Chat Time 29 Be a responsible pet owner

I always believe that being a responsible pet owner is pure instinct – you like it, you pick it, and you take good care of it. Now we have commercials on TV to remind us to think before getting a pet. I used to think that such reminders, like those about smoking being bad for your health, were stupid because, honestly, who does not know that? However, seeing the recent news about how pet owners abused their pets, maybe some of us do need those reminders, after all.
You plan before having a baby. Pets are lives too. Just because they cannot speak does not mean that they are negligible. Like human beings, they need food and drinks, they have feelings, they need to be cared for. People should stop thinking of pets as toys. They are living things, just like us.


  1. Why don’t some people take good care of their pets?

Some people don’t take good care of their pets because they lack time or adequate facilities. Also, when pets are old, sick or have behavioural problems, it becomes time-consuming and expensive to look after them and many are abandoned.

  1. What people should do before getting a pet?

Before getting a pet, people need to think seriously about theresponsibility of owning a pet. They also need to consider if they are capable of taking good care of an animal and providing it with a good environment.

  1. What are a pet owner’s responsibilities?

Responsible pet owners should get to know their pets better, ensure they are healthy all throughtheir lives, understand their behavioural problems, teach them obedience andprovide appropriate exercise.

Individual Response

  1. Do you like keeping pets?

I like keepinga pet for companionship. I feel happy to have a pet that I can love and care for.Essentially, a pet gives me a sense of fulfillment. I can derive joy playing with and talking to a pet.

  1. What kind of pets would you like to keep?

Dogs and cats are simple to care for, and we can find all of the food and supplies we’ll need at local pet stores.They are loyal, affectionate, intelligentand will love us unconditionally.

  1. Why do some people choose to own a pet?

For many people, pets are an important source of love and friendship. Pets can ease loneliness, reduce stress, promote social interaction, encourage exercise and provide us witha source of comfort and constant companionship.

  1. What can be done to prevent cruelty to animals?

A simple way is for people to take good care of their own pets. Another easy way to help is by donating to or volunteering at a local animal shelter. If you see an animal being abused, immediately call the police and report what is going on.

  1. Should public housing tenants be allowed to keep dogs?

As public housing estates are densely populated with very limited public areas, keeping of dogs may cause health hazard or nuisance. It’s also against the regulations for tenants to keep dogs inside their flats.