School Council Meeting (SCM)

23rd April 2012


Mr Jarrett(RJ)Headteacher

Year 3
Matthew Copeman (MC) / Year 4
Isobel Potter(IP)
Dylan Puri (DP)
Isabella Swain (IS) / Year 5
Sam Allen (SA)
Jocelyn Herne-Smith (JHS)
Leena Bedroud (LB)
James Dirkin (JD)
Mia Holmes(MH) / Year 6
Isabella Haroutounian (IH)
Francesca Cottrell (FC)
Joshua Henderson (JH)
Zara Harris (ZH)
George Buckley (GB)

ApologiesFolkert Bowler

Absent:Alisha Awan

Simon Freak

John Baker

  • The meeting agenda was distributed. JH asked for any comments relating to the minutes of the last meeting. There were none, the minutes were agreed.
  • RJ reminded the representatives that they need to bring their class notebooks along to every meeting in order to takes notes to feed back to their class.
  • Ties and Badges:

RJ distributed catalogue pages with ideas for ties and badges for the school council and to award for sports or academic recognition. The SC members discussed the options and took a vote.

School Council Tie:

Royal and Gold5 votes

Red and Gold2 votes

Royal and White3 votes

Navy and Sky4 votes

As the votes for Royal and Gold and Navy and Sky was so close a further vote was taken to decided between these two. The vote was equal with 7 for each choice.

Therefore it was decided that as Royal and Gold received the most votes first time round this would be the option that the SC will take to the Governors for approval.

Sports and Academic Recognition Tie:

Following discussion between members three options were voted on with the following results:

Black and White10 votes

Gold1 vote

Royal and Gold2 votes

(Total votes only add up to 13 as IS had left the meeting early)

The school council will take the suggestion of a Black and White Sports and Academic recognition tie to the school Governors for approval.

In a previous meeting the girls had raised the issue that in the summer they wear school dresses and would not be able to wear a school council tie. A discussion followed about the possibility of a different coloured purse belt for the girls. The overall opinion was that these might not be worn and that a badge would be better. Possible options were discussed and voted on. The vote was unanimous for a large shield badge in navy with gold writing. Again representatives will take this to the Governors at the next meeting for approval.

  • School Travel Plan.

RJ suggested that Mrs Fisher should be invited to the next SCM as she is in charge of the School Travel Plan and should hear any suggestions and comments that are made.

Action: JHS to invite Mrs Fisher to the next SCM meeting.

The School travel plan is being discussed as from September 2012 there will be an extra 30 children attending Oldfield and traffic congestion, which is already a problem, will become worse. The school needs to have a solid Travel Plan in place to encourage more children to walk to school.

IP suggested a reward scheme which would be ongoing throughout the year. IH commented that some children live too far away to walk and they should be encouraged to park the car further away and walk the rest of the way to school.

RJ suggested that these points should be put on the agenda for the next meeting when Mrs Fisher is there to hear them.

  • School Expansion

RJ told the meeting about an exhibition by the local council that would be held in the school hall the following day. He will ask permission from class teachers for the school council members to leave class early to visit the exhibition. Members should write down any comments to bring along to the next meeting. The school expansion will be an agenda item for the next meeting.

  • Class Feedback:

Year 4 have had their class meeting and suggested the following.

1)A healthy tuck shop

2)Outdoor water fountain – ZH commented that it would be difficult to position this somewhere where it is easy for the whole school to use. GB said that instead of an outside fountain KS2 should have an indoor one of their own rather than having to use the one in KS1. JD pointed out that KS2 can fill up their water bottles in the Year 6 kitchen.

3)Request for new, labelled playground boxes from the playground monitors.

4)Tickets for pudding at lunchtime

5)Year 4 asked why there had not been a school disco, JH explained that Martin, who usually does the discos, had been very unwell and had to cancel. Year 4 have asked for more than one disco a year and also to have a Bingo night again. Action: LB volunteered to speak to Dr Child and invite her to the next SCM so that these questions can be asked.

No other classes have held class council meetings, the points raised by year 4 will be added to the next agenda for further discussion.

RJ stressed the importance of all classes holding their council meetings as the points raised at these are what will create agendas for future meetings.

  • AOB:

RJ would like two or three representatives from the SC to attend the next Governors meeting, Being held on Monday 21st May at 6.00pm, to put forward their ideas from the meeting. JH will attend as chair, volunteers should speak to him and then a decision as to who will attend will be made.

JH requested a clock for the ICT suite for when children are working in there or doing tests.

  • The next SCM will be on Monday 14th May at 6.30pm