BartramTrailHigh School


Ms. Anne Irwin

English III and English IIIH

Welcome to English IIIH. Below is a description of the class policies and rules that must be followed in order for you to succeed. Please read them, ask if you have any questions, sign below, and take this home for your parent or guardian to sign. Please return this by Monday, August15th. This is an assignment; if returned by the 15th, it will be a 100%. If it is not returned, it will be a 0%.

  1. Respect the opinions, beliefs, differences, and property of others. In no way will theft, insult, disrespect, or injury be tolerated.
  2. When the bell rings, be in your seat and ready to work. Have a PEN, paper, and necessary books when you arrive. I will not allow people to constantly borrow supplies or delay the start of class for this matter. I do not give a hall pass to obtain materials left in lockers.
  3. Please remain in your seat unless you are given permission to go elsewhere in the room.
  4. Food, drinks, candy, and gum do not belong in the classroom. If you carry a bottled water with you, that is fine as long as the top is closed while you are not taking a sip.
  5. Throw away your trash before or after class. Do not leave garbage inside your desk or try to throw it away during class time. A clean room is a happy room.
  6. Please raise your hand and wait to be recognized. It is possible to hear, learn, and express ourselves only if one person speaks at a time without interruption. During group discussions, please allow someone to finish before you begin.
  7. The class is over when I say, “Good bye.” It is not over when the bell rings. Do not line up at the door to leave. Stay in your seats and exit in an orderly and safe manner.
  8. Keep a positive attitude and have fun. One bad apple can spoil the barrel; don’t be the bad apple.

If you are absent from school, it is imperative that you obtain your assignments and make up your assignments within three school days. Tests must be taken within one week upon return. You must see me to schedule an appointment. I will not search for you; it is your responsibility. While you are absent, you can check my web page calendar. Hard copies of most assignments are also on the webpage. There will always be a folder in the classroom in which I’ll write down what we do every day. Always check the web and/or the calendar. Your day planner should have this information, but the web calendar is always a back up plan.

During each nine week grading period, I allow ONE assignment to be turned in late for full credit earned. It MUST be accompanied by a note from a parent/guardian; not an email. No note = no late assignment. No other late work will be accepted; not even with points deducted. This assignment may also be used to re-do an assignment if evidence of preparation is given.

All students must have a planner/calendar. Get an inexpensive one. You also need an inexpensive flash drive with enough memory to hold simple projects, documents, etc. You will need it; printers run out of ink; projects need to be finished elsewhere; etc. Set yourself up with Google docs. All assignments must be printed and ready to turn in on the date due. Assignments on flash drives or online are not complete. Print before you get to class.I do not permit students to go and print an assignment at class time.

Please use the restroom between classes. I do not give bathroom passes unless a true emergency arises. If you really must go and are worried you’ll be late to class, let me know before class! It’s not as much of an interruption to instruction at the beginning as it is in the middle of class.

Two PG13 movies we may watch this year are The Crucible and The Great Gatsby.

Student signature ______Printed name ______

Date ______

Parent/Guardian signature ______Printed name ______

Date ______