
Mr J Dorey (Chairman), Mr J Horne (Vice Chairman)

Mr G Hughes,Mrs S HuntMr T O’Hagan

Dst Cllr M Knowles

Sally Gill (Clerk)

3647.Apologies for Absence

Mrs Reith sent apologies.

3648.Declarations of Interest on Agenda Items

Mr Dorey declared a pecuniary interest (DPI) in items 3656a to 3656g.

3649.Minutes of Meeting Held on 15th June 2017

Mr Hughesproposed acceptance of the minutes of the meeting of Upper Sheringham Parish Council held on 15th June 2017, seconded by MrHorne. It was agreed. The minutes were signed by the Chairman.

3650.Public Participation

There were no members of the public present.


a) Crime Updates

There were no crimes reported for April, with figures awaited on the Police

website for May and June.


Mrs Hunt attended the June SNAP meeting and advised if we have any issue to be

raised at SNAP meetings an email should be sent prior to the meeting. The Clerk

will email concerns over speeding along Weybourne Road and Park Road for the

next meeting. It was noted that the Police are looking for Community Speedwatch

volunteersand they advised that dashcams can be used as evidence for road traffic

offences. The Clerk will email information from the SNAP meeting to Councillors.

It was noted that Sat Nav’s and Ordnance Survey still show Weybourne Road as

Old High Road and Church Lane as Lime Kiln Road, the Clerk will contact Norfolk

County Council to ask for this matter to be resolved. It was agreed that Gary

Hughes will also attend future SNAP meetings as a Parish Council representative.


a) Bank Balances. At the close of business on 5th July 2017, the Parish

Councilhad £1,696.55 in the Community Account and £7,670.39in the Business

Saver Account.

b) Payment to NNDC.Mrs Hunt proposed the payment of £99.84 toNNDCfor

annualdog bin emptying, seconded by Mr Hughes. It was agreed.

c) Payment to TT Jones. Mr Horne proposed the payment of £59.04 to TT Jones

for street light maintenance for July to September, seconded by Mrs Hunt. It was


d) Payment to NALC. Mr Hughes proposed the payment of £27.92 to NALC for

eight copies of the Good Councillor guide, seconded by Mr Horne. It was


e) Internal Auditor. The effectiveness of Internal Audit was reviewed, confirmed

as satisfactory and Mr Horne so proposed that Stuart Meakin is reappointed for

the 2017/18 financial year, seconded by Mr O’Hagan. It was agreed.

3653. District Council Matters

District Councillor Report

Dst Cllr Knowles gave a report as follows:

District Council will be asking local Councils for areas that they wish to have

considered for designation as a Local Green Space. This is part of the preparation

work for the new Local Plan.

A planning development at Sculthorpe for 200 homes was refused on planning

grounds however an appeal has been won with the Planning Inspector noting

that District Council have to have a five year supply as in their Local Plan.

District Council recently made a call for sites for the new Local Plan and at present

is appraising the sites put forward, this will then go out to consultation.

3654. County Council Matters

County Councillor Report

Therewasno reporton thisoccasion.

3655.Highways and Transportation

a) Speeding on Weybourne Road and Park Road

This item was noted under Police matters, the Clerk will contact the SNAP team for their further consideration.

b) A148/Holway Road Junction

It was noted that Sheringham Town Council is to set up a working party to drive forward the possibility of a roundabout at this junction, they will be contacting surrounding Parishes in due course. They have acknowledged it is within our Parish boundary and it was therefore agreed to contact our County Councillor for support in this matter, as County Council have responsibility for Highways.

c) Delivering Highway Improvements in Partnership

County Council have advised they will repeat the scheme in 2018/2019 to work in partnership with local Councils to deliver some highway improvements. It was agreed to look into the possibility of mobile Speed Awareness Mobile Signs (SAM2). The Clerk will obtain information on costs and the feasibility of usage on roads in Upper Sheringham, in order that a decision can be made on whether to put in a bid for this scheme.

d) AnyOther Highway Matters

Broadland Housing have advised the contractors should attend Blowlands Lane within a couple of weeks to fill the pothole and make good the road dressing. Kevin Clarke will keep in touch with the contractor to ensure the works are carried out.

It was noted that along Lodge Hill, at the start of the field coming down into the village the vegetation is encroaching on the road. The Clerk will contact the National Trust.

It was also noted the Trods at Lodge Hill/A148 junction need cutting back, the Clerk will contact Steve White, Highways manager.


Mr Horne chaired the meeting for the subsequent seven items as Mr Dorey

declared a pecuniary interest (DPI).

a) Planning Application – LA/17/0937. Receipt was noted of application for retention of internal and external alterations to facilitate erection of porch, insertion of door and brickwork behind soil vent pipe at Sheringham Hall, Sheringham Park, Upper Sheringham. It was agreed there are no objections.

b) Planning application – PF/17/0935. Receipt was noted of application for

erection of two outbuildings (retrospective) at Sheringham Hall, Sheringham Park.It

was agreed there are no objections.

c) Planning Application – PF/17/0936. Receipt was noted of application for

erection of porch and installation of door (retrospective) at Sheringham Hall,

Sheringham Park.It was agreed there are no objections.

d) Planning Application – PF/17/0938. Receipt was noted of application for

alterations to walled garden, store, greenhouses and outbuildings (part

retrospective) at Sheringham Hall, Sheringham Park.It was agreed there are no


e) Planning Application – LA/17/0939. Receipt was noted of application for part

retention of internal and external alterations to walled garden, greenhouses and

outbuildings at Sheringham Hall, Sheringham Park.It was agreed there are no


f) Planning Application – PF/17/0933. Receipt was noted of application for

demolition of outbuilding and erection of replacement outbuilding (part

retrospective) at Sheringham Hall, Sheringham Park.It was agreed there are no


g) Planning Application LA/17/0934. Receipt was noted of application for

demolition of outbuilding and part retention of internal and external alterations to

facilitate erection of outbuilding at Sheringham Hall, Sheringham Park.It was

agreed there are no objections.

Mr Dorey re-commenced chairing the meeting.

3657.Parish Matters

a) Parish Newsletter

Janice and Tony Weeden have voluntarily carried out editing of the Parish

Newsletter for eightyears and will be giving up this role from December. Parish

Councillors will ask around the Village to seeif anyone is willing to take over

responsibility and it will beincluded in the next Parish Council article for the


b) North Norfolk Parish Forum Update

There was no update on this occasion.

3658.Any Other Business

Mr Horne asked for the Parish Council article for the Newsletter to include that more

members are required for the Village Hall committee.

3659.Date of Next MeetingThe next meetingis on Thursday 3rd August2017 at 6pm.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.25pm

Chairman …………………………………..…….Dated………………………………………