Lab Safety Quiz

Name: ______

______1. To avoid cross contamination of chemicals it is important to

  1. Wear safety goggles
  2. Wash your hands
  3. Replace the lids
  4. Clean the desktop

______2. In the event of a fire you should immediately

  1. Go outside
  2. Report it to the teacher
  3. Pull the fire alarm
  4. Spray it with water

______3. Once an experiment is complete equipment should be

  1. Returned to its proper place
  2. Left for the teacher to clean
  3. Returned to the storage room
  4. Returned to the class room

______4. Safety goggles should be worn when working with

  1. Animals
  2. Chemicals
  3. Rubber tubing
  4. Water

______5. When cutting you should cut in this direction

  1. Toward yourself
  2. Downward
  3. Upward
  4. Away from yourself

______6. Accidents should be reported to

  1. The school nurse
  2. The Principal
  3. The Teacher
  4. Your lab partner

______7. The proper method to insert class tubing into a rubber stopper is

  1. Turning motion and lubricant
  2. Push hard
  3. Fire-polish
  4. Ask the teacher to

______8. When finished with an activity, try new things with the equipment.

  1. True
  2. False

______9. To smooth rough edges off glassware

  1. Sand
  2. Fire-polish
  3. Use turning motion
  4. Waft

______10. To avoid long hair getting in chemicals or flames it should be

  1. Cut
  2. Placed in a hair net
  3. Covered with a hat
  4. Tied back

______11. When diluting an acid

  1. Pour water into acid
  2. Pour acid into acid
  3. Pour water into water
  4. Pour acid into water

______12. In the lab you should

  1. Never eat
  2. Never sit on a stool
  3. Never clean
  4. Never ask questions

______13. Who will instruct you on how to handle animals in the classroom?

  1. Safety goggles
  2. Wire screen
  3. Tongs
  4. Glass tubing

_____ 14. Before the lab you should

  1. Replace equipment to its proper place.
  2. Write your conclusion
  3. Read the directions several times
  4. Eat a sandwich

______15. Never touch taste or smell a chemical unless instructed to do so.

  1. True
  2. False

______16. It is ok to heat chemicals to see what will happen.

  1. True
  2. False

______17. Articles of jewelry that may touch chemicals should be

  1. Removed
  2. Sold
  3. Left at home
  4. Given to charity

______18. When heating a liquid it should be in

  1. a closed container
  2. an open container
  3. a glass container
  4. a metal container

______19. To check to see if a peace of glassware is hot

  1. Spray with water
  2. Have your lab partner pick it up.
  3. Place the back of your hand near the glassware
  4. Place the palm of your hand on the glassware

______20. Chemical may be disposed of by

  1. Pouring them out the window
  2. Pouring them in the sink
  3. Pouring them in the hood
  4. As instructed by the teacher