Welcome to Heath track!! The sport of track and field provides a unique opportunity to not only participate on a team, but as an individual as well. Success is not always measured by who comes in first, but by effort, hard work, and self-improvement. Any dedicated student/athlete is welcome to participate on our team. We will encourage all students/athletes to set realistic individual and team goals to work toward during the season. Track & field can teach a lifetime activity that encourages a healthy lifestyle leading to a fit adulthood. Our philosophy is that everyone who does his or her best is a winner. Feel free to contact us if at any time you have questions, concerns, etc. regarding your child or our team.

Head Coach:Jenny Weber Cell: (970) 381-4443

Home: (970) 330-4566

Assistant Coaches:Shawn WilliamsCell: (970) 371-8865


●In order for a student to participate, physicals and waivers must have been turned in.

●Track begins Tuesday, March 20thand runs through Saturday, May12th.

●Practice will be held Monday thru Thursday from 4:15 until 5:15 PM. Please plan to pick up your child on time – no later than 5:20!

●See the 2018 Track & Field Schedule for the dates and times of our meets.


●An excused absence must be school related or pre-arranged by the family. All others are at the coach’s discretion. 1stunexcused absence will result in not being allowed to participate in the next meet. 2ndunexcused absence will result in being asked to leave the team. If you have a conflict with club sports and the track schedule, please see Coach Weber to discuss.

●Profanity will not be tolerated. Everyone will treat other team members with respect.

●Grades for all students will be checked every Monday. If a student has 2 or more F’s, he/she is ineligible to compete that week. A student who has an F in any class will receive a warning.

●Students who show up to practice without proper shoes/clothing will not be allowed to participate or attend practice that day and asked to go home.


●Please be sure students have the following items EVERY DAY for practice:

1.Water and/or sports drink

2.Proper shoes (see the coaches if you have questions)

3.Proper clothing (weather & exercise appropriate)

●All student athletes will be issued a jersey to be worn at all meets. These belong to the school and must be returned in good condition after the final meet.


Panther Track and Field Coaches