PRESENT:Cllrs. S. Moore (Chairman), G. Hubbard (Vice Chairman), H.Clarke, A. Price andM. Raynor.

Also in attendance: Mrs. Jill Biden - Clerk/RFO to Parish Council


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. J. Clark and M. Vaughan.


Cllr. Hubbard declared a Non Pecuniary Interest in item 3(b) Church Lane 30mph speed limit.Cllrs. Moore and Price declared a Pecuniary Interest in item 4(b) Pavilion roof work.

Cllr. Clarke declared a Non Pecuniary Interest in item 5(a) Remembrance Sunday.


(a)Tree Management Strategy (item deferred from 13th November 2017 meeting) – the quotations received from 3 consultancies were considered. Although the methodology proposed by each consultancy varied, the information provided was sufficient for the Parish Council to decide who it wanted to appoint to carry out the initial survey of all trees for which the Parish Council is responsible for. It was AGREED that Bisley Parish Council wishes to work with West End Parish Council on the tree management strategy and to jointly appoint Keen Consultants at a cost of £925.00 to each parish council.

(b)Church Lane 30 mph speed limit – this item was considered at the meeting on 13th November 2017, but no decision was taken. A financial contribution to the approved scheme to relocate the 30mph signs at St John the Baptist Church approximately 70 metres back towards the parish boundary was discussed. The scheme is identified in the Surrey Heath Highway’s Programme at an estimated cost of £7,500. The programme is due to be considered at the meeting of the Surrey Heath Local Committee on 30th November 2017. It was AGREED to pledge £3,750, being 50% of the estimated cost of the scheme, to enable the Local Committee to give a commitment to the scheme being implemented as soon as possible. The contribution could be made in 2017/18, such that the work on the preparation on the traffic order making process can be started immediately. The Clerk is to stress the Parish Council’s concern for the safety of all users of Church Lane from vehicles on the approach to this location from Warbury Laneand its longstanding commitment to the scheme.

Cllr. Hubbard abstained from the discussion and voting on item 3(b) above.

(c)Oldhouse Lane – the Clerk provided an updatefor the Parish Council. In addition to awaiting the outcome of recent interventions, it was AGREED that Cllr. Price would research the responsibilities of the DVLA and VOSA,speak with B/C Cllr. David Mansfield and then report back to the Parish Council to see if there is anyfurther action that Councillors may wish to take.


(a)Football enclosure (item deferred from 13th November 2017 meeting) – the recent vandalism and anti-social behaviour incidents were discussed. It wasAGREED that a PIR motion detector sensor light with bracket is to be fitted on a tree near the enclosure so that the concrete area at the access to the enclosure and the path to the light switch box is illuminated when movement is detected. The Clerk is to contact Lightwater Electrical Services to carry out the work, a sum of £300.00 from the enclosure budget was set aside for this. The Clerk will also arrange for the tree branches to be cut back. The Parish Council may wish to consider moving the picnic bench if the problems of vandalism and anti- social behaviour continue.

Having declared a Pecuniary Interest in item 4(b), Cllrs. Moore and Price left the room prior to the next item being considered. Cllr. Hubbard took the Chair for consideration of item 4(b).

(b)Pavilion roof work - the decision taken between meetings for Steve Moore Builder and Contractor to undertake moss clearance and tile replacement work whilst scaffolding was in place for the guttering work for the sum of £190.00 wasAPPROVED. As additional work and materials were required at the time, a further payment of £100.00 was APPROVED.

Cllrs. Moore and Price returned to the meeting room. Cllr. Hubbard vacated the Chair and Cllr. Moore resumed chairing the meeting.


(a)Remembrance Sunday (item deferred from 13th November 2017 meeting)–positive feedback was received. The Parish Council thanked Cllr. Price for laying the wreath on behalf of the Parish Council and Cllr. Hubbard for putting out the troughs for the crosses at the war memorial and putting out and collecting the road closure and “service in progress” signs.

It was AGREED that the road closure signs will be put out earlier for the Police and that Cllr. Raynor will take on organising for the troops to attend the service next year.

Letters of thanks are to be sent to:

(i)Sainsbury’s Local,

(ii)The Revd Richard Abbott,

(iii)The Neighbourhood Policing Team,

(iv)Kevin Holder,

(v)Bisley WI. A donation of £250 to the Bisley WI was APPROVED.

Cllr. Raynor left at this point in the meeting.

(b)War memorial (item deferred from 13th November 2017 meeting) – it was AGREED that the Clerk will look back at the details of the company that carried out the previous work to turn the war memorial and obtain a cost for cleaning and for turning the memorial. The possibility of obtaining a grant for cleaning the war memorial (to enable the names to be read) is to be investigated. The Clerk will also arrange for the bushes by the war memorial to be cut back.

(c)Circus in Bisley (item deferred from 13th November 2017 meeting)– the requests from Jay Miller Circus and Circus Normandie to hire the Village Green in 2018 wereAGREED. The Clerk will remind both circuses that all posters are to be removed at the end of the hire.

(d)Christmas tree – it was AGREED that the Clerk will contact Surrey Wildlife Trust (SWT) to see if the Parish Council can obtain a tree from those cut down on Brentmoor Common by SWT. If this is not an option, then Cllr. Hubbard will purchase a tree on behalf of the Parish Council and arrange for its collection and delivery to the site. Cllrs. Clark, Hubbard and Price will organise installing and decorating the tree.

(e)Consideration of planning applications policy – the decision taken at the meeting of 14thOctober 2013 was reviewed. It was AGREED that only planning applications with proposals for development in Bisley of one or more new dwellings or if the planning application is of significant interest will be automatically included on the agenda of the next Parish Council meeting. The Clerk will continue to provide Councillors with a list of all the newly registered Bisley planning applications on a weekly basis. Councillors can call in applications and if four or more Councillors (a majority of the Parish Council) call in a planning application then this will be included on the agenda of the next Council meeting for the Parish Council to consider.

(f)Public participation at Council meetings – the present arrangements were reviewed. It wasAGREED that time will be allocated at the start of every meeting for members of the public to speak for two minutes each on any items on the agenda for the meeting. Members of the public are welcome to stay for the public part of the Council meeting as observers, but will not take part in the discussion unless invited to do so by the Chairman.

(g)Payment of Accounts and Financial Statement (Appendix ‘A’) – The Financial Statement wasAPPROVEDand cheques were signed.


There being no other business to consider, the meeting closed at9.55pm