NSBA Summer Ball Tournament Team PolicyPage 1 of 4

The official name of this document is:

The North Seattle Baseball Association (NSBA) Summer Ball Tournament Team Policy and Procedure for the Pinto, Mustang, and Bronco Divisions

Revised April 2011October 2009Updated and Approved by the NSBA Board on April 11, 2011October 19, 2009

1.Section 1 – Purpose

The purpose of this document is to provide a NSBA board approved policy used to establish NSBA supported Summer Ball Tournament Teams.

The goals for NSBA Tournament Teams are to field the best teams possible and to provide additional summer (post-season) playing time to interested players. Summer Ball is an option for highly skilled players that do not participate on a NSBA All-Star team. Tournament Teams shall not participate in sanctioned ‘PONY’ tournament play. The following policy will help us reach that goal in a fair and successful manor.

2.Section 2 – Introduction

NSBA will create a number of Tournament Teams each year, dependant on player and coach interest. It should be further clarified that:

2.1Tournament Teams are an avenue for players wanting to continue playing baseball in the summer (post-season), but won’t be involved with All-Star play.

2.2Tournament Teams are for highly skilled players.

2.3Tournament Teams will enter invitational tournaments and SHALL NOT play in PONY sanctioned tournaments.

2.4Not all coaches interested in coaching Summer Ball will be accepted. See Section 3 for coach selection process.

2.5Not all players interested in playing Summer Ball will be accepted onto a Tournament Team. See Section 5 for player selection process.

2.6 No more than one Tournament Team shall be formed at the Pinto level without NSBA Board approval.

2.7No more than two Tournament Teams each shall be formed at the Mustang and Bronco levels without NSBA Board approval.

2.8The NSBA Board from year to year based on player interest, coach interest, and funding availability may approve additional Tournament Teams.

3.Section 3 – Tournament Team Coaches Selection

3.1The Tournament Team coaches will be elected at a late April or May coaches meeting arranged by the appropriate Division Commission following selection of All-Star team players. In the case when a potential Tournament Team coach is identified after the coaches meeting, interested coaches can be interviewed in the same manor as discussed below. If additional coaches are identified after a coach is selected during the coaches meeting, then the new candidate will be considered for participate in a second Tournament Team.

3.2Interested coaches shall notify their Division Commissioner or fill out a form entitled ‘Coaches Tournament Team Application’, provided on the NSBA website[TE1].

3.3The Summer Ball Tournament Team coach candidates shall provide a brief presentation for head coaches from their own Division. They should have their proposed Tournament Team assistant coaches with them or at least identified.

Section 3 – Tournament Team Coaches Selection (continued)

3.4 Candidates need not be a current head coach to apply.

3.5Any adult, 18 years of age or older, including parents, coaches, and friends etc. may be the head coach of a Tournament Team.

3.6If a potential Tournament Team coach is new to NSBA, in order to allow time for background checks, they must submit their name for possible coaching status ten (10) days prior to the coaches meetings.

3.7Attending coaches will then ask questions if desired.

3.8The appropriate Division Commissioner will hand out voting sheets after all candidates have had a chance to speak. Votes will be placed to confirm the willingness of NSBA to support the coach’s Tournament Team. Voting slips will be filled out and passed back to Division Commissioner.

3.9Only head coaches from the regular season teams (or designated official assistant coach) get to vote. Vote is anonymous. No proxy votes. Simple majority is all that is required.

4.Section 4 – Tournament Team Coach Selection Criteria

The Coaches from the appropriate NSBA Division, by voting, shall select the Tournament Team coaches using the following criteria:

4.1Evidence of knowledge of the game of baseball.

4.2Evidence of ability to teach baseball and good sportsmanship to children.

4.3Evidence of managerial skill, which might include the division standing of the team managed by the applicant during the regular season.

4.4Evidence of ability to draw upon talents of individual players to form the team into a cohesive unit.

4.5Evidence of commitment to make the team as competitive as possible, both to contribute to the enjoyment of the players and to enhance the reputation of NSBA and its players.

4.6Evidence of respect from players, other managers, parents, umpires, etc.

4.7Previous coaching experience.

5.Section 5 – Tournament Team Player Selection

5.1 For years when only one Tournament Team is formed within a Division the coach selected by NSBA may choose all players to the Tournament Team (i.e. all players can be locked). If two Tournament Teams are formed from one Division a player draft may be used to distribute players with the following exceptions.

5.1.1Head coach’s child and assistant coaches’ children are locks.

5.1.2In addition to the head and assistant coaches’ children, each Tournament Team can have four (4) additional locks to enable them to organize a team of familiar players.

5.2Each regular season head coach will notify all of his players who completed a Tournament Team commitment form identified in Section 6 to whether they made a Tournament Team or not, and what Tournament Team they have been assigned to within 24 hours of the selection.

5.3Players are not required to play on a Tournament Team.

5.4A player can quit one team to play for another, if both Tournament Team coaches are in agreement.

5.5Players may not be cut from a Tournament Team without NSBA board of director’s approval.

5.6Interested Tournament Team players will be evaluated in one or more of the following ways:

5.6.1During regular season play,

5.6.2During ‘Sunday Ball’,

5.6.3During All-Star try-outs, or

5.6.4 Participation in a skill evaluation in May after the All-Star team has been chosen.

5.7A player must be a current NSBA player or have one (1) full season previously as a NSBA player prior to being evaluated for post-season Tournament Teams. This requirement may be waived by the league president if there has not been a tournament team for this group of players the previous season or if the number of teams in the division has dropped below seven (7).

Section 5 – Tournament Team Player Selection (continued)

5.8Announcements about Summer Ball should indicate the number of Tournament Teams NSBA plans to sponsor based on number of coaches and practice fields available.

5.9Notification of a skill evaluation date (if necessary) will be given a minimum of one week before the designated date to players who completed the commitment form and be shown on the NSBA website.

5.10All interested players can attend any of the evaluations available however, they must make their intentions clear to the Tournament Team coaches by completing a commitment form or by submitting a letter on their intent to play on a NSBA Tournament Team.

5.11A waiting list with player ranking will be formed in case more coaches are available or a player drops out. Some players will not know for sure if they want to play until late in year.

5.12Players are not required to attend a try-out or skills evaluation to be on Tournament Team, however, it is highly recommended. NSBA recognizes that many players have other obligations and that coaches will have already been evaluating players over the years.

6.Section 6 – Tournament Team Commitment Form

Players will be required to fill out a commitment form.

6.1 This form shall be completed at or before player evaluation. Coaches should use this form showing availability information as part of the process in picking players.

6.2A list of tournaments targeted including the two (2) NSBA pre-paid for will be made available to each player. Players will be required to fill out the form indicating at least two (2) tournaments they will be available to play in.

6.3The commitment form will also indicate Tournament Team fees required.

7.Section 7 – Tournament Team Player Fees

7.1Players selected will pay a Tournament Team fee of $175to NSBA for registration ($80 for a Pinto Division Tournament Team). The fee should be updated as appropriate from year to year. This fee shall cover the costs of the following:

7.1.1Their uniforms (socks, hat, pants, jersey, and belt; the belt and jersey shall be returned to NSBA following completion of play.) Belts will not be given out to Pinto Division Tournament Team players.

7.1.2Practice fields and insurance.

7.1.3NSBA will pay entrance fees to two (2) invitational tournaments with a maximum combined total of $900. The Tournament Team may participate in additional tournaments with league uniforms and equipment, but NSBA will not cover associated entry fees.

7.2Head coach’s child is free provided the Head coach has participated in the league fundraiser for that season..

7.3No scholarships will be provided by NSBA for Tournament Team participation.

8.Section 8 – Tournament Team Practice

8.1Teams may begin practicing immediately after the players are selected using regular NSBA fields.

8.2The appropriate Division Commissioner is responsible for helping Tournament Team coaches find practice fields.

8.3Frequency and dates of practice are up to the Tournament Team coach’s discretion.

8.4NSBA will reserve and pay for practice fields, if available.

8.5Coaches may, at the team’s own expense, find and use gym time if so desired.

9.Section 9 – Tournament Team Coaches Responsibilities

9.1Recruiting players. As part of the recruiting process it is highly recommended that the Tournament Team coach solicit feedback from the All-Star coaches based on their evaluation of players during the All-Star try-outs.

9.2Preparation and distribution of the player commitment form identified in Section 6.

9.3Coordinate and submit registration information including fees for all players at one time.

9.4If a player not currently registered with NSBA is on a Tournament Team the head coach shall make sure registration information and waivers are submitted to the NSBA registrar.

9.5The Tournament Team head coaches are responsible for locating tournaments to attend, coordinating all tournament fees, and applications with necessary people.

9.6The Tournament Team coaches are responsible for attending all Pre-Tournament meetings the team participates in.

9.7The Tournament Team coaches may need to pay entrance fees themselves and be refunded later by the NSBA Treasurer.

9.8The NSBA Director of Tournaments shall assist the coaches in tournament location and selection.

9.9The Tournament Team coaches shall coordinate all information flow to parents and players.

9.10The head Tournament Team coaches shall hold a minimum of one parent meeting to inform parents of expectations and team rules.

9.11The Tournament Team coaches will also report back to the NSBA Secretary and appropriate Division Commissioner about tournaments entered and how they performed. This information may be posted on league website and/or be included in Newsletters.

10.Section 10 – NSBA Responsibilities

To make the transition from regular season play to post-season Summer Ball play as easy as possible NSBA shall be ready and willing to provide the following:

10.1Encourage the formation of Summer Ball Tournament Teams. These teams provide prolonged playing time for NSBA players and enables players from other leagues the chance to participate in NSBA.

10.2NSBA shall reserve and pay for a minimum of two (2) pre-selected tournaments each for the Mustang and Bronco levels. This may have to be done before the teams have been formed so that at least one team at the Mustang and Bronco level is assured participation in at least two (2) tournaments. NSBA shall recoup some of the Tournament Team expenses from player’s fees identified in Section 7.

10.3Support scheduling of fields for practice, if available.

10.4Uniform consisting of a socks, hat, belt, and jersey for each player and coach.

10.5Team equipment.


10.7Funds for tournament fees.

10.8Website support for information purposes.

10.9Information about upcoming tournaments.


NSBA Tournament Team Policy - Revised April 2011Oct 2009.doc

[TE1]Can’t find this document