Colorado Studies


/ 970-348-5544

ROOM: 719


Upon successful completion of Colorado Studies, all students will understand and investigate the history, geography, politics, cultures, economics and recreational activities that have shaped and influenced the state of Colorado.


Colorado: Heritage of the Highest State, A Colorado History, and various readings,

videos, and materials provided by the teacher. Your Cornell Notes will become your textbook.

Almost everything you need to pass tests and quizzes will be given to you in your notes so you

can review and study as needed.

All students are asked to purchase an inexpensive 70-80 page spiral notebook that will

be used for their interactive notebook throughout the semester. A small box of coloring pencils, a highlighter and a glue stick are also recommended.


·  Colorado’s Geography (5 weeks)

This unit includes an individual map project and participation in a “Five Themes of Geography” project that is completed in small groups.

·  Colorado’s History (8 weeks)

This unit included a “Famous Coloradan” power-point presentation by each student.

·  Colorado’s Economy, Politics and Future (3 weeks)

This unit includes a wrap-up “Colorado Excursion Project” completed by each student.


This class will consist of learning experiences that will be achieved through reading, lectures, class discussions, guest speakers, group activities, projects, and oral presentations by students. Students should expect to have about 1-2 hours of homework each week.

Students are expected to use Cornell Notes when applicable.

*All daily class notes and assignments are posted on Schoology, usually within 24 hours.


To pass Colorado Studies students are required to earn 60% of the total points available in the course.

Interactive Notebook = 30%

Projects = 30%

Quizzes and Quick Writes = 10%

Unit tests and final exam = 30%

The total points earned by each student will be placed on the following scale and a letter grade will be assigned:

90-100% - A

80-89% - B

70-79% - C

60-69% - D

59% or less - F


Students who are absent should see the teacher immediately after they return to receive their make-up work. All students are allowed two days for each day they are absent to complete missed work. Students whose absence is excused will receive full credit for a missing assignment if it is turned within the appropriate time. Students who are unexcused will receive up to 50% of the total points for any assignment, project or test that is completed. All other late work will receive up to half the total points possible.


Retaking major exams will be handled on a case-by-case basis. The decision to allow a retest will be based primarily on a student’s prior effort, attendance and cooperation in class.


There will be a cumulative semester-end exam.


Extra credit opportunities are available throughout the semester. Students are encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities when they are offered rather than wait until they are difficult situation to ask for extra work.


Success in this class is based on regular attendance. The attendance policies outlined in the Greeley West Student Handbook will be followed. Students are expected to be sitting in their assigned seats when class begins if they wish to be counted present that day. When a student reaches 4, 8 and 12 absences, the teacher will contact the student’s parents or guardians.


Students who are not in their seats ready to learn when the bell rings are marked absent. Student who arrive late are expected to check in with the teacher after the class has ended to make certain their attendance has been changed to a tardy. Students who are over 10 minutes late for any class will be marked absent for the day – no change in attendance will be made.


I am available in Room 719 before and after school and lunch, or by appointment. Students should understand that virtually every problem or question can be solved or answered if the student asks in an appropriate manner at the appropriate time.


All students should

• demonstrate courtesy and respect for students who are here to learn.

• dress appropriately for learning.

• show respect for their fellow students by using appropriate language and behavior.

• avoid bringing food, candy or drinks allowed in the classroom. Bottled water is acceptable.

• engage in respectful use of electronic devices.

• resist the temptation to line up the door as the bell nears. Student should remain in their seat until dismissed by the teacher.


I have reviewed and discussed this cover sheet for this course with my student,


Print student’s name


Parent or Guardian signature Student signature