Department of Energy

Operating Experience Committee (OEC)

Spring Webinar

Coordinated by the Office of Analysis (HS-24)

Spring Webinar Minutes

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Time: 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. ET

Call-In Number: 303-248-0285 Access Code: 5863657 (Use for Call and Webinar)


Welcome and Introduction / Ashley Ruocco, HS-24
Stephen Domotor, HS-24
Update from the Office of Analysis / Ashley Ruocco, HS-24
EM’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Lessons Learned Initiative / John Lee, EM
Slip Simulator / Bethany Rich, LANL
OPEX Share / Gerry Whitney, RL
Prevention Through Design / TJ Lyons, ITSI Gilbane Co.
Lessons Learned Discussion / Mary Jo Bailey, JLab
Greg Calloway, SLAC
Mike Hauptmann, BNL
TJ Lyons, ITSI Gilbane Co.
OE Program Self-Assessments Discussion / Bob Stuewe, LANL
Open Discussion and Closing / All

Welcome / Participants

# / NAME / SITE /
1 / Alp, Asu / ANL
2 / Ammonet, Patti / PNNL
3 / Andrews, Brian / Y12
4 / Bailey, Mary Jo / JLAB
5 / Barrick, William / NSO
6 / Blackmon, Josie / DUF6
7 / Blackstock, Chris / AECL
8 / Blank, Betsy / WRPS
9 / Branson, Gary / INL
10 / Brown, Sharon / DOE HQ
11 / Brown, Vanessa / PEC
12 / Butler, Mike / SNL
13 / Cain, Wendy / EM-OR
14 / Calloway, Greg / SLAC
15 / Carney, Jim / DOE HQ
16 / Cochran, Teresa / OR
17 / Cole, Matt / DOE HQ
18 / Collier, Linda / LANL
19 / Cummings, Danae / NVSO
20 / Day, Nancy / SRS
21 / Diggs, Carl / Pantex
22 / Domotor, Stephen / DOE HQ
23 / Farrell, Richard / CBFO/WIPP
24 / Field, Dan / NNSA
25 / Fondaw, Grant / Pantex
26 / Forshey, Cathy / WEMS-PORTS
27 / Ha, Trang / LSO
28 / Harness, Jerry / OR
29 / Harris, Allan / EMCBC
30 / Harwood, Russell / RP
31 / Hauptmann, Michael / BNL
32 / Haynes, Rick / NPO
33 / Heard, Mitzi (Marie) / SLAC
34 / Heeter, Tom / OR
35 / Hutto, Rod / SRS
36 / Innocent, Jessy / NNSA-KCFO
37 / Ito, Fran / WIPP
38 / Johnson, Angela / SRS
39 / Jolly, Debora / Pantex
40 / Keeling, Elizabeth / PPPO
41 / Kim, Bo / DOE HQ
42 / Kirkes, Brenda / WIPP
43 / Langlais, Sara / NSTec
44 / Lee, John / DOE HQ
45 / Lopez-Cardona, Emma / DOE HQ
46 / Lyons, Tom / ITSI
47 / Maniez, August / SRS
48 / Menas, Matt / NETL
49 / Minton, Lauri / Pantex
50 / Natoli, Ross / DOE HQ
51 / Neil, Dave / ID
52 / Nelson, Shawn / ASO
53 / Norbury, Mike / DOE HQ
54 / Pearson, John / OR
55 / Rao, Nimi / DOE HQ
56 / Rich, Bethany / LANL
57 / Risley, David / PEC
58 / Robison, Camille / AMWTP-ID
59 / Rogers, Jessica / SNL
60 / Ruocco, Ashley / DOE HQ
61 / Schumann, Craig / ASO
62 / Schutt-Bradley, Joanne / OR/ETTP
63 / Schwehm, Kelly / SPR
64 / Sheriff, Manelle / RL
65 / Shidal, Suzanne / LATA-KY
66 / Spencer, Donna / BSO
67 / Staffo, Gary / EE
68 / Stirling, Larry / DOE HQ
69 / Stolte, Bruce / NNSA
70 / Stone, Roger / PEC
71 / Stuewe, Bob / LANL
72 / Stultz, Greg / ICP
73 / Thomason, Gail / PEC
74 / Triplett, Theresa / BSO
75 / Vasquez, Katatra / ORO
76 / Wallace, Stephen / NNSA
77 / Ward, Jonathan / AECL Chalk River
78 / Whitley, Dan / PPPO
79 / Whitney, Gerry / RL
80 / Willett, David / SNL
81 / Williams, Tom / NNSA
82 / Zimmerman, Rick / RL

Welcome and Introduction

Ashley Ruocco – Ruocco welcomed all to the OEC Spring Webinar and introduced those at HQ in Germantown. Please continue to email your attendance to Gail Thomason . Gail Thomason will also be assisting with the minutes to the OEC calls; this support is very much appreciated.

The OEC Spring Webinar was held in lieu of the Annual OEC Meeting that is typically held in conjunction with EFCOG’s ISM& QA Workshop which was cancelled due to budget and travel restraints.

Ruocco explained the webinar features and expectations for the webinar. Ruocco did a roll-call by site and external organizations so that all could introduce themselves and everyone knew who was on the call.

External operating experience was reviewed by Ruocco. (Details on the external OE are in the OEC Presentation emailed and posted to the OE Wiki).

Office of Analysis Initiatives presented:

-  Lessons Learned Program and Database- Ruocco

·  HQ Lessons Learned Database improvements/upgrades are being assessed. External Lessons Learned Programs and Databases are being benchmarked at this time. Suggestions for the Lessons Learned Database/Program are welcomed.

-  Corporate OE documents under development or recently released- Ruocco

·  Newly released:

o  OE-1, Improving DOE Capabilities for Mitigating Beyond Design Basis Events

·  Under Development

o  Draft OE Summary Article, Fall Fatality While Installing Work Platform at Remote Bonneville Power Administration Project, within HS-20 management review

o  Draft OE Summary Article, Management and Oversight Inadequacies at the Integrated Waste Treatment Unit, updating draft soon to be in management review

-  OE Wiki - Ruocco

·  Most Recent OE Wiki Video- Animation of Fire at Chevron's Richmond Refinery

o  This video provides an overview of a catastrophic pipe failure at Chevron USA, Inc. refinery in California. The CSB investigation revealed inspection deficiencies and replacement issues.

·  OE Wiki Video- I Fell Off the Roof Today

o  This video reviews the importance of fall protection equipment. A roofer shares an experience where he lost his balance while working on a three-story residential project and how the fall protection gear he donned saved his life.

-  ORPS Order and OE Order implementation- Ruocco

·  DOE O 232.2, Occurrence Reporting and Processing of Operations Information. Responses to Frequently Asked Questions have been vetted many times through the ORPS Task Group and HSS SMEs. Draft is currently within HS-20 management review.

·  One-Year Accuracy Review of DOE Order 232.2, Occurrence Reporting and Processing of Operations Information. In April, HS-24 updated the ORPS Task Group and requested feedback on specific Reporting Criteria. Suggestions are in review with HS-24 management.

-  Self-Assessment reviews on the effectiveness of the OE Program- Ruocco

·  A memo is drafted and within review that requests line programs and the field to formally verify OE Program Coordinators and members, as well as to remind all of the requirements and responsibilities listed in DOE O 210.2A. Appreciate all who updated their information, people would like to join, and those who are no longer involved.

·  OE Program Themes were discussed with the OEC. This would be in conjunction with Highlighted Presentations on the monthly calls. Possible theme ideas are welcomed.

·  Any feedback on the OE Program and this webinar is appreciated.


All Presentations were sent to the OEC via email (on May 16) and posted on the OE Wiki (on May 15).

Interest was shown in accessing the Slip Simulator video presented by Bethany Rich, LANL. Please contact Bethany Rich, , to request the DVD entitled: Slips, Trips, and Falls: A New Perspective (LANL).


1.  EM’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Lessons Learned Initiative presented by John Lee, EM

2.  Slip Simulator presented by Bethany Rich, LANL

3.  OPEX Share presented by Gerry Whitney, RL

4.  Prevention Through Design presented by TJ Lyons, ITSI Gilbane Co.

5.  Lessons Learned Discussion: Briefings and open discussion on how sites file/write/handle Lessons Learned and how Lessons Learned are implemented. This will allow for a better understanding of the range of processes used in Lessons Learned creation, processes, and implementation.

Lessons Learned Presenters:

a.  Mary Jo Bailey, JLab

b.  Greg Calloway, SLAC

c.  Mike Hauptmann, BNL

d.  TJ Lyons, ITSI Gilbane Co.

6.  OE Program Self-Assessments Discussion: Briefings on site level programs and a group discussion regarding how to improve the OE Program, both at the site level and in general.

Self-Assessment Presenter:

a.  Bob Stuewe, LANL


Action- Please provide feedback on the OEC Spring Webinar. Ruocco would like to hear from you- what went well, what was helpful, what could have gone better, what should have been done differently, etc. Thank you for your feedback.

Action- Guest Speaker Volunteers requested. If you would like to present to the OEC, please call Ashley to volunteer. Thank you in advance!

Operating Experience Websites:

OE Documents (HSS) -

OE Summaries (HSS) -

OE Wiki -

OES Blog -

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