
To heartheinstructions andthe exampledownloadat

Inthissectionof thetest,youwillhear conversations andanswersomequestionsabout them. Foreach conversation,firstreadthesituationandthequestionorquestions. Thenlisten to the conversation.Answer thequestionafteryouhear theconversation.Respondto thequestions by markingthecorrectanswer(A,B,C, orD)onthe answersheet(p18)

Readthe example situationandquestion.

Situation : BillSanchezcallsDrStockton’soffice tomake anappointment.

Billisgoingtosee thedoctoron .

A. Tuesdayat10. 00

B. Tuesdayat 4.00

C. Wednesday at10.00

D. Wednesday at4.00

Now listento the example conversation. ( EXAMPLECONVERSATION)

Nowanswerthe example question.

Theanswer fortheexampleisD. Wednesday at4.00. TheletterDisfilled onyouranswersheet.

Situation1: Davidistalking with Tomomi when Monica comes intotheroom. To hearthe instructionsandthe example downloadat

1. aremeetingforthefirst time.

A. DavidandMonica

B. DavidandTomomi

C. TomomiandMonica

D. David,Monica,andTomomi

Situation2: KenandNancy are ata restaurant.To heartheinstructions andthe example downloadat

2. Ken

A. ishavingsteaktonight

B. stoppedeatingsteak

C. eats steak alot

D. preferschicken tosteak

Situation3: KarencallsJason’shome. Jason’sfatheranswersthe telephone.To hearthe instructionsandthe example downloadat

3. Karenisgoingto

A. speak withJasonatwork

B. callbackin an hour

C. waitforJasonto call

D. sendawrittenmessage

Situation4: Areporter isgiving today’s weather forecast. Tohearthe instructionsandthe example downloadat

4. Itwillbe clearin

A. theNortheast

B. Seattle C. Boston D. Miami

5. InSeattle, the weatheris

A. hot

B. snowy

C . cool

D. rainy

Situation5: BillinvitesJennifer togotodinnerandamovie.Toheartheinstructions andthe example downloadat

6. Jenniferdoesn’tacceptrightawaybecauseshecan’t_

A. eatalatelunch B. Leaveworkearly C. gotodinner

D. seethe movie

7. They’regoingto

A. leaveworkalittleearly

B. gotothemoviebeforedinner

C. seethe movietomorrow

D. havedinnerat7.00

Situation6: Linda is asking Jim abouthisplansforthe summer. Tohearthe instructionsandthe example downloadat

8. Inthesummer,Jim usually

A. stays in themountains

B. takes tripswithhisfamily

C. visitshis parents

D. goesto the beach

9. / Thissummerhe’splanningto
A. stayathome / C. fish withhis dad
B. gotothebeach / D. hikeinthemountains

Situation7. Philistalking with Susie about money. Tohearthe instructions andthe example downloadat

10. Philisupset because_

A. Susiecan’t lend himany money C. Albert hasn’treturnedhismoney

B. hisparentswon’tgivehimmoney D. his friends neverlend himmoney


A. didn’t borrow $100 C. doesn’t need themoney

B. isn’t working now D. can’treturn themoney yet

12. Susiedoesn’t lend moneytofriendsbecause_

A. she hasjustenoughfor herself A.people won’t lendhermoney

B. lending money canchangeafriendship B. herfriends don’tneed it

Situation8: Natalie andChuck are talking abouttheirexperiences abroad. Tohearthe instructionsandthe example downloadat

13. Chuck went backpacking

A. inBrazil

B. by himself

C. after highschool

D. withhisfather

14. Chuck says he«would havelikedtohaveseenPortugal». Hemeansthathe

A. went there,andhelikedit

B. didn’tgothere,but hewanted to

C. went there,but hedidn’t likeit

D. didn’tgothere,and hedidn’t wantto

15. WhileNataliewasinJapan, she

A. traveledallover thecountry B. livedwithaJapanesefamily C. learnedJapanesequickly

D. gotvery homesick

16. Chuck doesn’twant to

A. travelanymore

B. learn aforeignlanguage

C. stayathome


Situation9: Diane andConradaretalking abouttheircareers. Tohearthe instructionsandthe example downloadat

17. Conrad got intoadvertisingbecausehe_

A. studiedadvertisingincollege C. liked tohelppeople.

B. heard aboutajobopening D. wastiredof hisoldjob

18. Whenhewasyoung,Conrad wanted to

A. work inadvertising C. stay inschool

B. becomea doctor D. gointobusiness

19. Diane’sparentsdidn’t want herto _

A start herownbusiness C. be toosuccessful

B. finish college D. changehercareer

20. / Conrad
A. ownshisowncompany / C. thinks hisjobisboring
B. enjoys workingin advertising / D.wantstoleavehisjob

Thisistheendof theListeningsectionofyourObjectivePlacementTest


Section II:Reading

Inthissectionof theobjectivePlacementTest,youwillreadsomeshort passagesandanswer questionsabout them. Choosetheword or wordsthat best complete thesentence. Foreachitem, fillinyouransweron theanswersheet.

Passage1: Whatare you doing today?

Betty Chan:Iusually stay homeonSundays and takeiteasy–read,clean thehouse, dostufflike

that. But today I’mat themall.I’mbuyingsome thingsformy kids.

21. Betty is today

A. shopping B. reading D.resting

Passage 2: Whatdoyoudo?

Tony Perez:I’m aflightattendant with amajorairline.Flying isn’t dangerous, but it can be stressful. When I’m upintheairworking, Ialways havesomethingtodo.I likeit becauseI meet a lotofinterestingpeople.

22. Tony’s jobis

A. busy C. relaxing

B. easy D. boring

Passage3: Avacationpostcard

Dear Sally,

Greetings fromFrance- it’ssogoodto bebackhereagain! Weleftthekids with their grandparentsin Chicago, andwe’rebikingacrossthe Frenchcountrysidebyourselves.Webroughta tentand sleeping bags,sowecancampoutifwewantto,butwe’rereallyenjoyingthesmall hotelswefindalongtheway.


Michael andPaula

23. Michael and Paula

A. havebeen inFrancebefore C. arevisitingtheir grandparents

B. tooktheir children with them D. prefertosleep outside

Passage4. The«zone»

You ‘redeeplyinvolved inataskand canignore everythingaround you–ringingtelephones,your neighbor’s TV,evenyourownhunger--- andstill dothings in recordtime. Thisissimilartowhatathletes call the«zone» :thepower toconcentratesohardthat youcanignoreeverythingelse.This abilitycan bringsuccess in anyfield,butinathleticsitcanmeanall thedifferencebetweenwinngandlosingagame or event.

24. Inthis reading, the « zone» referstoaperson’s

A. stateofmind C. physicalcondition

B. neighborhood D. intellligence

25. Athletes in the «zone»aremorelikely to

A. fall / C. / win
B. compete / D. / relax


HenryFordbecamefamous andrich becausehefoundabetter,fasterwaytobuildcars.This isshown in the historyofthe Model-T.When theModel–Twasfirstintroduced in1908,ittook14hourstobuildand cost$850. AfterFordintroducedintohisown factorythemass –productiontechniquesthat hesawina meat- packingplant,thetimefor buildinga Model-Twasreduced toless thantwohours. Asa result, Ford wasabletodropthe priceof thecarto $265. By1927, hehadsold over15millionModel-Ts.

26. ThefirstModel-Twasexpensivebecauseit_

A. was new

B. wasvery popular

C. tooka longtime tobuild

D. wasbuilt inafactory

27. TheModel-Tbecamesopopularbecauseitwas than othercars

A. newer B . faster C. better

D. cheaper

Passage6. It’sa bigcountry!

When itcomes tobodyweight,Americans standout.Mostvisitors tothe UnitedStates,nomatterwhere theygoacrossthecountry,commentonthesizeofmanyAmericans.Infact,theseimpressions arebacked bynumerousstatistics. Forexample,theaverage5’4 ‘’ American weighs162 pounds, or15pounds

morethanthe averagepersonof thesameheightfromWesternor Central Europe. Another comparison:

At 150pounds,the average 5’4’’Americanwomanis 24pounds heavierthanher Japanesecounterpart.

Whyare Americans soheavy ? Someblame theAmericandiet. Certainlyit’struethat Americans eatmorehigh-fat foods–meat,dairyproducts, andprocessed food–andfewer grains and vegetablesthan people inothercountries.Butfat isn’tthewholestory.Lifestyle factors-includingthetendencyfor Americans todriveratherthanwalk or rideabicycletowork,,tosnackthroughoutthe day, andtohaveso manylabor- savingdevicesin the home–appear tocontributeto theproblem.

28. Accordingtothearticle, visitors to theUnited Statesoftencomment onthesize ofthe

A. population C. country

B. cities D. people

29. Accordingto thearticle, theaverageWesternEuropean weighs

A. morethananAmerican C. lessthanan American

B. morethana CentralEuropean D. lessthanaJapaneseperson

30. Incomparisonwith Americans, people inothercountriedeat more

A. meat C. processed food

B. dairyproducts D. grains

31. ThearticleimpliesthatAmericanswouldloseweight if they

A. snackedmoreoften C. stayed athome more

B. rodebicyclestowork D. atefewervegetables

Passage7:Smalltalkisn’tso «small »

Small talkmaynotbeaboutserious issues;nevertheless,researchersintothesubjecthaveconcludedthat it’s important. That’s becausesmalltalkkeeps usconnectedto oneanother andcanlead tobiggerthings, suchasa jobor a newfriendship. Yetpeoplewhofindthemselvesalonewith another personoften don’t knowwhattosay.Hereareafewtipstohelp youstartaconversation, and keeptheconversationalball rolling.

*Startwith the obvious. Ifyouhavesomethingin commonwith anotherperson(your job, hobbies, a personyoubothknow,etc),beginwiththat. Ifyoudon’tknowtheperson, it’salwaysacceptabletobring upaneutral topic suchastheweatheror arecentnewsevent.Itisn’tnecessarytobeclever–allthat’s required is toshowinterestintheotherpersonandtobewillingto talk.

*Complimentwhereappropriate. If theother personhas donesomethingyoulike oriswearingsomething attractive,it’salways appropriatetocompliment.Butavoidtalkingaboutthe specificsof aperson’s physical appearance(peoplecan’tusuallychangehowtheylook)andkeep your compliments shortandto the point(«What agreattie!»or«Youlookgreattonight!»)andcontinuewith another topic.

*Talkaboutyourself–thenreturntoyourpartner. It’s perfectlyOKto talkaboutyourown interestsfora while,butkeep your conversation frombecominga monolog.It’sonlypolite,forexample, thatafter talkingabout yourown children, youturntheconversationbacktoyour partnerbyaskingabouthisor her children.

32. Accordingtothearticle,themainfunctionofsmall talk is to

A. showourownimportance C.relatetootherpeople

B. getvaluable information D. talk aboutmajor issues

33. « Startwith theobvious»meansthatyoushouldtalk aboutthingsthatyou

A. haveincommon C. wanttounderstand

B. enjoydoing D. knoweverythingabout

34. Youneedtobecarefulwhen complimentingsomeonebecausemostpeople

A. don’tlikecompliments A. don’tdressverywell

B. can’tchangehowtheylook D.haven’t doneanythinginteresting

35. Youshouldavoidmonologsbecauseother people_

A. havenointerestinwhatyousay

B. already knowalotaboutyou

C. liketo talkaboutthemselves,too. D. prefertodiscuss neutral subjects

Passage8. Headaches

Everyonehasexperiencedheadaches,butonlyrecentlyhavemedicalresearchersbeguntolearnmore specificallyaboutthecauses andpossibletreatmentsfordifferent typesof headache pain.

Themostcommontypeof headacheisthe simpletension headache.Tensionheadachesareusually

mildandshort-lastingandcanresultfromvariousfactors, suchasstresscaused byworryornoise. Tension headachesarecaused byatightenngofthe neckor backmuscles,whichslowstheflowof bloodand, therefore,oxygento the brain.Itis thelackof oxygenthatcausesthepain. Mostheadachescanbe relieved bytakingamildanalgesicsuchasaspirin. Analgesicsexpandthebloodvesselsandrestorethe normalflowof bloodandoxygen tothe brain.

Amoreserious typeof headacheisthemigraine.Migraineheadachesareoften extremelypainful and canlastfor hoursor days.Liketensionheadaches, theycanbetheresultof different factors,including stress,hormonal changes,andallergies. Unliketensionheadaches, however,theyarecaused byan abnormalexpansionor swelling(ratherthanacontraction)ofthe bloodvesselswithinthehead. Medicines thatshrinkswollen bloodvesselscanbeused totreatmigraineheadaches.

Atinyminorityof headachescanbelinkedtoseverephysical problems such ashead injuriesor brain tumors. Forthesetypesofheadaches,therearemedicinesto treatthe symptoms, butthereisnocure unlessthe underlyingproblemis cured.

36. This articlediscussesthe

A.tinyminorityof peoplewhohaveheadaches B. historyofmedical researchintoheadaches C. causesandremediesfor headaches

D. physicalproblemscaused byheadaches

37. A tension headachecanresultwhen

A. theneckandbackmuscles relax C. theflowof bbloodisrestricted

B. peoplegetinjured inan accident D. toomuchoxygenegoes tothebrain

38. Migraineheadaches_

A. arethe mostcommonkindofheadache

B. usuallylast onlya fewminutes

C. cancauseextremepain

D. haveone maincause

39. Medicines formigraines_

A. relaxtheheadandneck B. generallyrelievetension C. increasetheflowof blood

D. causebloodvessels tocontract

40. Headachescausedbyserious physical problems_

A. can’tbetreated

B. don’tcausemuch pain

C. havenosymptoms

D. arenotverycommon

Section III: Language Use

Inthissection,youwillanswerquestions about theuseofEnglish.Choosethewordor wordsthat bestcompletethesentence. Foreachitem,fillinyouranswerontheanswersheet.


severalgoodrestaurantsin ourneighborhood.

A. There / C. There are
B. They’re / D. Their
42. / Thegasstation is Main Street.
A. on / C. next
B. at / D. close
43. / «I can’tswimverywell.»
« I can’t _. »
A. too /
B. either / D. neither
44. / Ienjoy out twoor threetimesa week.
A. toeat / C. eat
B. eating / D. Ieat

45. Thesedays, womenkeep workingafter theyget married.

A.most C. almost

B. mostof D. themost

46. My new jobisvery .

A. excitement C. exciting

B. excited D. excite

47. Afterfinishingcollege,I hope married.

A.get C.getting

B.thatget D.toget

48.Mt Everestis _mountain in theworld.

A. thehigh C. higherthan

B. highas D. the highest

49.Bob’s neverbeenskiing, he?

A. is C. does

B. has D. was

5O. I’ve run outofmoney. I wishI more.

A. I amsaving C. hadsaved

B.havesaved D. willsave

51. Couldyoutellmewhere ?

A. isthe postoffice C. isitthepostoffice

B. thepostofficeis D. itis the postoffice

52. IfIhadknownabout theaccident,I it tothepolice.

A. reported C. wasreporting

B. would havereported D. havebeenreporting

53. / Yolanda part time forseveralyearsnow.
A. hasbeen working / C. works
B. isworking / D. wasworking
54. / TheTajMahalisreally worth _.
A. tosee / C. youseeit
B. seeing / D. see

55. IfIwent toliveina foreigncountry,

my friends.

A. I’dmiss C. I missed

B. I’mmissing D.I mis

56. Would youmind

the window?

A. open / C. toopen
B. opening / D. Iopen
57. / Iwasinterested theviolin.
A. tostudy / C. instudying
B. study / D. studied
58. / Beforeafilmis finished,it needs .
A. theyeditit / C. to beedited

B. toedit D. beingedited

59. By 2O2O, scientists


A. had found C. arefinding

B. will havefound D. have been finding

60. « What happenedtoKate? »

« Shemust aboutourappointment.»

A. forget C. forgot

B. beforgetting D.haveforgotten

61. We’renot used


A. cook C. cooking

B. tocook D. to cooking

62. Chicago, isnicknamedtheWindy City,isthelargest city in Illinois.

A.It C. what

B. which D. that

63. John,I liketocook.

A. Unless C. Instead

B. Except B. Unlike

64. Before breakfast,Iusuallytakeashower.

A. eat C. eating

B. toeat D. that eat

65. I’mtaking a class learn moreabout my computer.

A. sothat C. in order to

B. inorder D. that

66. / Forme,mathematics is difficultthan biology.
A. more / C. most
B. themore / D. themost
67. / I would rather eveningclasses.
A. don’ttake / C. notaking
B. not take / D. not taking
68. / Ifeelsick. Ishouldn’t somuch.
A. toeat / C. haveeaten
B. eaten / D.eating
69. / Jim’sbossdemanded thathe towork earlier.
A. hascome / C. iscome
B. coming / D. come

70. The earlierchildrenlearn toread, fortheireducation.

A. good B. thegood C. thebetter D.thebest


Section I: Listening

1: / 2: / 3: / 4: / 5:
6: / 7: / 8: / 9: / 1O:
11: / 12 : / 13: / 14: / 15 :
16: / 17: / 18: / 19: / 20 :

Section II:Reading

21: / 22: / 23: / 24: / 25:
26: / 27: / 28 : / 29: / 30:
31: / 32: / 33 : / 34: / 35:
36: / 37: / 38 : / 39: / 40:

Section III:Language Use

41: / 42: / 43: / 44 : / 45:
46: / 47: / 48: / 49: / 5O:
51: / 52: / 53: / 54: / 55:
61: / 57:
62 : / 58 :
63: / 59 :
64: / 60:
66: / 67: / 68: / 69: / 70 :