Office of the Controller
CONTACT: Shanda Chapin-Rienzo, , (415) 554-6620
The City and County of San Francisco Controller’s Office, City Services Auditor, City Performance Unit is soliciting quotes from vendors to provide project management training to our staff of approximately 25 project managers and analysts. The goal is to provide staff members with a solid understanding of accepted project management practices that they can apply to their day-to-day work.
The City is soliciting quotes from firms hereafter referred to as “Proposers.” / Maximum Cost:
Desired Start Date:
June 2013
Estimated Contract Term:
The estimated contract term is six (6) months with the goal to have all work completed within three (3) months. Actual contract term may vary depending upon service and project needs.
Deadline for Questions
Deadline for Answers
Deadline for Quotes
Contract award intent notification
*Each date subject to change / 03-26-2013
04-01-2013(12:00pm PT)
04-04-2013 (5:00 pm PT)
04-10-2013(5:00 pm PT)
04-15-2013 (5:00 pm PT) / RFq Questions and Communications
To ensure fair and equal access to information about this RFq, e-mail your questions to
Questions must be in writing and received before 12:00 pm PT on Monday, April 01, 2013. No questions will be accepted after this time with the exception of City vendor requirements questions.
A summary of the questions and answers pertaining to this RFq will be emailed to proposers by 5:00pm PT Thursday, April 4, 2013.
Controller’s Office ● City Hall, Room 316 ● 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place ● San Francisco, CA 94102 ● 415.554.7500
August 2012 CGOBOC Community Engagement Benchmarking RFq Page 1 of 7
1. Introduction
About the City Performance Unit
As part of the Controller’s Office, the City Performance Unit is charged with promoting efficiency and effectiveness of City government. This includes leading a variety of analytical and technical assistance projects. The diverse portfolio of projects includes a biennial survey of City residents, fiscal monitoring of nonprofit organizations, strategic planning and organizational development assistance to City departments, performance measurement of various City functions, and others. Many of City Performance’s projects involve overseeing work performed by consultants with specialized subject matter expertise. Projects vary in length from a few months to many years, with total budgets of as little as $10,000 to over $1M. The City Performance Unit is a matrix organization, with people playing different roles on different projects. Although the City Performance Unit works on some capital/construction and information technology projects, most of itswork more closely resembles management consulting. The project management practices presented in the training must be relevant to the City Performance Unit’s line of work. Please visit the City Services Auditor, City Performance Unit’s websitefor additional information :
Most of the City Performance Unit’s staff members have advanced academic training that might include management or administration, such as masters of business administration, masters of public policy, masters of public administration, masters of public health, or jurisdoctorates. Most have also served in a project manager or coordinator capacity, so have learned-by-doing some project management practices. Although some have participated in formal project management training provided by the American Management Association, UC Berkeley Extension, or others, many have not.
2. Scope of Work
This scope of work is a general guide to the work the City Performance Unit expects to be performed, and is not a complete listing of all services that may be required or desired. The Contractor selected to provide services under this Request For Quotes (“RFq”) will be referred to as “Contractor.”
To minimize duplication of effort and to allow the City Performance Unitto coordinate data requests and data available for previous and future projects, the selected Contractor’s findings and data may be shared by the City with other City contractors, as deemed appropriate by the City.
The City Performance Unit is soliciting quotes from Proposersto provide project management training to approximately 25 project managers and analysts. The goal is to provide staff members with a solid understanding of accepted project management practices that they can apply to their day-to-day work. The not-to-exceed budget for the training will be $20,000.
We anticipate that the Contractorwill need to perform the following activities:
task 1: Develop and deliver project management training course specific to the needs of the City Performance Unit (may include, but are not limited to, the following):
- Review City Performance’s list of current projects and examples of project management tools currently in use (project plan, responsibility assignment matrix, activity tracking sheet, Request for Proposals, etc.) to gain familiarity with current practice.
- Analyze City Performance’s project management training needs, provide a brief written analysis, recommend training agenda considering the proposed topics below, and deliver training to approximately 25 City Performance Staff. The training should be no longer than two days; provide professional development units acceptable towards the 35 hours of project management education required for Project Management Professional (PMP) certification eligibility or 60 professional development units (PDUs) for PMP credential maintenance by the Project Management Institute (PMI); and cover the "hard" and "soft" skills essential to effective project management.
TASK 1: Deliverables (may include, but are not limited to, the following):
- Participate and collaborate with the City Performance Unit’s Project Contacts in ongoing calls and/or in-person meetings to share status of training content and ensure appropriate training methods development.
- Work with the Project Contacts to approve the training agenda. The training agenda should incorporate examples from City Performance projects and reports.
- Based on agenda approved by the City, develop customized written reference materials that the City Performance staff can use for future reference.
- Based on the approved agenda, create and print all necessary training materials, including an agenda, handouts, and a training manual/guidebook with reference materials that City Performance staff can use for future reference.
- Deliver training at a city training facility at One South Van Ness Avenue, City Hall, or the Public Library in San Francisco. The training will be for approximately 25 City Performance staff. The training is tentatively scheduled for late June 2013.
Proposed Topics
Overview of project management
-Key concepts, terminology, and roles
-Core processes and triple constraint
-Critical success factors
-Skills and characteristics of effective project manager
Introduction to Accepted Project Management Practices
-PMI Body of Knowledge
-Execution and Control
-Close Out
Detailed Project Management Practices
-Project proposal/business case
-Project plan
-Triple constraint
-Theory of change
-Logic model
-Work breakdown structure
-Roles and responsibilities
-Execution and control
-Kickoff meeting
-Quality management
-Project status
-Measuring project performance
-Change management
-Stakeholder management
-Project communications management
-Final acceptance
-Lessons learned
Project Management Soft Skills
-Work styles
-Team dynamics
-Conflict resolution
General Project Management Skills (if agenda time permits)
-Effective meetings
3. Evaluation Criteria and Reference Checks
Quotes and all related materials, including the RFq Attachment must be received by Wednesday, April 10, 2013 (5:00 pm PT).
Quotes must be provided for services as outlined in Section 2 of this request.
Quotes received under this process that fail to address each of the requested items in sufficient and complete detail will be deemed non-responsive and will not be considered for evaluation or selection.
Quotes will be evaluated in accordance with the criteria below and the information provided by the Proposer. Evaluation criteria shall be collectively worth 100 points.
Firm Qualifications – 20 points
a)Proposer’s capacity and resources to provide the services under this RFq.
b)Proposer’s depth and relevance of experience providing services comparable to those requested under this RFq.
Staff Qualifications/Experience Summary – 45 points
a)Clarity and appropriateness of proposed staffing structure.
b)Appropriateness of proposed staff roles and responsibilities.
c)Demonstrated experience in services comparable to those requested under this RFq.
- Experience providing customized, onsite training to public sector professional staff at the analyst and project manager level.
- The outcome of similar training projects undertaken in the past, and how this was measured.
- Two samples of relevant work, such as agendas and materials.
- Two references for prior work on similar training projects – include name of reference, email address, phone contact, project topic, length, and completion date.
d)Applicability of proposed staff qualifications, experience and education.
Project Approach and Cost – 35 points
a)High level work plan/approach demonstrates understanding of the project and the tasks to be performed;
b)Cost proposal is sufficiently detailed, reasonable and appropriate for the work involved.
Reference Checks
Reference checks may be used to determine the applicability of Proposer’s experience to the services the City is requesting. If references are checked, we will look for the following: quality of services and staffing provided to prior clients; adherence to schedules and budgets; Proposer’s problem-solving, project management, and communication abilities; performance on deliverables and outcomes; and effectiveness in meeting or exceeding project objectives.
4. Quote Submission Instructions
Include the following table in a word processing document, and complete as indicated.
Quotes received under this process that fail to address each of the requested items in sufficient and complete detail will be deemed non-responsive and will not be considered for evaluation or selection.
Vendor NameVendor Address
Vendor Contact Name
Vendor Contact Phone Number
Vendor Contact Email Address
City and County of San Francisco Vendor Number (if known/established)
Date Quote Submitted to the City
Firm Qualifications: Briefly summarize your firm’s past experience providing and current capacity to provide services comparable to those requested under this RFq. Include a copy of a final deliverable and references for work on at least two similar projects.
Staff Capabilities: List the individual staff you propose to have work on this project, their level of effort, and their roles. Briefly summarize their qualifications, experience, and education in providing services comparable to those requested under this RFq. Please attach a resume for each staff member proposed to work on this project. Please provide thorough detail for subsection c), a-d.
Project Approach (5 pages maximum): Describe your approach to performing the tasks and producing the deliverables described in the scope of work above. The project approach should describe project methods, timeline, and expectations for client involvement.
Cost: Describe the proposed cost for each task and/or deliverable and the total cost, itemizing the hours proposed for each staff member, the hourly rate, and other costs. Note that the City will seek a fixed cost per deliverable contract.
The quote and required HRC forms must be submitted via email to:
Shanda Chapin-Rienzo
5. Terms and Conditions for this Request for Quotes
There is no guarantee of a minimal amount of work or compensation for any Proposer selected for contract negotiations.
The City reserves the right to accept other than the lowest price offer and to reject all quotes.
The selection of any Proposer for contract negotiations shall not imply acceptance by the City of all terms of the Quote, which may be subject to further negotiation and approvals before the City may be legally bound thereby.
The City, in its sole discretion, has the right to approve or disapprove any staff person assigned to a firm’s projects before and throughout the contract term. The City reserves the right at any time to approve, disapprove, or modify proposed project plans, timelines and deliverables.
If a satisfactory contract cannot be negotiated in a reasonable time with the selected Proposer, then the Controller’s Office, in its sole discretion, may terminate negotiations and utilize additional contractor solicitation and/or selection methods, or it may determine that no contract or project will be pursued.
March 2013 City Services Auditor, City Performance Unit, Project Management Training RFq Page 1 of 5