Onboarding Checklist - Academic

Note: This is a tool to assist you with the Onboarding of your new employee. Completion of these activities will help create a smooth and professional welcome, ensuring your employee has everything they need to start work on commencement. AManager/Supervisor can delegate most of these tasks as needed to a nominated Onboarding coordinator and/or buddy.

Please fill in the details below:
New staff member name:
Staff ID:
Start date:
Manager/Supervisor name:
Buddy’s Name:
Faculty/Office Onboarding Coordinator:

Before your new employee arrives:

Preparing for your new employee / Who is responsible
Contact your new employee, one week before starting date(See sample telephone script for your guidance)
Email your work unit introducing your new employee and advise their start date.
Establish whether your new employee may be bringing HDR candidates (Refer to the Higher Degree Research Office)
Establish whether your new employee will be bringing grants (Refer to the Research Office)
Schedule introductory meetings with key colleagues within the new employee’s first week. (Refer the induction schedule template which includes examples.)
Plan general induction schedule of activities if start day is not a Monday.
Allocate a Buddy to your new employee
Plan for handover and access to documents if possible /relevant
Organise training schedule e.g. FILT, HDR Supervisor training, Systems training and load into their calendar (Refer to example Induction schedule)
Arrange access for your employee / Who is responsible
Building/Office access (including after-hours access).
Generate a single OneHelp ticket, called the 'Onboarding' ticket, to request everything that can be provisionedvia OneHelp. This includes access to appropriate systems. You will need to listany other systems not already listed in the ‘Onboarding’ OneHelp ticket
Add your new employee’s details to relevant staff e-mail lists and team calendars (e.g., weekly team meetings).
Arrange for the creation ofa page for your new academic employee on your website
Prepare a welcome induction pack if required. This may include local information about your faculty e.g. organisation chart, strategy papers etc.
Workspace set up / Who is responsible
Allocate a clean desk space, order aname label, door and signage board plates if relevant.
Order a desktop and/or laptop and telephone as needed or arrange transfer of current equipment to be used by your new employee.
Print out an up-to-date list of key contacts and their phone/email details.
Provide stationery basics (e.g., pens, notepad and stapler). (Refer to Stationary Guide)

First day – First week:

Welcome and orientation / Who is responsible
Take the new employee on a tour around the office space (e.g., toilet, kitchen, first aid, printer, lunch facilities). If the new starter did not start on a Monday, register them for the next HR Induction presentation (if practical) and give them a guided tour of the University.
If your new employee cannot go to the HR Induction on the following Monday, arrange for them to meet with the Unisuper consultant within their first week.
Introduce New Starter to their immediate work colleagues, office support staff and to local Finance, HR, Marketing and IT staff
Familiarise your new employee with the induction website
Provide an overview of the organisational structure (i.e., Executive team, Faculty/Office Deans, and team).
Outline the goals of the team and how these relate to the broader strategic goals of the Faculty/Office and University as a whole. Use Our University: A framing of futuresas a reference.
Ensure time has been scheduled completecompulsory OH&S modules – refer the induction schedule template example. Note: EEO and Sustainability modules should be completed in the second week.
Demonstrate the use of the telephone system and assist with the setup of voicemail.
Reflection catch up end of day one (e.g. with Buddy).
Clarify policies and procedures / Who is responsible
Introduce the new employee to HR online (Payroll, Superannuation, Timesheets, Leave, add emergency contact details). Ensure they update their qualifications in HR Online. See Induction Website for more information if needed.
Room bookings.
Telephone, Email and Voicemail protocols. Ensure the staff directory is updated by your new employee with their details and phone extension (they log in to staff directory).
Emergency procedures, exits etc.
Social activities and birthdays.
Clarify job role and expectations / Who is responsible
Discuss and agree goals and performance expectationswith your new employee to achieve within the probation period. Contact your Client HR representative if you are unsure about how this is done. / Manager /Supervisor
Explain the probation process and schedule a probation review at three and five months / Manager /Supervisor
Discuss a training plan for processes and/or systems relevant to the job role. / Manager /Supervisor

The first month:

Check-in and follow-up / Who is responsible
Schedule catch-up to review progress, clarify any further questions and provide feedback.
Review training plan progress and revise where needed.
Review probation progress and revise if required / Manager /Supervisor
You and your new employee will be surveyed about your Onboarding experiences at 6 weeks. / Manager /Supervisor

Onboarding complete!