The name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit One God Amen

Please hand over no more than November 27,2016

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The Book of Ezra

Chapter 1

Provide the reference:

1.  Jeremiah prophecy of return from the captivity------

2.  Cyrus confessed that the Lord of Israel he is God of Heaven------

3.  Nebuchadnezzar he is the one brought out the articles of the house of the Lord------

Who is he or them?

1.  On his hand took out the vessels of the Lord’s house------

2.  Their number was 5400------

3.  The captivity went up from Babylon to Jerusalem------

Choose the correct answer:

1.  Sheshbazar “Zerubbabel” was from which Tribe(Judah—Levites-Manasseh)

2.  The one he called to build the temple the king( Cyrus—Jeroboam—ShalmaneserIII)

3.  The king Cyrus was( Pagan—Jewish—all of the above)

4.  Cyrus he is the king of( Assyria—Persia—Babylon)

5.  God ordered Cyrus to( gather the scattered Jews—left half of Jews in Babylon—build the house of the Lord)

6.  The house of the Lord was built in( Jerusalem—Samaria—Jericho)

7.  The king Cyrus ordered a permission to the Jews to go back to Jerusalem for( the Jews asked him to go back—the Lord cautioned his spirit so—he want to expel Jews)

8.  The position of Cyrus for Jews to back he(ordered to back—let them to choose to go back—all of the above)

9.  Cyrus asked the people to( pray—donate-asked)for build the Temple

10. The Babylon’s people helped the captivity in return( silver—Gold—all of the above )

11. The one he took out the articles of the house of the Lord from Jerusalem he is( Cyrus—Nebuchadnezzar—Senesharib)

12. The return of the Jews( from Babylon to Jerusalem—from Jerusalem to Babylon—from Kadesh to Jerusalem)


Chapter 2

Match from column(A) to column(B)

(A) (B)

1.  People of Parosh 128( )

2.  People of Elam 74( )

3.  The Levites 2172( )

4.  The singers 139( )

5.  The sons of gatekeepers 1254( )

Provide the reference:

1.  The priests and the Levites came back------

2.  Collect the donations for the house of the Lord------

Please answer the following:

1.  What is the reason to mention the names of those who returned from the Captivity?


Choose the correct answer:

1.  The intended of the province (the Jews—the Canaanites—the Babylonians)

2.  They divided the people as( their tribes—their jobs—all of the above)

3.  Those their return from the priests(4—5—6) groups

4.  who returned from the Levites their number( large—few—respectable)

5.  the singers were the sons of( Asaph—Joshua—the priests)

6.  the intended of the Nethinim( the priests—consecrated—all of the above)

7.  the advances of the fathers ( gold, silver and the priest’s garments—gold—silver)

who am I or us?

1.  I did ordered those who were excluded from the priesthood as defiled do not eat of the most holy things------

2.  We donated to the house of the Lord to build in his place------

3.  We were excluded from the priesthood------


Chapter 3

Provide the reference:

1.  Back to the spirit of worship sound of Israelites------

2.  The collective spirit in service to God------

3.  Back to the spirit of praise as organized by David------

4.  The children of Israel feared from the peoples of the earth------

5.  Evening and morning praise are the written concept------

6.  Laborer is worthy of pay------

Please answer the following:

1.  Why the elder wept when they saw the house of the Lord after renovation?


2.  On this chapter a part recite in tasbeha “psalm135” write it? Provide the reference?


Choose the correct answer:

1.  To provide the burnt offerings was( morning—evening—all of the above)

2.  Who have built the altar were(Joshua and his brothers—Zerubbabel and his brothers—all of the above)

3.  The Altar was built in( his place—a new place—a far place)

4.  People built( burnt altar—incense altar—all the answers wrong)

5.  They built the altar and offered the burnt( before they build the temple—after the temple built—all the answers wrong)

6.  People celebrate the feast of Tabernacles after( completely the temple built—survey people—offering burnt morning and evening)

7.  On the second year after they came Zerubbabel prepared( the priests and the Levites to serve the house of the Lord—distribute the lands on the Levites—guarding the house

Of the Lord)

8.  When the builders built the house of the Lord( the priests prayed with their cloths—the Levites the son of Aasaph –all of the above) to praise God

9.  Whoever organized the praising God( sons of Asaph—David the prophet—sons of Ezra)


Chapter 4

Who is he or them?

1.  We did discourage the people of Judah to stopped them in building------

2.  The send a complain on Judah and Jerusalem resident------

3.  We wrote a message against Jerusalem to Artaxerxes the king------

4.  I ordered the men to stop build the city------

5.  Stopped the work in the house of the Lord by force------

Choose the correct answer:

1.  The Judah and Benjamin enemies( asked to build with them—they hired counselors to stop the work—all of the above)

2.  They asked to be a partner to build the house of the Lord a stranger from king( Persia—Assyria—Egypt) to the land

3.  People refused to have a partner to build the temple as the order of(Cyrus king of Persia—God the Lord of Israel—Joshua the high priest)

4.  I sent a first complain against build the house of the Lord to the King( Cyrus –Ahasuerus—Artaxerxes)

5.  The complain about that Jerusalem is a city of(the Lord—rebellious—fulfilled of evil)

6.  The reason of stop the building the temple( the Samaritan fabrications on Judah and Benjamin—the bride of Judah and Benjamin—all of the above)

7.  The build of the temple stopped till the second year of the king( Darius—Artaxerxes—Cyrus)

8.  The message to Artaxerxes was include that the Jews will( receive support from the palace—not pay tax—fight) if the temple built

Provide the reference:

1.  The evil war against the good in every time and place------

2.  Lies and hypocrisy of Bishlam and the rest of their companions on king of Persia------

Chapter 5

Choose the correct answer:

1.  Prophesied to the Jews and Jerusalem to build the house of the Lord( Haggai and Zechariah—Isiah—Hezekiah)

2.  People Rebuilt in time of( when Darius ordered to build—hearing the two prophets encourage—the availability of construction materials)

3.  The one who built the temple( God prophets and Zerubbabel and Joshua—Joshua and Zerubbabel ---all of the above wrong)

4.  The people’s enemies not able to stop the build because( the build was secret—the eye of the Lord was on the Jews elders –Zechariah the prophet threated them)

5.  Tatenai and his companion to inform about building the Temple without permission as they record(names of the builders—daily expenses—the building look like)

6.  The Jews replied to the complain they want to do that( according God commandments—advice from Joshua the prophet—order from Cyrus king of Persia)

7.  The message was written to the king( Darius—Artaxerxes—both of them)

Who is he or them?

1.  We were prophesied on the time of stopped building the Temple------

2.  I did orders to build the house of the Lord------

3.  I honestly carried the articles of the house of the Lord------

4.  I did the basement of the house of the Lord in Jerusalem------

5.  I destroyed the house of the Lord and captive the people to Babylon------

Provide the reference:

1.  Any work will success with in God’s hand------

2.  The prophecy of completing build the house of the Lord------

3.  Resist the enemies to build the house of the Lord------

4.  Honesty in the words letter------

5.  The wrath of God Israel children for their mistakes------

6.  The nation recognition of the greatness of the God of Judah------


Chapter 6

Choose the correct answer:

1.  King Darius found the order which he said it to build the house of the Lord in the city( Shushan—Babylon—Achmetha)

2.  The work to build the house of the Lord was( fast—slow—not in order)

3.  The king asked from the Jews priest to pray( for him—for him and his children—for his reign)

4.  The king Darius ordered Tatenai and his men to( leave the work in house of the Lord—give the budget to the Jews men—all of the above)

5.  The punishment for all who not listen to king Darius was( his house will be refuse heap—will destroy—all of the above)

6.  The priest and Levites were sanctified the house of the Lord and( the rest of sons of captivity—Samaritans—Canaanites)

Provide the reference:

1.  The faith of king Darius------

2.  The anger of king Darius------

3.  The jealous of king on the house of the Lord------

4.  Finishing of the house of the Lord------

5.  The sanctified the house of the Lord is written order------

6.  Lord is our joyful hearts------

Match column(A) to column(B):

(A) (B)

1.  Feast of Passover on the six year to king Darius( )

2.  Feast of unleavened bread 12( )

3.  Number of the tribes 14 of the first month( )

4.  The house was finished 7 days( )

Please answer the following :

1.  “But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good” explain that through your understand from this chapter?



Chapter 7

Choose the correct answer:

1.  Ezra went up with the second group from Babylon he and sons of captivity during king( Darius—Cyrus—Artaxerxes)

2.  The king’s letter to Ezra was order to back who want to go back( in his decision—with force—with harsh)

3.  King gave Ezra( silver and Gold—articles for serving God –all of the above)

4.  The king gave permission to Ezra to( collect donation for the temple—take the temple articles—all of the above)

5.  The king order anything Ezra need it( get it as fast as it can—be hard work-all of the above)

6.  The king orders whoever will not observe the law of Ezra God and the law of the king ( let judgement be executed whether it be death, or banishment –judgement on him confiscation of goods, or imprisonment—all of the above)

7.  Ezra was interested to who want to go up to Jerusalem is( memorized the law—always praying—from generation of the tribes of Israel)

Please answer the following:

1.  Who is Ezra?------

2.  What is the mission of Ezra on this book?------

3.  On this book the king recommended Ezra important recommendation what is that? Provide the reference?------

4.  On this chapter explain that the work of God must share with his children? Provide the reference?------

Provide the reference?

1.  Ezra chosen for leadership------

2.  Ezra trust in God------

3.  Artaxerxes faith on the God of heaven perfect peace------

4.  Who is God love him he let his enemies be friend------

5.  Exemption the priests and Levites from tribute------

6.  God give grace to his children on people’s eyes ------


Chapter 8

Provide the reference:

1.  Ezra gathered servants to share the work------

2.  Resorting to God is better than resorting to humans------

3.  God protect his children------

4.  The holy articles of the house of the Lord------

5.  Fast and pray before start the service------

6.  Fast and pray let God’s heart compassion------

Choose the correct answer:

1.  Ezra went down to river( Euphrates—Tigris—Ahava)

2.  The Levites went for( Ezra words to the messenger—the perfect God—all of the above)

3.  Ezra asked from people( sit to discuss—take the king opinion—fast and pray to God)

4.  Ezra called to pray and fast( to ask from God a straight way—to saved them from the enemy—to be god’s wrath on every one who will leave him)

5.  The result of the praying and fasting( response—refused—waiting) god for them

6.  Ezra gave the high priest( the silver—gold and the articles—all of the above)

7.  Sons of captivity offered the arrivals from captivity( burnt to the Lord of Israel—wheat and olive—all of the above)

Please answer:

1.  What is the problem that Ezra had on this chapter? Provide reference?



Chapter 9

Please answer the following:

1.  What is the reason for Ezra to tore his garment and be sad?


Provide the reference:

1.  Ezra confessed of God’s mercy and his work through the generations------

2.  The sin made us ashamed from God ------

3.  The Israelites broke God’s commandment------

4.  To be away from God that is make us under evil control ------

5.  God’s mercy on us this is the saver collar------

Choose the correct answer:

1.  Ezra got sad for( mixing sons of Israel with other people—not offering sacrifices—all of the above)

2.  Ezra pray and whoever with him to God to( bless his families—complete building the temple—forgive their sins)

3.  Manifestation of Ezra grief( tore his garments—plucked out his hair—all of the above)

4.  God orders to sons of Israel was( not give daughters to other people—not take for his sons from another people—all of the above)

5.  For the sons of Israel sins( got bride on earth kings—delivered them to plunder, and to humiliation—all of the above)

6.  When the sons of Israel in bondage( God left them—not leave them for his mercy—make the hearts of kings tough)


Chapter 10

Who is he or them?

1.  He pray ,confess , wept and fall in front of God------

2.  They wept very hard and great------

3.  We trespassed against our God and took pagan wives------

4.  He has a chamber Ezra went to him------

5.  They sat in the open square of the house of God , trembling------

Provide the reference:

1.  There is hope for the sinners to God accepting them------

2.  The sacrament of confession is written concept------

3.  The men promised to divorce the pagan wives------

4.  God gets angry reaction from sin------

5.  Break the commandment is trespass to God ------