StepOneSchool is proud to be committed to helping families pay for a quality preschool education. We know that raising a family can be difficult financially, and we are glad we can help out. Within the confines of a tight budget, we try to provide as much financial aid as possible to families who demonstrate financial need as assessed by School and Student Services and The Step One Financial Aid Committee. Our financial aid covers partial tuition up to 50%.

StepOneSchool uses School and Student Services (SSS) for help in determining family need for Financial Aid. Many of the local private schools use this service and if you are applying for financial aid for an older child you may simply add Step One to your recipient list. (#4240)

SSS will analyze the financial data you submit and suggest an estimated family contribution for each child. The Step One Financial Aid Committee will make the final determination for awards after comparing each family’s stated need with the amount SSS estimates the family can contribute and reviewing the overall requests compared to our financial aid budget.

***Financial Aid is usually awarded to families whose incomes range between $25,000 and $90,000 gross annually, unless there are unusual circumstances such as heavy debt or other expenses.

***Step One can not help subsidize a loss of income due to a parent pursuing an advanced degree or private school expenses for older siblings living in performing school districts and we do not consider these and other optional expenses when we determine the amount of an award.

***We do not provide financial aid for afternoon care unless both of the child’s parents or sole parent is/are employed during this time.

***Priority for financial aid consideration is given to qualifying families with children in the following categories: (1) children of Step One teachers and staff, (2) children whose race, ethnicityor family structure is underrepresentedat the school 3) children with siblings who are currently attending or have attended Step One School. Other families with financial need will be accommodated if funding is available.

***Financial Aid provides partial coverage of tuition. The amount will vary up to 50% of the tuition charged, depending on a family's financial need and availability of funds.

Financial Aid Application Procedure:

1.NOVEMBER 15 - FEBRUARY 1: Submit a Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) to SSS. There is a $48 fee for this service which may be waived for families demonstrating need. The PFS may be submitted online at . Step One’s code is #4240. . Applications submitted online are usually processed within 72 hours.

2.SSS sends Step One a Report of Family Contribution (RFC).

3.Your RFC will be reviewed by the Financial Aid Committee. Their recommendation will be approved by the Budget Committee of the Board of Directors. All information will be kept confidential.

4.Step One will notify applicants of our decisions by JUNE 1.