English 9 – August 2012 – January 2013

Mr. Conn


Phone:(760) 753-1121 ext. 5062

Room: 36


SDA Mission Statement
San Dieguito Academy is a learning community which nurtures the individual, promotes academic rigor, provides varied opportunities for success, values excellence, and celebrates creative expression.

Course Description

Welcome to Mr. Conn’s English experience. As you will come to see over the next eighteen weeks, I believe the classroom is a microcosm of society. While I believe it is essential for you to come out of this class with the skills necessary to continue your studies of literature, I believe equally that this experience is meant to be a venue to work on the skills necessary to be a functional member of society. I look at myself as a teacher, and as a facilitator, helping you maximize your potential as a student. We will be reading some truly wonderful pieces of literature. I am very passionate about what I teach and I hope that my passion will be contagious over the course of the year.

Course Expectations

My expectations of you as an individual student are fairly simple. I expect that:

• you are willing and able to do high schoolwork in English;
• you recognize that good reading and good writing are skills that must be practicedand strengthened;
• you will come to class regularly, on time, and prepared;
• you will respect your fellow students and your teacher as learners and scholars;
• the written and oral work that you do will be completed on time and it will be work that you are proud to call your own – and it will be your own.

In addition to these expectations, you are a member of the San Dieguito Academy community while in my classroom. I expect all my students to abide by all school rules.

Supplies: I expect you to show up to class everyday with a pen or pencil, a spiral notebook (or something in which to journal and keep warm-up activities), and a binder for notes and holding on to work.

Course Structure

  • Core Works (Subject to change): Various short stories, Lord of the Flies, Of Mice and Men, Hiroshima, Romeo and Juliet, a choice novel, various pieces of non-fiction

Classroom policies:

  • Bathroom Policy

-Learning is only achieved if you are actually in the classroom; however, I understand that there are times that you must leave. When these times arise, you will be allotted a reasonable amount of time. If this policy proves to be too loose for the class, I reserve the right to make necessary adjustments.Do not ask me to use the bathroom. Sign out, take the pass, and return quickly.

  • Homework

-Homework is to be turned into your period’s “INBOX” when instructed by me. Anything else will be considered late and will receive HALF CREDIT, at most.

-Per district policy, if you have an excused absence, you will be given an extra day to complete assignments missed. If your absence is unexcused, you will not be given the opportunity to make up work.

-Late work may be submitted up to one week after the due date for a maximum of half credit.

  • Electronics

-I will strictly adhere to the school-wide electronics policy. This means all cell phones are to be turned off and put away throughout my class. Music devices should be put away for the entirety of the period.


Course grades will be determined by student performance in each of the following domains:

  • Tests and quizzes
  • Writing (essays, journals, notes, etc.)
  • Projects and presentations\
  • Daily homework assignments
  • Class participation (SSR/Warm-up activities, Discussion)

Each quarter will provide students an opportunity to earn approximately 400 points. Grades will be determined according to the number of points earned as a percentage of the total number of possible points.

Personal Note

Self-advocacy is a crucial life skill for students to develop early in high school; therefore, I ask that students contact me with any questions or concerns they are having as soon as a problem arises. If a student feels uncomfortable doing so for any reason, I certainly hope to hear from his or her parents as soon as possible.

I ______(student’s name) have reviewed the syllabus and understand what will be expected of me.


I ______(parent/guardian’s name) have reviewed the syllabus and understand what will be expected of my child.

______(parent/guardian’s signature)

You can access this syllabus any time on my website: