Title: Interim Executive Chairman (IEC)
Responsible to: Considerate Constructors’ Scheme (CCS) Board and Construction Umbrella Bodies Ltd (CUB) (as the owner of the CCS)
Staff directly reporting: CEO CCS plus Admin support
The IEC role is to lead the strategic and operational development of the CCS. This will involve developing the scheme so it represents and enhances the positive image of construction. On a day to day basis the scheme must deliver excellent value for money, support and services to the companies and trade associations in the construction industry, together with clients and the public. Key to achieving this is to ensure the CCS is highly respected and has credibility and influence across the industry and with the general public.
Job Objectives
· Work with the CCS Board and owner to determine CCS strategy, objectives and policies.
· Chair the statutory board (SB) and oversee the secretariat that is required to support the SB.
· Through the operational board (OB), which the IEC will attend, monitor progress in achieving the strategy, objectives and the performance of the service provider.
· Be responsible for the direction and performance of the Scheme’s CEO who will report directly to him/her.
· Oversee the financial performance of the scheme.
· Review the operation of the scheme and develop a model that will enable the scheme to run effectively and develop to reach its full potential – to include looking at future in-house or service provider options;
o In the case of the former, lead the work to bring the scheme in -house.
o In the case of the latter, lead the work to negotiate a new services contract.
· Develop and lead stakeholder engagement to improve the awareness of the scheme at senior level and gain buy-in to the new strategy.
· Develop a direct relationship with major clients.
· Work with government and opinion formers to improve the image of the industry.
Key competences required to undertake this post effectively
1. Leadership skills backed up by a proven track record of working at board level.
2. Clear, strategic thinking with the ability to quickly assimilate, explain and disseminate complex information in a brief and lucid manner.
3. A flexible and proactive approach to work is essential, with excellent track record of delivering objectives.
4. Ability to communicate and influence effectively through the written and spoken word, in one-to-one, informal and formal meetings, including public speaking as well as in press interviews and articles and other publications
5. Leadership and diplomacy skills to represent the CCS at meetings with senior people, including government ministers, civil servants and other industry stakeholders
6. Ability to think strategically, plan at a strategic and practical level and make decisions incisively and carry these through.
7. Good interpersonal skills and ability to work with wide range of people
8. Good management skills and experience of operational issues such as of finance and IT, leadership and motivation of others, as well as ability to work as part of a team
9. Knowledge and experience of construction industry the regulatory environment and of policy development is preferred.
Individual characteristics
Essential features of the candidate
· Leadership skills
· Strategic vision with the ability to execute projects
· Experience of working at senior level in a public or private sector organisation and interacting at board level
· Experience of tendering contracts and outsourcing supplies
· A track record of working with/influencing government and senior civil servants
· Excellent networking skills, used to working with and engaging with senior people in major companies
· Flexibility - ability to adapt to the 'issues of the day' and flexibility time wise due to a number of evening commitments etc
· Ability to motivate small team
Desirable features of the candidate
· Experience of working in construction industry
· Understanding of the role of representative bodies
· Competent performer in public speaking, media opportunities etc
Personal characteristics
Authoritative, diplomatic, articulate, personable, customer-focused, visible, writes well, and good ambassador.
March 2016