SUNY Cortland
Physical Education Department
Block Plan

Name: McKenna Riley

Teacher Candidate(s):

Skill(s): Cardi Kickboxing skills and stretches, combos and routines

Day 1:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: Warm-up led by instructor
-  It is very important to warm up before starting a cardiovascular workout. We will do this warm-up every day and by the end of the unit, you should all be able to do it on your own. *Belly breathing, stretching
Intro: Introduction to Cardio Kickboxing, objectives and expectations.
Lesson focus: Introduction to basic skills with reciprocal teaching activity.
-  Demo of Base Stance
-  Break up into partners, one partner get packet ‘A’ other partner get packet ‘B,’ one partner is going to teach the other how to perform each of the skills in their packet and switch roles.
Fitness component: Flexibility and Cardiovascular Endurance from the warm-up and lesson focus
Assessment(s): Affective assessment given as a homework assignment based on their cooperation with their partner.
Closure: Debrief, go over skills learned. / Day 2:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: Cardio Kickboxing warm up led by instructor.
Intro: Reflect on last class (skills learned), collect homework.
-  Spread out in your own space facing the mirrors, and we will go over the skills learned yesterday.
Lesson focus: The rest of the “elite eleven” moves.
-  We learned 6 of the “elite eleven” moves yesterday, so today we are going to learn the remaining 5.
Fitness component: Flexibility and Cardiovascular Endurance from the warm-up and lesson focus
Assessment(s): Checking for Understanding of today’s lesson. Pre-Assessment of where students are in their skill performance
Closure: Debrief, check for understanding on new skills learned.
Day 3:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: Cardio Kickboxing warm up led by instructor
Intro: Review of “elite eleven,” history of cardio kickboxing
Lesson focus: Adding punches
-  Using jabs from both sides with all eleven moves and footwork.
-  Hitting target, using focus pads with a partner
-  Focusing on target and footwork
Fitness component: Flexibility, Cardiovascular Endurance from the warm up and lesson focus
Assessment(s): Observation of working with partners, observing skills
Closure: Debrief class on skills and warm-up. Explain sign-up sheet to pick a day to lead a warm-up. / Day 4:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: Cardio Kickboxing warm up led by instructor
Intro: Review and check for understanding of the “elite eleven” and punching. These all lead up to the routines we are going to make; we will do our first routine today.
Lesson focus: Adding punches
-  Punching combo – Jab, cross, hook, uppercut
-  Add footwork, practice with focus pads
-  Add some of elite eleven moves for first mini routine
Fitness component: Flexibility, Cardiovascular Endurance
Assessment(s): Observations and Checking for Understanding
Closure: Debrief class on routine done in class. Reminder to sign up for warm ups.
Day 5: LAB D
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: Cardio kickboxing warm up student led
Intro: Review of routine learned in previous class
Lesson focus: Self check in mirrors with mini routine – focus on technique to get the most out of each skill.
Routine will then be practiced with a faster paced song.
*New mini routine with different moves and different punches
Fitness component: Flexibility, Cardiovascular endurance
Assessment(s): Self check cards will be handed in.
Closure: Debrief, explain their group routine project.
-  On the last two days of class, you will be performing your own routine. I have assigned you a group and you will work with them to create a routine to your choice of song, the moves, punches, and kicks must be those learned in class. We will add kicks to our routines next class. / Day 6:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: Cardio kickboxing warm-up – student led
Intro: Check for understanding on routine assignment
Lesson focus: *Students meet with their group
-  Students will spread out in their own space for review of classroom mini routines
-  Adding kicks: front kick, side kick, roundhouse, back kick using punching bags
-  Adding kicks and punches
-  Single free style combos – individually each student makes up their own combos and find which ones they like most
Fitness component: Flexibility, Cardiovascular endurance
Assessment(s): Observation
Closure: Debrief, meet with groups
Day 7:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: Warm up – student led
Intro: Review of kicks and punching while in routines
Lesson focus: - Show video of part of a full cardio kickboxing routine and how intense it can be
Two 5 minute cardio kickboxing routine with punching, kicking, and moving
-  Meet with groups for cool down
Fitness component: Flexibility, Cardiovascular endurance
Assessment(s): Each group will hand in a written plan they have so far for their routines.
Closure: Continue to meet with your group and work on the routines. / Day 8:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: Warm up – student led
Intro: Intro to double time. Why do double time?
Lesson focus: 10 minute cardio kickboxing routine with punching kicking, and moving.
-  Add double time
-  Meet with groups for cool down
Fitness component: Flexibility, Cardiovascular endurance
Assessment(s): Observation
Closure: Debrief class, touch base on routines, quiz next class on skills and terminology
Day 9:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: Warm-up – student led
Intro: Intro to circuit training. What is circuit training?
Lesson focus: Stations of circuit training
-  Transition into 10 minute cardio kick boxing routine
-  Meet with groups for practice
Fitness component: Flexibility, Cardiovascular endurance *circuit training
Assessment(s): Quiz
Closure: Once you are done with your quiz you may go to the other end of the gym and work with your groups. / Day 10:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: Warm-up – student led
Intro: Reminder that next class is routine day, the group presenting will be leading us in a full cardio kickboxing routine.
Lesson focus: - 15 minute routine
-  Meet with group for practice
Fitness component: Flexibility, Cardiovascular endurance
Assessment(s): Observation
Closure: Get quizzes back, answer questions.
Day 11:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: Warm up led by instructor
Intro: Routine presentations
Lesson focus: Student Routines
-  Group 1
-  Group 2
Fitness component: Flexibility, Cardiovascular endurance
Assessment(s): Post Assessment
Closure: Debrief on routines from today / Day 12:
Instant Activity (IA) / Warm-up: orWarm up led by instruct
Intro: Routine presentations
Lesson focus: Student Routines
-  Group 3
-  Group 4
Fitness component: Flexibility, Cardiovascular endurance
Assessment(s): Post Assessment
Closure: Debrief on unit as a whole, give back any graded assignments, answer questions

"Guiding and inspiring youngsters in the process of becoming physically educated and healthy for a lifetime." Last updated on 11/21/2011