Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on21st November 2011
at Mornington House, Summerhill Road, Trim, Co. Meathat 2.30pm.
Members Present:-
CathaoirleachCllr. T. McElhinney, Cllr. B. Carey, Cllr. J. Fox, Cllr J. O’Shea
Cllr J Fegan
Officials in Attendance:-
Senior Executive EngineerVincent Collins
Area ManagerTadhg McDonnell
Area AdministratorBrian Murphy
Clerical OfficerNicola Williams
1.0Confirmation of Minutes:
1.1Confirmation of Minutes of Meeting held on the 19th September, 2011.
Proposed by Cllr. Carey and Seconded by Cllr. Fox
2.0Matters Arising from the Minutes:
Cllr Fox:Proposed that the meetings return to monthly meetings as the two months between the meetings is too long.
A discussion followed on this subject and all Cllrs agreed that the meetings should return on a monthly basis, it was seconded by Cllr Carey.
Cllr Fox:Enquired about the unsafe housing developments in Ballivor.
Administrator:Stated that a letter was sent to the developer and to the HSA. The developer had acknowledged the letter and was aware of the problems, he enquired if funding was available from the Council for such works.
Cllr O’Shea:Asked if there was any progress on the proposed works to the junction at Newtown at Marcie Regan’s pub.
Area Engineer:Stated that there is no progress on these works at present.
Cllr. O’Shea:Enquired about the trees at Steeple Manor, some residents have said that they have been removed.
Area Engineer:Stated that he spoke to the developer and he said he was going to arrange to have the trees trimmed back. The Engineer was not aware that he was going to remove the trees.
3.0 Expressions of Sympathy and Congratulations.
Congratulations were expressed to Summerhill GFC on winning the Senior Football County Final, to Rathmolyon Minor Hurlers who won the final also and to Ballivor on reaching the Leinster Junior Final.
4.0Correspondence and matters raised by the Manager.
4.1To receive an update on prioritising of Taking in Charge of estates in the Trim Area throughout 2011
Administrator:The list comprises of 9 estates, 6 of which are with the developers to complete the snag list. Steeple Manor, Abbeyfields and New Inn are almost complete and will begin the statutory process soon.
Cllr Fox:Asked is there a big snag list for Beechcroft?
Area Engineer:The developer has been notified of the snag list which includes some issues relating to drainage and sewerage.
Cllr Carey:Asked about Delmere Estate, he believes there is a substantial bond on this planning permission and could this not be used to complete the estate.
Administrator:Stated that as the developer is engaging with the Council they must be given the opportunity to complete the estate and have their bond returned.
Killyon Development Plan
Administrator:Distributed the plan to the members to approve for public display.
Area Manager:Stated that there is still a small bit of work to be completed in planning on this development plan.
Cllr Carey:Congratulated all involved with creating this plan as the Community in Killyon are excellent and are well deserved of this development.
He asked who would be responsible for putting in the access road.
Administrator:Stated the purchasers would have the responsibility of putting in the access road as they are being sold as unserviced sites.
Cllr Fox:Suggested that an overall developer should be appointed to oversee any development on the site.
Cllr O’Shea:Asked where would the money go from the sale of the sites.
Administrators:Stated that the money would stay in the Trim Administrative Area. He also stated that the clubs are aware that these sites are unserviced and that they have plans drawn up for development should they get the land.
Cllr McElhiney:Requested that this plan be put on display in the Credit Union in Ballivor as many local residents use this credit union.
On the proposition of Cllr Carey it was agreed to put plans on public display subject to any alterations by the planning department, this was seconded by Cllr Fox.
5.0Statutory Business
5.1To reconsider the Part VIII Planners Report and if thought fit to recommend the plans as submitted for reconstruction of Navan Gate, Trim for approval.
Administrator:TrimTown Council rejected the plans for one way traffic with 16 parking spaces. There is a new plan on display for two way traffic with one parking space.
Cllr Carey proposed to reject the plans
Cllr Fox seconded.
5.2 To consider the Taking in Charge of the following estates and recommend to the full Council Meeting .
- Cluain Ri, Trim, Co Meath
- Beechwood, Ballivor, Co Meath
On the proposition of Cllr Carey it was agreed to forward same to the full Council meeting for approval, this was seconded by Cllr Fox
6.0Notice of Motion
7.0Update on works ongoing from Area Engineer
Area Engineer:Distributed his report to the members and stated that the works being carried out at present are routine maintenance works.
Cllr Fox:Asked if there is money for rural lanes?
Area Engineer:Stated that he intends to get further works done when time allows but they should be done by Christmas.
Cllr Carey:Enquired if Clondalee Lane is on the list of lanes to be done.
Area Engineer:Stated that he visited this lane and it is not the worst they have, he identified one bad area that needs work and this will be done.
Cllr O’SheaEnquired if the report included street lighting and asked the members if they have had problems with the new maintenance system in place for repairs to public lighting. He stated that it is taking quite some time to get repairs carried out after reporting them.
Cllr CareyStated he has had no difficulties with the system to date.
Cllr McElhiney:Stated that there is a light out of order outside KildalkeySchool.
Area Engineer:Stated he would look at this issue.
8.0Any Other Business
Cllr Fox raised the following;
- Asked for an update on the Supermarket site in the Town.
- Stated that Clonard GAA are still waiting on a contract.
- Asked that green bollards be put at a blind junction on the Trim – Longwood Road at the Ballyclare junction.
- Asked for an update on the Summerhill Sewerage works.
- Stated that there is an issue with a boundary in the Cherryvalley Estate in Rathmolyon, owners are extending their sites beyond the boundary.
Area Administrator and Area Engineer replied as follows;
- Both the sale of the site in Trim and the Clonard GAA contract are currently with the legal representatives for both parties.
- The works are virtually complete on the Summerhill Sewerage works.
- The issue with the boundary in CherryValley will be investigated.
Cllr James O’Shea raised the following issue on behalf of Cllr Gerry Reilly of Trim Town Council.
- Asked for ‘deer’ signs be erected on the Summerhill / Rathmolyon and Summerhill /Enfield Road as there are wild deer in forestry nearby and one was hit recently by a motorist.
Cllr Carey raised the following issues:
- Enquired about Clonard GAA.
- Stated there are a lot of potholes at the Canal bank in Enfield.
- Informed the Engineer that there is a manhole cover near JohnstownBridge that is dropping.
- Enquired about Clondalee Lane.
- Stated that there are potholes coming to the roundabout in Enfield.
- Enquired about the footpaths to be put in Longwood and if they will extend to Ribbontail.
- Enquired about the enforcement of the 3 hour parking limit in Enfield.
Cllr McElhiney raised the following issues:
- Asked if the footpath in Ballivor across from the school could be extended to the new school as it is dangerous the way it is at the minute.
- Asked if the signage at Wood Lanejunction in Kildalkey could be upgraded as it is dangerous and there have been a few near miss accidents.
- Enquired about the Business and Tourism Awards that were held in the Town last week and why the Cathaoirleach of the town was not invited.
Area Engineer and Area Administrator replied as follows
- Stated the ‘deer’ signs would be erected.
- A letter would be written to the Garda Traffic Core and the Garda Sergeant in Enfield requesting them to enforce the three hour parking issue in Enfield.
- Stated a letter would be sent to Meath Tourism regarding the Business and Tourism Awards.
Meeting Concluded at 3:55p.m.
Minutes of November 2011 area meetingPage 1 of 5
Trim Town Council and Area Office, Mornington House, Summerhill Road, Trim, County Meath