Fall 2008

Tu Th 1.40 – 2.55 PM F 1.00 – 1.50 PMRm 50 - 1406

LECTURER: Dr. Jane MacGibbon Room 50 - 1518

Email: hone (904) 620 1923

TIME:Lectures: Tu Th 1.40 – 2.55 PM F 1.00 – 1.50 PM

Clinic Hours: W 1.30 – 4.30 pm

COURSE SUMMARY: Electricity, Magnetism and Optics with Calculus. Topics include Electric Fields, Magnetic Fields, Electromagnetism, DC and AC Circuits, Classical Optics, Interference and Diffraction.

TEXTBOOK:“Fundamentals of Physics" Eighth Edition 2007 Absolutely must contain Chapters 21 – 36 Authors: D. Halliday, R. Resnick and J. Walker, Publisher: J. Wiley & Sons

ASSESSMENT:Exams 60% (Better of Exams 1&2 30%; Exam 3 30%)

Pop Quizzes 15%(Best 2 of 3 Pop Quizzes)

Homework 25%(Lowest week dropped)

Exams 1and 2 will primarily focus on material covered from the time of the previous Exam; however the new material is cumulatively built on earlier material so you should be prepared for some revision or incorporation of earlier material. Exam 3 will include revision of the whole course.

The Pop Quizzes are 10 multiple-choice questions, concentrating on concepts and understanding rather than calculation. There are no make-ups for missed Pop Quizzes.

EXAM SCHEDULE: Exam 1 Week of Sept 22 Chapters 21 - 25

Exam 2 Week of Nov10 Chapters 26 - 28

Final Exam Tuesday Dec9 1.00PMChapters 29 - 36 + Course Review

POP QUIZ SCHEDULE: Pop Quiz 1 Week ofSept 15Chapters 21 - 24

Pop Quiz 2 Week of Nov 3Chapters 26 - 28

Pop Quiz 3 Week of Dec 1Chapters 29 - 36
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS: Homework assignments will be given out regularly at the start of each chapter. Please check the Blackboard site frequently for assignments and due dates. Late homework will not be graded. Homework can not be submitted by email. Show diagrams, problem set up, relevant equations, units and all working; don’t rely on the Psychic Connection. The last homework assignment is compulsory.

GRADING: Grades will be based on quality of work. There is no pre-set quota or cutoff marks for each grade. If you consistently produce A-quality work, you will get an A. Caveat: Assigned grades may be adjusted for academic misconduct.

ATTENDANCE: If you have more than 3 non-excused absences by the end of semester, your total grade will be dropped by 10 points.


ChapterTopicWeek (Approx)

21Electric Charge1

22Electric Fields2

23Gauss’ Law3

24Electric Potential4Pop Quiz 1

25Capacitance5Exam 1

26Current and Resistance6


28Magnetic Fields8

29Magnetic Fields Due to Currents9

30Induction and Inductance10Pop Quiz 2

31Electromagnetic Oscillations and AC 11Exam 2

32Maxwell’s Equations; Magnetism of Matter12

33Electromagnetic Waves13



36Diffraction15Pop Quiz 3

Last Day to Withdraw Friday November 7

GENERAL EDUCATION OUTCOMES: Although PHY2049 is attended mainly by students enrolled in professional training, it is also a component of the UNF General Education programme. By successfully completing PHY2049, you will increase your general knowledge of the methods and traditions of analysis in the natural sciences and develop proficiency in solving problems using mathematical concepts and quantitative reasoning.