COURSE NUMBER: NUR 3067 Call # 12963
SCHEDULE: Tuesday 5:00 pm-6:50 pm, CON room 205
FINAL EXAM -Thursday, 4/23 4:00-6:30 pm
PLACEMENT: Required Course: Beginning of RN to BSN program
Pre-requisite: Anatomy and Physiology I & II
PREREQUISITES: Registered Nurse Licensure
FACULTY: Cindy Blum, PhD, RN, CNE
Assistant Professor
Office: NU 341
Phone: (561) 297-2873
OFFICE HOURS: Tuesdays 1:00pm-4:30pm
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Acquisition of holistic assessment skills in the laboratory setting. Designed for RN students.
OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of NUR 3067, the student will be able to:
1. Utilize appropriate communication skills in eliciting a health history.
2. Obtain and document a complete health history and physical exam.
3. Demonstrate four methods of physical assessment: inspection, palpation,
percussion, and auscultation
TEACHING Lecture, Readings, Video, Demonstrations, Hands on practice in lab,
STRATIGIES: Study Guides, Internet Sites
Dillon, P. (2007). Nursing Health Assessment: A Critical Thinking Case Studies Approach (2nd ed.).
Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
Dillon, P. (2007). Nursing Health Assessment: Student Applications, Lab Manual (2nd ed.).
Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
You are required to purchase an i>clicker remote for in-class participation assignment (and related
points). i>Clicker is a response system that allows you to respond to questions I pose during class;
you will be graded on that feedback and/or participation. In order to receive this credit, you will
need to register your i>clicker remotein class. I will project a Registration screen with 3 steps to
follow (look for your [student ID], which will alphabetically scroll down the screen). Once your
remote is registered, your z number will no longer appear on that scrolling list and you are
registered for the entire semester. i>clicker will be used every day in class, and you are
responsible for bringing your remote daily.
A good anatomy book, health assessment pocket guide, dermatology book, and medical dictionary would be
helpful in your library.
Due date
Scholarly Participation 10% throughout
(group activities, class activities, course
and in-class writing assignments)
Exam 1 25% 2/10
Exam 2 25% 3/24
Final Exam (Comprehensive) 40% 4/23 4:00-6:30 pm
A grade below C is not passing in the Undergraduate Nursing program.
Scale: 93 – 100: A
90 – 92: A-
87 – 89: B+
83 – 86: B
80 – 82: B-
77 – 79: C+
73 – 76: C
70 – 72: C-
67 – 69: D+
63 – 66: D
60 – 62: D-
59 or below: F
1. All course requirements and objectives must be met in order to obtain a passing grade.
2. The student is to complete required readings prior to lecture sessions.
3. Students must achieve a minimum grade of “C” in the lecture in order to pass the course.
This course will be Web assisted via Blackboard. Lecture notes and other items will be posted on the course Blackboard. You must have an FAU E-mail address. From Internet Explorer go to http://blackboard.fau.edu. Look for the Login icon on the top right hand of the screen. Click the Login icon. User name and Password box will appear. The student user-name is your FAUNet ID. If you do not know your FAUNet ID go to http://accounts.fau.edu. Your initial password for Blackboard is your PIN. Pins are by default set to 2 zeros followed by the 2-digit day of birth and 2-digit year of birth. Click onto Student Support then Instructions for New Users. The courses that you are enrolled in will be listed under “My Courses” area. Click on the course title in order to enter the course. Be sure to check the announcements frequently, at a minimum every week prior to class. I will be posting the lecture outline prior to each class. Students should print the lecture guide for each class.
DATE / LECTURE CONTENT / READING ASSIGNMENT / NOTESJanuary 6th / Introduction to Course (Begin Chapters 1-4) / Chapters 1-4
January 13th / Skin, Hair and Nails / Chapters 10 / Guest speaker-Kelly White
January 20th / An Overview of the Physical Examination and History Taking, Interviewing and the Health History, General Survey and Vital Signs / Chapter 5-9
January 27th / Head and Neck / Chapter 11
February 3rd / Eyes & Ears / Chapter 12
February 10th / Respiratory System / Chapter 13 / Exam 1
February 17th / Cardiovascular System / Chapter 14
February 24th / Peripheral Vascular/Lymphatic and Musculoskeletal System / Chapter 15 & 20
February 27th / Last day to drop course without receiving an “F”
March 3rd / Spring Break
March 10th / Abdomen / Chapter 17
March 17th / Female/Male Genitourinary System / Chapters 16, 18 & 19
March 24th / Neurological System
Clinical Reasoning Putting It All together
Practice/Demonstration / Chapters 21 & 22 / Exam 2
March 31st / Begin Performance Skill Testing
April 7th / Performance Skill Testing
April 14th / Performance Skill Testing
April 21st / Performance Skill Testing
Thursday (Apr 23) 4:00 - 6:30 PM / Comprehensive Final Exam
Students are reminded that the College of Nursing Professional Statement and University Policies related to academic integrity applies to all tests, written assignment, verbal communications and other course activities. All policies in the college and university catalogues apply to this course.
- All course requirements and objective must be met in order to obtain a passing grade.
2. The student is expected to attend each class. A student who misses a class is responsible for class handouts and content presented during an absence.
3. Class time will be used for the application of your assigned reading material.
4. The student must be present for all scheduled examinations.
5. All students must have an e-mail address and regular access to a computer.
Florida Atlantic University and Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing Policies:
Complete information about these and other Academic regulations can be found in the FAU Undergraduate Catalogue at: http://www.fau.edu/ug-cat/welcome.htm. As a student enrolled at the university you are to be familiar with and in compliance with all policies as described in the university catalogue.
Honesty: It is expected that students will adhere to the FAU Academic Irregularity code (p. 274 FAU catalogue). “FAU has an honor code requiring a faculty member, student or staff member to notify an instructor when there is reason to believe an academic irregularity is occurring in a course. “An academic irregularity is defined as cheating. This means the use of notes, books, or any other assistance to or from students during an examination or other assignments expected to be completed independently. This includes using hidden notes during an exam. This also includes plagiarism – using the ideas or words of another person and claiming them as your own. The other person can be another student or former student or outside writer or published author. The instructor expects students in this class to adhere to the honor code in all academic work, including tests and other assignments. The instructor also expects students to inform the instructor if they feel there has been a violation of the honor code. Any form of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, will result in failure of this course. This applies to all work submitted as your own and is not negotiable.
Incomplete Policy: A student, who registers for a course but fails to complete the course requirements, without dropping the course, will normally receive a grade of “F” from the course instructor. A student who is passing a course but has not completed all the required work because of exceptional circumstances may with the approval of the instructor; temporarily receive a grade of “I” (incomplete). The grade of “I” is neither passing nor failing, and is not used in computing a student’s grade point average: it indicates a grade deferral and must be changed to a grade other than “I” within a specified time frame, not to exceed one calendar year from the end of the semester during which the course was taken.
The “I” grade is used only when exceptional circumstances prevent a student from completing some portion of the work assigned to all students as a regular part of the course. It is not to be used to allow students to do extra work in order to raise the grade earned during the regular term. The instructor is required to record on the appropriate form and file with the registrar, the work that must be completed for a final grade, the time frame for the completion and the grade that will be assigned if the work is not completed. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements with the instructor for the timely completion of this work (FAU Undergraduate Catalogue).
Please note that the College of Nursing also has a policy on “I” grades. An “I” grade in a clinical course may interfere with the student’s ability to progress to the next clinical course. The College of nursing has a required form that must be completed and signed by the student who receives an “I” grade.
Use and Confidentiality of Students’ Records and Other Documents: The College of Nursing may use students’ course-related materials for legitimate institutional purposes, such as accreditation, university review process, state board review process, etc. In such case, the material will be used within the College and University. Thus, you may be asked by the instructor in a course to submit some course materials in duplicate.
Students with disabilities:
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 requires the provision of reasonable accommodations to any individual who advises faculty and the University of a documented physical or mental disability, to properly execute course work. You must register with the FAU Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD), Please arrange a meeting with your course faculty. All OSD procedures must be followed for you to receive the special accommodations
FAU OWL CARD: All students must obtain a FAU Owl card and have it with them while on campus and visible while in the clinical setting. You may obtain information about an OWL card on-line at: http://itss.fau.edu/studentres.htm#owlcard or by visiting the on-campus Owl Card Center.
The Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing requires that all registered students in its programs and courses have an official FAU e-mail address. All official information for students from faculty and the college will be provided via e-mail using your FAU.EDU address. You are responsible for checking your FAU e-mail at least once a week throughout the semester. You may obtain a FAU e-mail account at: http://itss.fau.edu/DLreqEmail.htm
TURNITIN.COM Policy: Students agree that by taking this course all required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to Turitin.com for detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the Turnitin.com reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. Use of the Turnitin.com service is subject to the terms and conditions of Use posted on the Turnitin.com site.
In order to enhance and maintain a productive atmosphere for education, personal communication devices such as pagers, beepers and cellular telephones are to be disabled in class sessions.
All students enrolled in degree programs or registered for courses in the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing are also to be familiar with and in compliance with all policies as described in the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing Student Handbook (http://www.fau.edu/divdept/nursing/undergrad/contents.html)