Tanque Verde High School Site Council Meeting Minutes

February 13, 2017

Tanque Verde High School (TVHS) Site Council meeting was called to order by Mr. Malis at 6:01

p.m. in the TVHS Library.

Members in attendance:

A.J.Malis Jeremiah Johnson Chris Altizer Debbie MacKinney ColleenRoh

George Markou Bobby Torres Becky Watson Patty Frey

No audience members

Minutes from January 9, 2017: Move to approve as written: Becky Second:Bobby


Loss of Site Council member

●Liz Morron passed away a few weeks ago. Our sincere condolences to herfamily.

●Becky will take minutes through May2017.

●Mr. Malis will send out an email to TVHS staff and request a Site Council member replacement.Ifmorethanoneapplicantappliesthenthesitecouncilwilltakeavotevia email to approve new site council member before our next meeting scheduled inMarch.

Loss of TVHS Student

●Mr.MalisbriefedthecouncilmembersofthelossofNathanHubble.Thishasbeena very sorrowful few weeks within our TVHScommunity.

●Patty expressed her gratitude to Mr. Malis and all the TVHS community forbeing gracious to the Hubble family during thistragedy.

●GeorgeexpressedhisgratitudetotheTVHSBandBoostersandtheBakerfamilyfor supplying all the food and refreshments for Nathan’s funeralreception.

Tax Credit Funding Application

●1 page (back to back) application is ready togo

●List of clubs were provided to site councilmembers

●Mr.MaliswillsendanemailtoalltheclubstoinformthemthattheTVHSsitecouncilis now accepting applications for available tax credit funds. We will review all tax credit applications that meet our application guidelines at our next meeting scheduled for Monday, March13th.

●Afewclubsweremissingfromthelist.Mr.Maliswillcheckintoaddingthemand revising list. (Senior Class and SpanishClub)

●Mr.Malisnotedthatittakesapproximately3.5weeksforthetaxcreditmoneytoturn around from the Pima County School Superintendent'soffice

●Fund Balances: Greatest Need: $12,115.63, Fine Arts Fund: $2,677.64, andCommunity Service Fund:$550.00

School Logo Approved

●A soft roll out of our new school logo will be made in the next fewweeks.

●Georgemadeasuggestionaboutaskingfordonationstoupdatebigitemsoncampus, such as logos in our GYM/MPR. Mr. Malis will lookinto.

●Georgemadeasuggestionaboutlookingintotrademarkingournewlogo.Mr.Maliswill lookinto.

Superintendent Search Update:

●Our TVUSD office has received numerousapplications.

●Ourdistricthopestonarrowdowntheapplicationsby1stweekofMarch,thenbythe 2nd week of March proceed withinterviews.

●Salary range is95K-120K

Site Council Meeting postings

●Mr.MaliswillremindMelissaaboutaddingoursitecouncilmeetingstotheschool’s emailblast.

Future Meeting Agenda Items:

1.Review Applications for Tax CreditFunding

2.Superintendent SearchUpdate

Next Meeting March 13, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the TVHS Library. Meeting adjourned by A.J. Malis at 6:51 p.m.

Respectively submitted by Becky Watson

Recording Secretary