Scott Course Guide 2015-2016 (Printer Friendly) (On-line Version)

Kenton County Academies of Innovation & Technology Course Guide 2015-2016

Thank you for exploring the programs and class options available to Scott High School students for the 2015-2016 school year. Please choose one of the following links to start planning for your future. We have many offerings available to our students including but not limited to:

·  Classes at Scott High School

·  Scott Courses (available to all Scott Students)

·  Renaissance Academy (Freshmen and Sophomores-Application required-inquire with your counselor)

·  Future Educators Academy (A Kenton County Academy based at Scott High School for sophomores, juniors, and seniors-Application required)

·  Green Engineering (A Kenton County Academy based at Scott High School for sophomores, juniors, and seniors-Application required)

·  Classes off Campus (transportation to the Kenton County Academies is provided)

·  The Kenton County Academies of Innovation Technology

(Application required)

§  Biomedical Sciences

§  Structural Engineering

§  Robotics Engineering

§  Informatics

§  Media Arts

§  Military Prep Academy (Application)

·  Local Colleges (consult with senior counselor)

§  Northern Kentucky University

§  Gateway Community and Technical College

§  Thomas More College

§  College course are accepted for dual credit at Scott High School

§  We will support students attending college classes at other university as well, please contact us if you plan on taking classes at another institution

If you have any questions, consider reviewing the resources located on the Counseling Department link on our school website or contact your school counselor at Scott High School at 859-356-3146.

·  Dana Davis – Counselor –

·  Deborah Ison – Counselor –

Course Catalog


5400 Old Taylor Mill Road

Taylor Mill, KY 41015

Main Office (859) 356-3146

Fax (859) 356-5516

Dr. Brennon Sapp, Principal

Mr. Shane Rogers, Assistant Principal

/ Ms. Dana Davis, Counselor
Ms. Carolyn Stewart, Assistant Principal / Ms. Deborah Ison, Counselor

Under the leadership of the principal and the Site Based Decision-Making Council, as well as with assistance from District Program Consultants, the Curriculum Committee, and the Ad Hoc Curriculum Advisory Committee of Scott High School, the scope and sequence of the courses in this catalog align with our primary goal of College and Career Readiness for every Scott student.Students and parents will be able to make informed decisions about course selections using the information contained within. The selection of courses by our Scott families will ultimately influence the master schedule for school year 2015-16. Thank you for reviewing the course information as you register for your student’s courses.

Whether or not a particular course will be taught in any given year depends upon several factors, including staff allocations and demand for that course. Grade levels listed after each course are recommendations from the Site-Base Decision Making Council, exceptions may be allowed depending on individual circumstances. All courses are subject to student enrollment and faculty availability.


Advanced/Dual Credit Courses Offered 3

Graduation Requirements and Diplomas 4

Credits Required for Promotion from Grade to Grade (Class Standings) 4

Freshmen Options Flow Chart 5

Pathway Options Flow Charts 6-8

Senior Options Flow Chart 9

Governor’s Scholars and Governor’s School for the Arts 10

Content Four-Year Snapshots

English Snapshot______11

Math Snapshot______24

Science Snapshot______29

Social Studies Snapshot______34

English 11-16

Health/PE 17

Career Pathways

Culinary Arts Pathway______18-19

Theatre Arts Pathway ______20-21

Visual Arts Pathway____________22-23

Math 24-27

Music 28

Science 29-32

Service and Work-Based Education 33

Social Studies 34-36

Technology & Academy Foundation Classes 37

World Languages 38-39

Frequently Asked Questions (about course selection) 40

Course Listings 41-45

Academy Ready Classes 44

Advanced Placement/Dual Credit Courses Offered

Students may register for ANY approved course at an accredited Post-Secondary Institution and Scott High School will offer dual credit. Students must seek approval of the classes at the Post-Secondary Institution from the Counselor or Principal.

University courses are weighted in the GPA. Only AP courses are weighted for KEES purposes.

AP Advanced Placement / Dual Credit / Career Pathways
AP Art
AP Biology
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Chemistry
AP English Literature
AP English Language
AP German Language
AP Government
AP Music Theory
AP Spanish Language
AP Statistics
AP US History / English 101
Finite Math
In mid to late Spring NKU will provide a list of 3 to 4 dual credit classes which will be offered on Scott High School’s Campus
Scott High School supports students taking college classes by offering dual credit for courses taken at local colleges and universities / Biomedical
Culinary Arts
Green Engineering
Future Educators
Media Arts
Military Prep
Robotics Engineering
Structural Engineering
Theatre Arts
Visual Arts

Honors Courses

Honors courses are weighted 1 additional value point in the calculation of the GPA

English 3 Honors
German 3 Honors
Spanish 3 Honors
German 4 Honors
Spanish 4 Honors / Anatomy/Physiology Honors
Physics A:Mechanics Honors
Physics B: Electromagnetism Honors
Physics C: Wave Energy Honors
Pre-Calculus Honors

Grading Scale

Letter Grade / Percentage / Weighted Grading Scale Value Points / Un-weighted Grading Scale
Standard Classes / Honors/AP and
Dual Credit Classes / AP Classes are weighted +1 upon transfer to KDE for KEES
A+ / 99-100 / 4.0 / 5.0 / 4.0
A / 95-98 / 4.0 / 5.0 / 4.0
A- / 93-94 / 3.7 / 4.7 / 4.0
B+ / 91-92 / 3.3 / 4.3 / 3.0
B / 87-90 / 3.0 / 4.0 / 3.0
B- / 85-86 / 2.7 / 3.7 / 3.0
C+ / 83-84 / 2.3 / 3.3 / 2.0
C / 78-82 / 2.0 / 3.0 / 2.0
C- / 76-77 / 1.7 / 2.7 / 2.0
D+ / 75 / 1.3 / 2.3 / 1.0
D / 71-74 / 1.0 / 2.0 / 1.0
D- / 70 / 0.7 / 1.7 / 1.0
F / 0-69 / 0 / 0 / 0

GPA Calculation: Value points X credit earned

# Credits attempted

The GPA and Class Rank are calculated at the end of each trimester.

Scott High School Graduation Requirements

28 total credits are required


The courses listed in the table are Required Courses for Graduation
Language Arts
Must be taken each year in HS / Social Studies / Mathematics
Must be taken each year in HS / Science / Health/PE / Humanities/
Arts / Technology
4 Credits Required / 3 Credits Required / 3 Credits Required / 3 Credits Required / 1 Credit Required / 1 Credit Required / No Required
o English 1
o English 2
o English 3
o English 4
/ o Intro SS A & Intro SS B*
o World Civ
1500 &
World Civ
o US History
US History
1929** / o Algebra 1
o Geometry
o Algebra 2 / o Int Sci D&E and Int Sci P&C
(1 Credit)
o Biology
(1 credit)
o Space Science
(.5 credit)
o Science
(.5 credit)
(+Effective with the Class of 2019) / o PE Class
.5 credit (Freshman)
o Health
.5 credit / o
Earn any combination of Humanities/ Arts class options that will equal at least
1 credit / Student will be taught technology skills throughout their required courses
*AP Gov may be taken in place of Int. to SS A&B
**AP US History may be taken in place of US History
Students must have 13 ELECTIVE credits (not listed above) to complete a total of 28 credits for Graduation.
The PRE-COLLEGE curriculum requires that a student earn 2 credits in the same World Language.
Credits Required for Promotion
To be a Sophomore = 5.5 Credits / To be a Junior = 13 Credits / To be a Senior = 20.5 Credits
Diplomas Offered
Scott High School Diploma
Requirements are listed in the table above
Kentucky Scholars Diploma
1.  Students must earn a 2.5 GPA
2.  Meet the requirements for the PRE-COLLEGE curriculum
Honors Diploma
1.  Students must earn a 3.0 GPA
2.  Meet the requirements for the PRE-COLLEGE curriculum
3.  Achieve the National benchmarks on ACT:
English: 18 / Math: 22 / Reading: 22

We strive to meet the needs of every student in order to ensure a positive learning experience for all students at Scott High School. If your student has a special need or circumstance that impacts his/her course selections or educational experience, please discuss that situation with a counselor or principal. 4 | Page

We strive to meet the needs of every student in order to ensure a positive learning experience for all students at Scott High School. If your student has a special need or circumstance that impacts his/her course selections or educational experience, please discuss that situation with a counselor or principal. 7 | Page

Governor’s Scholars Program & Governor’s School for the Arts

(No cost to apply)

Governor’s Scholars Program (GSP)

Participation in this program may lead to tuition scholarships (and possibly additional scholarships) at Kentucky colleges. It is a five-week summer program between the junior and senior year held on college campuses.

In order to apply for GSP, a student must have:

·  3.0 grade point average (3.75 or higher encouraged).

·  It is expected that the student will be enrolled in accelerated, honors, AP, and/or dual credit classes in more than one area

·  Test score of: ACT – 22 (26 encouraged) or

·  PSAT – selection index of 62 (85 encouraged) or

·  SAT – 1530 (1760 encouraged)

Student must include on application:

·  A variety of extracurricular activities with responsibilities

·  A variety of service activities (voluntary or paid) with hours and frequency

·  A listing of honors & awards (school, local, district, regional, state, national,international)

·  Leadership project proposal in 250 – 350 words

·  Writing entry of 500 words maximum

·  Two teacher recommendations

·  One community recommendation

For more information please contact the student’s counselor or go to

Governor’s School for the Arts (GSA)

Participation in this program may lead to tuition scholarships (and possibly additional scholarships) at Kentucky colleges. It is a three-week summer program for sophomores and juniors. Programs available: architecture, creative writing, dance, drama, instrumental music, musical theatre, new media, visual art, and vocal music.

·  Students must be nominated by a teacher and a counselor or principal.

·  Selected students must then audition.

For more information contact the student’s counselor or go to

Other Selective Recognition Programs

Commonwealth Honors Academy-summer after junior year:

Craft Academy for Excellence in Science and Mathematics:

Gatton Academy of Mathematics & Science-sophomores:

National Merit Scholar – must take PSAT in the junior year & score 98th percentile or higher:



English must be taken each year in high school
English 1
Snapshot / English 2
Snapshot / English 3
Snapshot / English 4
The standard course is English 1A & 1B & 1C
Students with MAP Reading scores of 232+ take
English 1 A & 1B Accelerated / The standard course is
English 2A & 2B & 2C
Students with MAP Reading scores of 233+ take
English 2 A & B Accelerated
Students with MAP Reading Scores of 251+ may choose to take
AP Language or
AP Literature
(Students are recommened to take AP Lang prior to AP Lit) / The standard course is English 3A & 3B & 3C
Students with MAP Reading scores between 227 and 236 may take
Eng 3A & 3B & 3C Honors
Students with MAP Reading 235+ may take
AP Language
AP Literature
Dual-Credit Eng Course
courses offered through local colleges and universities / The standard course is
English 4A & 4B
Advanced students may take
AP Language
AP Literature
Dual-Credit Eng Course
additional course options offered through local colleges and universities

English courses are listed in SEQUENCE order with electives following required course options.

English 1A & 1B & 1C
Students with a MAP Reading score < 232 will take this class. / Satisfies: 1 required ENGLISH credit and .5 ELECTIVE credit / To Take: First year 9th grade students with a MAP Reading score < 232.
NCAA: Core Class
Students will focus intensively on developing and refining reading comprehension skills necessary to succeed in high school. Students will learn and gain competency using various strategies for engaging both literary and real-world texts, for strengthening vocabulary acquisition skills, and for communicating with academic and non-academic audiences for specific purposes. This course will transition students into the freshman English curriculum with an emphasis on mastering fundamental rhetorical skills. This course must be taken in conjunction with English 1A & 1B. Freshman course builds on students’ elementary and middle-school language arts abilities. Coursework focuses on higher-order critical thinking skills; close-analysis reading strategies to enable students to independently analyze texts, challenging reading selections; and complex writing tasks to build ability to write effectively in academic and real-life situations. Freshman year emphases include coming-of-age literature, analysis of writing styles, poetry and dramatic interpretation.
English 1A & 1B Accelerated
Students with a MAP Reading score ≥ 232 will be placed in this class. / Satisfies: 1 required ENGLISH credit / To Take: Grade 9
First year 9th grade students with a MAP Reading Score ≥ 249 may take English 2 Accelerated.
NCAA: Core Class
English 1 Accelerated is strongly recommended for students who plan to take Honors/AP English in their junior and senior years. Students are expected to work independently and at an accelerated pace. Accelerated students will complete English 1 curriculum, which focuses on higher-order critical thinking skills, close-analysis reading strategies to enable students to independently analyze texts, challenging reading selections, and complex writing tasks to build ability to write effectively in academic and real-life situations. Freshman year emphases include coming-of-age literature, analysis of writing styles, poetry and dramatic interpretation. Accelerated coursework includes upper-level practice in critical reading and analytical writing.