Learning about Healthy Living: Tobacco and You Training Packet
The Manual:
The manual is incredibly long, but the facilitator should not be discouraged by this. Read chapters 1, 2, and 3 (pages 1-22). The rest is information specific to each session and can be read before each meeting. The material is broken down on the Ingham County Health Department, Bureau of Environmental Health webpage by each chapter. The manual will refer to Group I and Group II. For Ingham County purposes we will primarily use the 20 Group I sessions, however, if the information in Group II is of particular relevance to your group then it may be useful to include that information (content of each Group are detailed on pages 43 and 115 in the manual). Otherwise, the group participants would ideally be directed to a MiPATH in order to help them quit smoking. The manual is designed for the chapters to go in order, and the order presented helps to organize the sessions. Based on the specific time limitations of your program, you may choose to modify the order of sessions.
The webpage can be accessed at: Following that hyperlink should take you to the homepage where you will see a brief description of the program, a copy of this document, the full manual for the program, and three folders: “advertising”, “weekly materials”, and “sessions.” The “advertising” folder contains sample fliers for the program, and the “Quit Tobacco Resources” list. The “weekly materials” folder contains files for all of the record keeping type of materials the facilitator might need to bring to the session each week. Finally, the “sessions” folder contains separate “Group I” and “Group II” folders, which are further broken down by chapters. Within each chapter folder there is a document for facilitator instructions (“chap#_facilitator guide”or “chapter#_facilitator guide” for group II), the participant handout (“chap#_handout”or “chapter#_handout” for group II), and any other material that may be useful for that chapter.
Preparing for a session:
In preparation for a session facilitators should:
- Read the facilitator comments in section 4 (or 6) of the manual for the session to be presented. These are also found on the webpage under the heading for each chapter as a file title “chap#_facilitator guide” (or “chapter#_facilitator guide” for group II)
- Read the participant handout for the daily session found in section 5 (or 7) of the manual. These can also be found on the webpage under the heading for each chapter as a file titled “chap#_handout” (or “chapter#_handout” for group II)
- Ensure that there are enough copies of the handout for participants who may show up to the meeting.
- Create a reminder for the next week’s session and make enough copies for all potential participants.
- Bring sufficient copies of the sign in sheet, smoking diaries, reminders, writing utensils for participant use, the BMI chart (if being monitored), the CO monitor, and some form of presentation board (ie. Flip charts)(if needed).
Basic Structure of a meeting:
- Check-In- measure CO exhalation, cigarettes smoked per day, NRT use, and record on the sign-in sheet.
- Introductions- First name/Nickname, compliance/trouble with compliance of last week’s lesson or reason for attendance (new participants).
- Handout- Read aloud in case there are people who cannot read (do not single them out). You may also ask for a volunteer to encourage engagement, but only have them read small segments (ie. a paragraph) in order to allow for reflection/discussion breaks.
- Exercises- encourage participation in any exercises suggested in the handout.
- Discussion- any other thoughts about the daily lesson, there may be suggestions in the facilitator information for the session.
- Reminder- pass out reminders for next week’s session, and do post-session evaluations.
- Maintenance- make sure to keep participant records, a digital spreadsheet should be provided in order to automatically creates progress reports for the participants (separate instructions included). This digital spreadsheet and instructions can be found in the “weekly materials” folder under “Electronic sign-in and progress report generator.”
Course Materials:
If you receive this document as a hard copy, in addition to the manual there are some materials included in this packet to help facilitate the goals of this program. Some may also be found in the appendix of the manual, while others have been added as extra tools. The list of materials follows:
- Manual
- Sign-In Sheet Printout
- Digital Sign-In Sheet (automatically produces progress reports)
- Instructions for Digital Sign-In
- Smoking Diaries
- Meeting Reminders
- Sample Flier (Dates and location will need to be changed at minimum)
- Consumer self-assessment (to be delivered at first session and with each progress report)
- Anonymous end-of-session evaluation (to help the facilitator better understand and address the needs of the group)
- Instructions for CO monitoring (This is in general, and should be used WITH the operating instructions for whatever CO meter [not provided] you are using).
- On the path to healthy living questionnaire (for chapters13 and 14)
- List of 2013 Quit-Tobacco Resources
If you have any additional questions about the operation of this program or did not receive any of the materials listed above contact the Substance Abuse Coordinator, at the Ingham County Health Department:
Amy Ann Moore
Ingham County Health Department
5303 S. Cedar, Lansing, MI 48911
517.887.4586/work desk
517.256.6206/work cell