9th Öresund Symposium

November 29st 2012, 09.00-17.00

08.30 – 09.00

/ Registration
09.00 – 09-15 / Welcome and introduction / Anne Lippert
09.15 – 10.00 / Key note lecture 1
Patient safety : translating safety concepts into practice /


10.00 – 10.30 / Coffee & Visit exhibition
10.30 – 11.15 / The top 5 topics in simulation that will
contribute to improve patient safety –
results of an Utstein Meeting
Technical skills - Jette Led Sørensen
Non-technical skills - Charlotte Ringsted
Effectiveness & Assessment - Stephen Sollid
System probing - Doris Østergaard / Chair: Anne Lippert
11.15 – 12.30 / Topic: Technical skills
Simulation in general surgery: What is new?
Validity of simulation metrics
Curriculum planning
Validity and usability of virtual reality simulation for intraocular surgery training / Chair: Anders Bergenfelz
Anders Bergenfelz
Lars Konge
Jeanett Østergaard
Madeleine Selvander
12.30 – 13.30 / Lunch & Visit exhibition
13.30 – 14.15 / Key note lecture 2
Patient Safety & Simulation:
The Human Factor in health care / Chair: Doris Østergaard
Ralf Krage
14.15 – 15.30 / Topic: Inter-professional training
Pre-graduate interprofessional training –
Role clarification in focus
"The level of control in the trauma room:
a new assessment protocol"
Experiences from using mono-disciplinary different tools for multidisciplinary traning in NTS
‘In situ simulation – what the literature says and a multi-professional example’ / Chair: Peter Dieckmann
Cecilia Holm
John Berglund
Johan Bergström
Helle Teglgaard
Jette Led Sørensen

15.30 – 16.00

/ Coffee & Visit exhibition
16.00 – 16.45 / Key note lecture 3
Team skills and organisational culture / Nick Sevdalis
16.45 – 17.00 / Summary and closing / Doris Østergaard

Organising committee

Doris Østergaard, Associate Professor, DMSc, Director of Danish Institute for Medical Simulation, CopenhagenUniversityHospital, Herlev

Charlotte Ringsted, MD, MHPE, PhD, Professor of Medical Education and Director of Centre for Clinical Education, University of Copenhagen and Capital Region, DK

Anne Lippert, Associate Professor, Danish Institute for Medical Simulation, CopenhagenUniversityHospital, Herlev.

Peter Dieckmann, PhD Work and Organisational Psychologist, Danish Institute for Medical Simulation, CopenhagenUniversityHospital, Herlev.


Anders Bergenfelz, PhD, Professor, Consultant Surgeon in Endocrine-and Sarcoma Surgery,
Director Practicum Clinical Skills Centre, SkåneUniversityHospital

Cecilia Holm, Pre-graduate interprofessional training - Role clarification in focus

François Clergue, Prof. Médecin-chef, service d'anesthésiologie, Directeur du département hospitalier APSI, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève

Helle Teglgaard Lyk-Jensen, Certified Anaesthetic Nurse, Danish Institute for Medical Simulation, CopenhagenUniversityHospital, Herlev

Lars Konge, Ph.d., Associate Professor, Centre for Clinical Education, CopenhagenUniversityHospital, Rigshospitalet

Jette Led Sørensen, Associate Professor, MMEd, Department of Obstetrics, Juliane Marie Centre, Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet

Jeanett Østergaard, Department of Obstetrics, Juliane Marie Centre, CopenhagenUniversityHospital, Rigshospitalet

John Berglund, läkarstudent, vid Lunds Universitet

Johan Bergström som är Fil.dr (Ph.D) vid Lund University Centre for Risk Assessment and Management.

Madeleine Selvander Dr., Department of Ophthalmology, Skånes Universitetssjukus)

Nick Sevdalis, Ph.d., Psychologist, Imperial College, London

Ralf Krage, MD, DEAA, Anesthesiologist, Director ADAM simulation center, VU university

medical center, Amsterdam

Stephen Sollid, Ph.d., Stiftelsen Norsk Luftambulanse og førsteamanuensis ved Universitetet i Stavanger

Visit exhibition

CAE Healthcare - Meti

Laerdal Medical A/S


Surgical Science

GM Medical

AB K Waldemar Larsson



Patient safety

(Evidence – education – implementation)

9 th Øresund Symposium

November 29, 2012, from 9:00 to 17:00

CopenhagenUniversityHospital, Herlev

Invitation to health professionals, administrators and politicians to join a symposium organised by Copenhagen University Hospitals, Herlev and Rigshospitalet, The University Hospital of Lund and Malmø.

The aims of the symposium are to

Give an overview of current research on the use of simulation in health professionals’ education

Describe how simulation based training can be integrated in formal programs of health profession education

Describe how centres can collaborate on skills training and research activities

Conference participant fee is DKK 200.00.
Please note that there are a limited number of seats.
On-line registration:

Deadline for registration November 23, 2012
Contact: Email:
Venue: CopenhagenUniversityHospital, Herlev, Store Auditorium