The next level will be a visual display by creating tie-dye milk and observing the beautiful patterns.
6) Density- An intensive property used to describe the amount of matter packed into a specific space. Using the Scientific Method, students will predict and create visible layers of liquids that vary in density to demonstrate this concept.
7) Electromagnetic Spectrum- What are waves? What kind of waves exists? Why do waves of varying length look different to the eye? Students will learn about the EM Spectrum and create their own using pipe cleaners, learning the various components of waves and how they vary from one another.
8) Continuing with the Electromagnetic Spectrum- Concepts will focus on the only visible portion of the EM Spectrum... visible light. Student will learn about Sir Isaac Newton and explore primary, secondary, and tertiary colors and create a simple color wheel.
9) Continuing with colors, a 3-D cube of complimentary colors, and a Pyramid Critter of primary colors will be created and painted. Students will learn about warm vs. cool colors and then create a Mandala demonstrating these concepts.
10) Acids and Bases- Students will predict and discover through experimentation where on the pH scale regular household liquids fall using a natural indicator. This fun activity is visually surprising as the change in a liquids color can be quite dramatic.
11) Basic chemical reactions- Students will learn about the 4 basic chemical reactions: Composition, Decomposition, Single Replacement & Double Replacement. They will also become familiar with monomers and polymers. They will then link monomers into a polymer by making non-toxic slime.
12) Chromatography- the separation of a mixture via capillary action is not only fun to watch, but a safe way to see the various components of a mixed substance. Students will separate the colors that compose different markers using a mobile phase solvent on a stationary phase filter.