Upstate Livestock Exchange, Williamston, SC

Weighted Average Report for Monday Jan 22, 2018

Cattle Receipts: 707 Last week: 634 Last year: 205

Compared to last week feeder cattle were unevenly steady. Slaughter cows

and bulls were steady. There was average offerings of good to average

quality cattle with active buyer participation.

Slaughter cows made up 10 percent of the offering, slaughter bulls 4 percent,

replacement cows 7 percent, other cows 1 percent, and feeders 79 percent. The

feeder supply included 25 percent steers, 49 percent heifers, and 26 percent

bulls. Near 22 percent of the run weighed over 600 lbs. ***This report reflects

prices of the majority of cattle with a USDA grade, weight, and sex on this sale date. This report does not represent all animals at the sale on this date.

Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1 - 2

Head Wt Range AvgWt Price Range Avg Price

4 270-295 283 165.00-175.00 169.83

11 305-345 323 165.00-176.00 168.57

2 340-345 343 180.00-183.00 181.49 Fancy

20 360-395 378 164.00-178.00 168.54

3 440-445 442 156.00-163.00 158.68

6 455-490 472 150.00-164.00 154.47

13 505-535 514 150.00-159.00 153.74

10 600-640 622 132.00-145.00 138.63

5 650-685 678 130.00-135.00 134.04

8 650-650 650 145.00 145.00 Value Added

3 730-735 732 125.00-129.00 126.66

2 760-780 770 125.00-129.00 127.03

2 825-845 835 118.00-121.00 119.52

Small 1 - 2

3 315-340 330 130.00-145.00 136.67

5 360-395 379 125.00-140.00 133.92

Medium 2

2 230-245 238 160.00-165.00 162.42

2 290-290 290 140.00-150.00 145.00

4 300-330 315 147.50-160.00 154.49

8 355-390 378 150.00-162.50 158.76

2 525-530 528 125.00-130.00 127.49

3 560-590 580 125.00-134.00 128.70

3 650-675 663 114.00-123.00 118.97

Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1 - 2

Head Wt Range AvgWt Price Range Avg Price

3 265-295 283 145.00-157.50 150.13

4 315-340 331 140.00-154.00 146.55

14 360-395 377 140.00-152.00 144.56

29 400-440 420 135.00-148.00 138.69

25 450-495 469 125.00-137.00 130.53

21 505-545 525 127.00-136.00 130.97

17 555-590 570 121.00-133.00 127.12

12 600-645 629 121.00-126.50 124.91

5 650-690 664 119.00-127.00 124.15

11 665-665 665 132.00 132.00 Value Added

2 715-720 718 116.00-118.00 117.00

2 810-830 820 113.00-116.00 114.48

Medium 2

5 200-240 210 120.00-132.50 125.36

4 270-280 276 132.50-140.00 135.60

5 310-335 327 122.50-135.00 129.79

11 355-395 378 130.00-135.00 131.58

16 405-445 426 120.00-132.00 126.71

18 450-495 470 112.00-122.00 117.65

12 500-545 522 112.00-123.00 119.44

3 550-590 573 115.00-117.00 115.69

5 605-640 624 110.00-115.00 112.99

4 750-790 768 106.00-115.00 110.07

Medium and Large 3

4 350-385 370 110.00-117.50 113.06

3 435-445 438 100.00-110.00 104.96

3 565-585 577 100.00-105.00 103.37

3 675-695 687 82.50-89.00 85.84

Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 1 - 2

Head Wt Range AvgWt Price Range Avg Price

15 400-445 417 160.00-174.00 167.58

16 450-495 464 150.00-160.00 153.44

10 500-545 526 135.00-146.00 139.98

10 550-590 565 128.00-139.00 133.80

7 600-640 620 125.00-135.00 130.65

2 650-670 660 122.00-130.00 125.94

2 720-735 728 118.00-119.00 118.49

3 770-790 780 112.00-118.00 115.32

2 850-875 863 111.00-113.00 112.01

Small 1 - 2

4 420-440 433 130.00-140.00 135.06

6 460-485 476 120.00-130.00 125.60

2 505-505 505 110.00-115.00 112.50

Medium 2

11 415-445 437 145.00-156.00 153.43

9 450-495 481 135.00-146.00 140.32

6 515-545 532 122.00-130.00 125.30

4 565-595 586 117.00-125.00 120.78

3 605-620 612 116.00-122.00 118.99

3 650-695 677 111.00-115.00 113.29

2 875-890 883 82.00-89.00 85.53

2 975-985 980 76.00-77.00 76.50

Medium and Large 3

5 400-425 410 110.00-119.00 113.34

2 490-490 490 100.00-107.50 103.75

2 505-525 515 100.00-105.00 102.45

2 715-745 730 81.00-92.00 86.61

Bred Cows Medium and Large 1 - 2 Middle Aged

Head Wt Range AvgWt Price Range Avg Price

3 1010-1180 1103 730.00-885.00 811.16 Per Head 4-6 Months Bred

2 1205-1375 1290 700.00-860.00 785.27 Per Head 4-6 Months Bred

2 1255-1440 1348 1150.00-1175.00 1163.36 Per Head 7-9 Months Bred

Medium and Large 3 Middle Aged

2 1240-1265 1253 630.00-810.00 720.90 Per Head 7-9 Months Bred

Medium 2 Middle Aged

2 1015-1045 1030 600.00-610.00 604.93 Per Head 4-6 Months Bred

Small 1 - 2 Middle Aged

2 925-975 950 520.00-550.00 534.61 Per Head 1-3 Months Bred

4 720-865 794 500.00-600.00 543.66 Per Head 4-6 Months Bred

Slaughter Cows Breaker 70-80% Lean

Head Wt Range AvgWt Price Range Avg Price

5 1160-1385 1290 53.00-59.00 55.68

4 1490-1910 1678 56.00-58.00 56.74

Boner 80-85% Lean

34 1035-1390 1217 53.00-66.00 59.27

4 1105-1180 1140 33.00-48.00 43.60 Low Dressing

9 1435-1975 1677 57.00-66.00 62.33

Lean 85-90% Lean

5 865-985 924 57.00-60.00 58.37

Cow/Calf Pairs; [21] Medium & large 1-2 930-1430 lbs young

to middle age cows with 135-370 lbs calves 1000.00-1335.00

per pair. Small 1 & 2 840-890 lbs young to middle age cows

with 110-350 lbs calves 600.00-1025.00 per pair

Other Cows Medium and Large 1 - 2 Middle Aged

Head Wt Range AvgWt Price Range Avg Price

3 1055-1195 1123 725.00-750.00 738.85 Per Head

Small 1 - 2 Middle Aged

2 695-885 790 555.00-580.00 569.00 Per Head

Slaughter Bulls Yield Grade 1-2

Head Wt Range AvgWt Price Range Avg Price

12 1065-1425 1238 74.00-86.00 80.09

11 1505-2075 1756 75.00-87.00 80.80

2 1635-1640 1638 53.00-69.00 61.01 Low Dressing

Hogs Receipts: [24] Last week: [30] Barrows & Gilts; us 1-3 300

350 lbs 39.00-53.00. Sows; us 1-3 300-400 lbs 40.00-49.00, 400

450 lbs 37.50-52.00, 450-500 lbs 40.00-53.00, 500-600 lbs 45.00

60.00, 600 lbs & up 47.00-58.00. Boars; 200-300 lbs one @ 5.00,

300 lbs & up one @ 4.00.

Goats: [142] Last Week: [58] Slaughter and replacement classes sold on a

per head basis and weights are estimated: Kids: sel 1 under 20 lbs 27.50-

55.00, 20-40 lbs 60.00-80.00, 40-60 lbs 110.00-120.00, 60-80 lbs 130.00-

150.00, 80-100 lbs 155.00-175.00. Does/Nannies: Sel 1 50-70 lbs 70.00-

110.00, 70-100 lbs 120.00-135.00, 100-140 lbs 155.00-165.00, 140-180

lbs 175.00-200.00. Bucks/ Billies: sel 1 100-150 lbs 150.00-175.00,

150-250 lbs one @ 200.00. Sel 2 70-100 lbs 75.00-90.00, 100-150 lbs


Source: SC Dept of Ag-USDA Market News Service, Columbia, SC