2010 Project Application
General InformationCurrent Status / Proposed Status / ODOT PID / ODOT District / Primary County / Facility Name
(Tier 1, Tier 2 or New) / (Tier 1 or
Tier 2) / (One PID only) / (3 char abrv) / (i.e. route, rail, terminal, or port name)
New / Tier 2 / N/A / Six / DEL / DEL-71-9.67- (IR71 interchange with US36/SR37)
Lead Sponsoring Agency
(Primary sponsoring agency for this application)
ODOT – District Six
Co-sponsoring Agencies
(List all other agencies sponsoring this application)
Delaware County Engineer
Project Manager Name / Phone Number
(Contact person representing the lead sponsoring agency) / (XXX) XXX-XXXX
Steve Fellenger / (740) 833-8272
Street Address / City / State / Zip
400 East William Street / Delaware / Ohio / 43015
Email Address
Project Description
Local Jurisdictions
(Cities, counties and townships)
Delaware County, Berkshire, Kingston and Berlin Townships
Description of Work
(100 words or less)
The proposed project will modify and enhance the I-71 and US36/SR37 interchange by providing northbound and southbound collector-distributor streets with consolidated ramps to IR-71.A new interchange will connect to other proposed arterials and collector roadways which are to be funded by other resources. The intent of the application is to proceed thorugh the preliminary engineering phase ODOT PDP Major steps 1 through 6.
Purpose and Need
(500 words or less)
The purpose of the project is to increase the capacity and enhance the safety of the I-71 and US36/SR37 interchange. Additionally, the project will expand access to the local street network to promote the commercial and residential growth in the project vicinity, both currently under development and projected to occur in the future. The I-71 and US36/SR37 interchange currently experiences congestion due to inadequate ramp and arterial capacity. The northbound exit ramp routinely queues onto the mainline during the morning and afternoon peaks. Traffic accidents also occur at an elevated frequency due to the congestion. As current developments continue to progress and planned developments occur, the traffic demand in the area will increase, thus further degrading the performance of the interchange and US36/SR37. An ODOT safety improvement project (DEL-36-17.11, PID 20962) is planned to occur in 2012. While this project will enhance capacity and safety at the interchange in the short term, it will not meet the long-term needs for the area. The interchange will continue to remain congested over the next twenty years and is projected to operate at level of service F in the design year.
The proposed improvements call for the addition of northbound and southbound collector-distributor (C-D) streets at the IR-71 and US36/SR37 interchange. Additional ramps onto these C-D streets will be constructed north or south of US36/SR37 (pending location of the new interchange) to a new local road. The C-D streets will enhance access from US36/SR37 and the proposed local street to the I-71 mainline. Connections between the C-D streets and proposed roadway network will reduce the demand at the US36/SR37 ramps, which in turn will prevent ramp queues from extending to the I-71 mainline.
Access to the local street network must be enhanced to provide safe and efficient access to the surrounding areas that are or will be zoned as commercial and residential. At this time, the severe congestion at the interchange inhibits further development of the surrounding area, thus discouraging job growth and limiting tax revenues to the surrounding communities. Additionally, the local street network also lacks connectivity through the project area to the City of Delaware to the west and to the Village of Sunbury and Galena to the east. As a result, all east-west traffic in the area is funneled to US36/SR37, thus further contributing to the congestion experienced at I-71 interchange. The proposed roadway network will provide an additional east-west roadway through the project area, which will reduce the congestion experienced on US36/SR37.
The local roadway network surrounding the interchange is planned to be expanded as part of ongoing and planned developments. While the expansion of the local roadway network will occur through other funding sources, construction of the C-D streets along with additional ramps and the overpass at Northern Road and Sunbury Parkway will be vital to achieving connectivity between the interstate and the proposed local roads. This enhanced connectivity will be critical for job retention and creation for the developing areas surrounding the interchange.
Project Relationship
ODOT Project ID / Project Name / Phases Included / Existing TRAC Project / TRAC
Date / TRAC List Line #
(PID #) / (i.e. County-Route-Section) / (PS/PE/DD/RW/CO) / (Yes or No) / (MM/DD/YY)
20962 / DEL-36-17.11 / PS/PE/DD/RW/CO / No / - / -
Community & Economic Growth and Development Factors
Project Location Map (#1) is Attached / Economic Impact Map (#2) is
Attached / Redevelopment
Map (#3) is
Attached / Employment
Map (#4) is
(Yes or No) / (Yes or No) / (Yes or No) / (Yes or No)
Yes / Yes / Yes / Yes
Land Use Plan (LUP) is Attached / LUP Coordinates w/ Transportation Plan / Zoning Supports Transportation Plan / On state/RPC/MPO Long Range Plan
(Yes or No) / (Yes or No) / (Yes or No) / (Yes or No)
Yes** / Yes** / Yes** / Yes**
% Developed Land (Map 3) / Business Data Added to Map 4 / Improves Invest & Employ / * Sub-county 5 Year Unemployment
Rate (Optional) / * Sub-county 5 Year Poverty
Rate (Optional)
(%) / (Yes or No) / (Yes or No) / (%) / (%)
***17.2% / Yes / Yes**
*If omitted, the 5 year rates for the primary county will be obtained from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (www.bls.gov) and US Census Bureau (www.census.gov).
** Further documentation has been attached to the application in Appendix B.
***Delaware County has developed an Request for Proposals for consultants to prepare an economic development study for the area with completion by October 2010. See Appendix B.
Intermodal ConnectivityIf project connects transportation modes, please explain how
The Delaware Area Transit Agency (DATA) serves this area. During further project development, they will be involved in determining if any improvements and/or coordination are appropriate to be included as part of the project.
The local streets component of this project will embrace the principles and practice of Complete Streets. Complete streets are those that balance the interests of multiple users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists, towards the goal of creating a safe and livable community. A shared use path is intended to be installed along Sunbury Parkway. The shared use path will serve pedestrians and bicyclists, and in the future will connect with a proposed regional bikeway planned for the Village of Sunbury. A regional bikeway is also planned along US36/SR37 throughout the improvement area, as indicated within the Mid Ohio Regional Planning Commission’s (MORPC) 2008-2030 CapitalWays Transportation Plan. While improvements to US36/SR37 are not currently being considered with this application, a future bikeway on US36/SR37 by another project will further enhance the connectivity of the bikeway and pedestrian facilities that are being planned for the proposed local roadways.
Existing Road Facilities (If applicable)
Log Point / End
Log Point / Location Termini / Primary Road
(or Cnty/Rte #) / (x.xx) / (x.xx) / (i.e. from street 1 to street 2) / (Yes or No)
SDELIR00071**C / 7.91 / 10.93 / Cheshire Rd to Berkshire Rd / Yes
(Insert additional rows as needed – one row for each existing roadway to be improved)
New Road Facilities (If applicable)Name or Designation / Beg Lat / Beg Lon / End Lat / End Lon / Location Termini / Primary Road
(xx.xxxx) / (xx.xxxx) / (xx.xxxx) / (xx.xxxx) / (i.e. from street 1 to street 2) / (Yes or No)
Various / 40.26 / 82.92 / 40.27 / 82.92 / Between Africa Rd and the Village of Sunbury / No
(Insert additional rows as needed – one row for each new roadway to be constructed)
Transit Facilities (If applicable)Element Name / Peak Hour Ridership / VMT Reduction / Benefit/ Cost Ratio
(Riders) / (%) / (x.xxx)
(Insert additional rows as needed – one row for each transit facility element)
Freight Facilities (If applicable)Element Name / Existing Freight Volume /
Existing Facility Capacity
Ratio / Percent Reduction of Existing Truck / Benefit/ Cost Ratio
(x.xxx) / (%) / (x.xxx)
(Insert additional rows as needed – one row for each freight facility element)
Project DevelopmentProject Phase / Completed By / Actual / Projected
Begin / Completion
(Agency Name) / (Month/Year) / (Month/Year)
Planning Study (PS) / Developer / 11/09 / 7/10
Interchange Modification Study / ODOT / 7/10 / 11/10
Prelim. Engineering / NEPA (PE) / ODOT / 7/11 / 12/12
Detailed Design (DD) / ODOT / 1/13 / 7/14
Right of Way / Utilities (RW) / ODOT / 10/13 / 7/14
Innovative Financing Tools
Financing Tool Type and Description / Status
(e.g. TIF, SID, TIA, etc.) / (Created,
Under Development,
or Under Consideration)
Robert Weiler, Nationwide Realty Investors, Joe Ciminello, and S. Robert Davis Co. will work to create a TIF District, and/or expand an existing Community Authority to generate tax revenue for the interchange modifications and associated new infrastructure construction. Pending the location of the interchange alternative, right-of-way north of US 36/SR 37 can be donated to the State of Ohio prior to construction to save time, land costs and appraisals. / Under consideration pending interchange option selected.
Sources of Other (Non-TRAC) Funding (If applicable)
Project Phase / Source / Amount
(Pick one phase per line:
PS, PE, DD, RW, CO) / (One agency name per line) / (In Millions)
PS / Developer / $0.050
DD / Developer(s) / $3.909
RW / Developer(s) / $22.130
CO / Developer(s) / $39.090
Explanation of Other Funding
The developer contribution will provide the necessary local road network improvements to provide local connectivity and access. The future TRAC request would provide the necessary interchange improvements. These developers have a strong track record of completing major mixed-use developments which involve public/private partnership and funding plans. Local roadways will be reviewed for Ohio Public Works grant funding. Delaware County will be evaluating the economic development potential for the area. A JED will be evaluated to determine a potential extra tax base to provide funding for improvements.
(Insert additional rows above “Explanation of Other Funding” as needed – one row for each combination of project phase and source)
Project FundingProject
Phase / Fiscal
Year / Non-TRAC / TRAC / **Phase
Local / ODOT / Previous / New / Future
(YYYY) / (Millions) / (Millions) / (Millions) / (Millions) / (Millions) / (Millions)
Study (PS) / 2010 / $0.050 / $0.050
Preliminary Eng (PE) / 2012 / $0.0 / $0.0 / $0.0 / $5.000 / $0.0 / $5.000
Design (DD) / 2013 / $3.909 / $0.0 / $0.0 / $0.0 / $4.200 / $8.109
Right of Way (RW) / 2013 / $22.130 / $0.0 / $0.0 / $0.0 / $0.656 / $22.786
Construc-tion (CO) / 2015 / $39.090 / $0.0 / $0.0 / $0.0 / $39.090 / $78.180
Totals / $65.179 / $0.0 / $0.0 / $5.000 / $43.946 / $114.125
** Attached a detailed cost estimate for each project phase that is not yet complete.
Applicant InformationRemarks/Comments
PE Study is being requested to refine the alternatives, environmental issues, and other red flags. Coordination with the developers plans is essential.
Name / Title / Phone Number
Thom Slack, P.E. / District Six Planning and Programs Administrator / 740-833-8340
Signature / Date
MPO Acknowledgement (If applicable)
Name / MPO / Phone Number
Chester R. Jourdan, Jr. / Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission / 614-228-2663
Signature / Date
ODOT District Acknowledgement
An access management plan prepared for this area is near completion. A safety project for short term improvements to the interchange will be awarded during FY 2012. This is the only Interstate interchange in Ohio’s fastest growing county over a 22 mile stretch.
Name / District / Phone Number
Thomas J. Wester / District Six District Deputy Director / 740-833-8211
Signature / Date
Rev. 5-13-10