Doula Services Contract

Letter of Agreement Describing Doula (Labor Support) Services, Limits, and Fees

What is a doula?

As a doula, I accompany women in labor to help ensure a safe and satisfying birth experience. I havecompleted my doula training through Seattle Midwifery School’s DONA course in May 2007. I have 3 childrenof my own, all were born at home after 3 very different, challenging and rewarding labors. I have completed the 3 ½ years ofrigorous midwifery school and am a Washington State Licensed Midwife. I have been with over600 women asthey birthed their babies. Because I am a full time birth worker; I have for the past 10 yearsdevoted time to learning more about pregnancy, birth, and postpartum in all aspects of it. Idraw on my knowledge and experience to provide emotional support, physical comfort, problem solving,and, as needed, communication with the staff to make sure that you have the information you need to makeinformed decisions as they arise in labor. I can provide reassurance and perspective to you and your partner,make suggestions for labor progress, and help with relaxation, massage, positioning and other techniques forcomfort. I am an independent doula. As your doula, I am working for you, not your caregiver or the hospital. Ibelieve that you are in charge of your own birth and that I am the invited guest (I also believe that all medicalprofessionals are your invited guests). I am there to serve you to help you have the type of birth you haveenvisioned for yourself.

It is very important that you and your partner are comfortable with me and with my role in the birth. Thus,

I do expect to meet with clients at least once before labor to become acquainted, to explore and discuss your

priorities and any fears or concerns, and to plan how we might best work together.

At our prenatal meeting(s) the most important thing is that we get to know each other and are comfortable with each other. We will talk about your preferences regarding your birth. I will ask aboutyour knowledge of the birth process, and can provide information and education as needed. I will want toknow your own personal ways of coping with pain and fatigue and difficult situations, and what internalresources we can draw upon to assist you with the birthing experience. I can teach you various pain copingtechniques. I will want to know how you and your partner foresee working together, and the roles of otherswho may be attending the birth. We can discuss together what fears and concerns you have regarding thebirth. We can review your preferences regarding the use of pain medications.

My role is to help you have a satisfying birth as you define it. The more we explore this in advance, the better I

will be able to fulfill this role.

In case of my absence I will arrange for another doula to provide back up support. My schedule is completely

devoted to being available to attend births. The only cases where I might need to call upon a back up are with

personal illness or if I am already at a birth. I take a limited number of clients each month in order to be

available for my clients. If I am already at a birth and my back up attends you in labor, if it is possible, I willjoin you after the other birth ends to replace my back up. I only choose back up doulas that I completely trust will give you great services; I want you to be happy with your birth and your support. Occasionally with “marathon” births if it seems like I am too tired to be a helpful doula I will call a back up to take over or come for a time so I can go home for a time. I have done this just a few times in 10 years so it certainly isn’t common.

I prefer that you call me when you think you are in labor, even if you do not yet need me. It helps me

tremendously to rearrange my schedule if I have a “heads up.” I usually need approximately 1 hour/1.5hours to

get to you from the time you ask me to come. Please let me know if you are having contractions, if your water breaks, if you see bloody show.

We will also decide where to meet- at your home, the hospital or the birth center. I or my back-up will remain

with you throughout labor and birth.

After the birth

I usually remain with you for one or two hours after birth, until you are comfortable and your family is readyfor quiet time together. This amount of time varies greatly depending on family needs. I can also help with initial breastfeeding, if necessary. I also like to make sure that youboth eat something after such hard work.

I am available for phone contact to answer questions about the birth or your baby. And would like to gettogether with you (I will visit you at your home) normally within the first 3-5 days to offersupport and assist breastfeeding.

What doulas do not do

As a doula, I do not:

●Perform clinical tasks, such as blood pressure, fetal heart checks, vaginal exams, etc.I am there to provide only physical comfort, emotional support, labor problem solving, andadvocacy. Although I am also a Licensed Midwife, in the role of doula I am not the medical careprovider and am not responsible for the medical health or care of you and your baby.

●Make decisions for you. I will help you get the information necessary to make an informeddecision.

●Speak to the staff instead of you regarding matters where decisions are being made. I willdiscuss your concerns with you and suggest options, but you or your partner will speak onyour behalf to the clinical staff regarding choices or decisions. By doing this the staff is clearand receptive to the fact that you make your own decisions. For legal reasons, they also needyou to state your own decisions. Often times at births when something isn't going quite right,everyone has the same goal of supporting you and helping you reach your goal and there will be open conversations between you, your provider, and I, all working for your good.

I am very comfortable reminding the staff of your birth plan wishes.

Failure of a doula to provide service

I will make every effort to provide the services described here. Sometimes this is impossible (for example,with a rapid labor). If my failure to attend your birth due to circumstances beyond anyone's control or yourfailure to call me, I will keep the retaining fee, but there will be no further charges.The retaining fee books my services, covers on call support, prenatal or postpartum meetings.


My fee is $2,000 for new clients

For repeat clients it is reduced to $1,400-$1,800(you decide what to pay in that range depending on family budget and the value you placed on the services Iprovided to you)

My services includes up to 2 prenatal visits, birth from when you request I joinyou, and up to 2 postpartum visits.

For more information on what thought goes into adoula’s fees, feel free to visit the webpage linked on my website.


Of my fee, a deposit of $800 is due at the time you hire me

The remaining balance$1,200 is due at the first postpartum visit (no later than 1 week after the birth).

Thenon refundable deposit will book my on call availability to perform these services along with cover prenatalvisits, postpartum visits, and call/e-mail support. Initial______Intitial______


Of my fee, a deposit of $600 is due at the time you hire me

The remaining balance ($800-$1,200) due at the first postpartum visit (no later than 1 week after the birth).

The non refundable deposit will book my on call availability to perform these services along with cover prenatalvisits, postpartum visits, and call/e-mail support. Initial______Intitial______

For this fee you will receive certain services, however, it should be noted that my services in no wayguarantees the medical or emotional outcome of this birth.

By signing this you are stating that you have read this contract in its entirety and agree to its terms.


Client; ______

Client’s Partner;______

Kat Barron Doula Services  425.231.4376