
AUTM Western Region Meeting

October 11-12, 2018
Boulder, COUSA


PROPOSAL DEADLINE: Friday, February 2, 2018

The AUTM 2018Western Region Meeting will take place in Boulder, CO. This meeting will focus on entrepreneurship and startup support; making connections with industry; and opportunities for tech transfer professionals to learn from panelists and each other about tackling particularly thorny challenges in the field, from nuts-and-bolts operational issues to broad strategic planning.The WRM Planning Committee looks forward to receiving your topic ideas.

Principal Contact INFORMATION
Contact Title
List Any Proposed Speakers with affiliationsand contact information.
Content Level (Novice, Intermediate or Advanced)
Submitting a topic idea does not mean you are required to participate as panel facilitator, moderator, or as a speaker. However, please indicate whether you would like to serve in any of these capacities.
Panel Facilitator (Yes or No) Moderator (Yes or No) Speaker (Yes or No)
Travel expense reimbursements and honorariums are not available for speakers or moderators. Because speakers and moderators are expected to participate and benefit professionally from attending the entire meeting, purchasing a full registration is required.If you noted above that you would like to participate in the panel if your topic is selected, please indicate that you understand this paragraph and anticipate being available to travel to Boulder, CO: (Yes or No)
TheAUTM Western Region Planning Committee receivesmanytopicsuggestionsthat are identical, similar or closely related in subject matter.Speakerswith similar credentials are often alsoproposed.Therefore, the Program Committeeoccasionally must combine multipletopicsuggestions into fewer sessions.If you areopen to collaborating(if needed)with other presenters to produce your workshop, indicate here: (Yes or No)
Session Title
Session Description (300 word limit, please)

Return this form by e-mail in Word format to Sandra Elery at no later than

February 2, 2018.

You will be notified in April of your abstract status.