PETERBOROUGH SNOOKER LEAGUE c/o 18-20 The Square, Vicarage Farm Road, Peterborough, PE1 5TS

Peterborough Snooker League – Result Card Completion

On match night please use one of the old Business Reply Service result cards – under no circumstances should these cards be posted as the Business Reply Service was discontinued well over a year ago. All captains were advised at the time. Any costs associated with posted Business Reply Service result cards (postal rate plus £1 surcharge) will be passed on to the team posting the card.

  • Go to League website ( and select notice PSL Result Card – Test Version.
  • Click on Download/Open. A dialogue box about macros will open and you will be asked to confirm Yes to open the document. Excel will then start up.
  • Save version of the file to your own drive. You will only require an updated version if you a) add new players (N/P) to your team or b) are advised by the Match Secretary (The Match Secretary will ensure that the latest version is always on the website).

The following information only (fields highlighted yellow) is required to be entered:-

  1. Date – enter as dd/mm/yy (e.g. 04/09/08). Press the TAB key – the date will then be formatted 04-Sep-08.
  2. League or Competition Knockout – Click on the dropdown arrow and select League or Competition name. If the option League is selected the Division will be entered automatically. Press the TAB key.
  3. HOME TEAM – Click on dropdown and select team. Press TAB key. The team number will be entered automatically.
  4. AWAY TEAM – Click on dropdown and select team. Press TAB key. The team number will be entered automatically.
  5. Click on the button Find Players.
  6. PLAYERS - Click on the dropdowns and select each player from the lists shown (press Home to scroll to top of list). If a new player (N/P) is used leave player name blank, fill in the score and enter the details of the new player in the NOTES section. The Match Secretary will then register the new player and add him/her to the latest version of the electronic result card on the website.
  7. SCORE – Enter score for each game. The overall score will be calculated and the name of the winning team will be entered automatically.
  8. BREAKS 35+ - Enter break and name of player
  9. NOTES – Enter anything else required.
  • Save the completed card in format e.g. 11Sep08-RileysOrtonEvsRileysOrtonF
  • Email the completed card as an attachment to by noon Saturday

If any problems are encountered when using the result card please contact the Match Secretary.

Alternatively a scanned copy of the result card can be emailed.



President Vice President Chairman Vice Chairman General Secretary Match Secretary Treasurer K/O Secretary K/O Secretary

Mr J. Drinkwater Mr . N. Duffy Mr N Duffy Mr R. Irons Mr M. Pighills Mr A. Hulls Mr D. Chalk Mr D. Coles Mr R. Parton

Tel: 566424 Tel: 350311 Tel: 350311 Tel: 208434 Tel: 755582 Tel: (01778) 341350 Tel: 07983 420301 Tel: 0790 2613911 Tel: 0797 1229865

Entertainment Secretary: Mike Hudson, Commiee Member: Tom Osker