Technology for the Millennium

Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering

May 13 -16, 2001 Delta Chelsea Hotel Downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Sponsorship Benefits

Benefit / Premium Sponsor / Corporate Sponsor
Registration Discount:
-Non-IEEE members receive IEEE member rate.
-IEEE members receive an additional 15% discount. / Available to all attendees / Available to two attendees
- Identification and logo / Front cover, front of CD sleeve / Sponsor list, back of CD sleeve
Technical Program:
- Identification and logo / On cover / On sponsor list
-Identification and logo on printed materials
-Banners and Corporate Materials During Conference / Prominently displayed
logo and name part of
official letterhead.
Prominently displayed logo and name on all written communications
Banners and logos may be prominently displayed at all events.
Additional opportunities for publicity on tables and on other materials. / Logo and name displayed in sponsorship area on letterhead.
Logo and name in sponsorship area on selected communications.
Opportunities for banners and publicity during events.
-Web Presence: / Display of logo and sponsorship mentioned on the CCECE 2001 web page / Display of Logo and sponsorship mentioned in sponsor area on web site.
-Exhibit Opportunities: / 15% discount for Exhibit space during conference
Choice of prominent location for Exhibit booth / 10% discount for Exhibit space during conference.


Technology for the Millennium

Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering

May 13 -16, 2001 Delta Chelsea Hotel Downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Sponsorship Form

Company / Organization: ______

Address: ______

Contact Person: ______

Telephone: ______email: ______@______

Designated CCECE 2001 organizing committee representative:

Name: ______

Telephone: ______email: ______@______

The above mentioned organization or company wishes to become a Premium/Corporate sponsor of the Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering to be held at the Delta Chelsea Hotel, May 13 - 16, 2001.

This sponsorship agreement will entitle the sponsor to the benefits listed on the attached Sponsorship Benefits document.

For the Organization / Company: ______

For the CCECE 2001 committee: ______

Please check one:

Sponsorship Level:

Premium Sponsor ( $ 5,000,00)

Corporate Sponsor ( $ 1,000.00)

Payment Details:

Cheque # ______for $ ______enclosed.

A cheque for $ ______will be forwarded to the conference treasurer on the

following date ____