Scholastic methodical card


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discipline / Философия
Credit of discipline
Numbers of weeks / 18
cathedra / МДК ИМОЯК
department / ИМОЯК
Groups spring semester of 2009 / 10
Lector / Prepared by Associate Professor G.K.Goolbin, Department of Philosophy, TPU
Type of activity / Contact lessons / Individual work
Lectures / 18
Seminars / 18
other types of activity (home work, abstracts an so on) / - / 36
Total / 36 / 72
№ / Weeks / Lectures
(themes) / Hours / Seminars, (Themes) / Hours / Laboratorian / Hours / Home work, Control work, abstracts and so on / Hours / Electronic resources / Total hours of students activity per week
А / I / А / I / А / I / I / А / I
1. / Philosophy and its Role in Human Life and Society / 2 / Philosophy and its Role in Human Life and Society / 2 / Individual work / 2 / Multimedia course on Philosophy
(electronical TPU 2003) / 1
2. / Historical Types of Philosophizing / 2 / Historical Types of Philosophizing / 2 / Individual work / 2 / Multimedia course on Philosophy
(electronical TPU 2003) / 1
3. / The Philosophical Understanding of the World / 2 / The Philosophical Understanding of the World / 2 / Individual work / 2 / Multimedia course on Philosophy
(electronical TPU 2003) / 1
4. / The Pictures of the World / 2 / The Pictures of the World / - / First test
Vocabulary / 2
2 / Multimedia course on Philosophy
(electronical TPU 2003) / 1
5. / Possibilities and Limits of Cognition / 2 / Possibilities and Limits of Cognition / 2 / Individual work / 2 / Multimedia course on Philosophy
(electronical TPU 2003) / 1
6. / Human Essence and Meaning of Human Existence / 2 / Human Essence and Meaning of Human Existence . / 2 / Individual work / 2 / Multimedia course on Philosophy
(electronical TPU 2003) / 1
7. / Philosophy of History / 2 / Philosophy of History / 2 / Second testь
Abstract / 2
4 / Multimedia course on Philosophy
(electronical TPU 2003) / 1
8. / Personality. Problem of Freedom / 2 / Personality. Problem of Freedom / 2 / Individual work
Vocabulary for all themes / 2
6 / Multimedia course on Philosophy
(electronically TPU 2003) / 1
9. / Tests / 2
10. / Exam

Recommended Literature

№ / Electronically formed courses
1. / Multimedia course on Philosophy
(electronical TPU 2003)
2. / Windows
№ / Basic
1. / A. A. Kornienko, R. B. Kvesko, G. K. Goolbin Philosophy. Tomsk, TPU Publishing, 1998.
2. / G. Kirilenko & L.Korshunova What is Philosophy? Moscow: Progress Publishing. 1985.
4. / Blackburn S. The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy. Oxford; New York. Oxford University Press. 1996.
5. / Hospers, John An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis. – 4 edition. London: Rutledge, 1997.
6. / Kornienko A., A. Ardashkin, Chmyhalo A. The Philosophy of Science. Tomsk, TPU Publishing, 2004.

Signature of the reader ______«____» ______200 г.