Action Initiatives

Safe, Comfortable and Healthy Work Environment – Part 1 of 3


/ Desired Outcome: A library-wide environment where the following statement is true.

34. We respond immediately and thoroughly to staff concerns about the work environment, taking action per advice of experts on campus when mitigation is needed.

Ideas for Action

·  Speak up early and respond quickly to issues regarding ergonomics and safety in the workplace.

·  Provide and attend librarywide training/information about safety and health in the workplace.

·  Provide more options for workstation design/components in order to accommodate the fact that different people have different needs (e.g., variable or adjustable desktop heights)

Related ideas to consider:

·  Regular and systematic review of all library departments for ergonomic, health and safety concerns in cooperation with Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) staff.

·  Update the UC Berkeley Library Program for Safety, Emergency Preparedness and Emergency Response

·  Plan and execute regular building evacuations in Doe/Moffitt and encourage building managers of other Library facilities to do so.

·  Restock library emergency supply cabinets.

·  Annually allocate resources towards ergonomic/safety improvements (akin to hardware upgrades)

Action Initiatives

Safe, Comfortable and Healthy Environment – Part 2 of 3

Possible Milestones / Markers of Success

·  Staff raise issues of concern promptly , one-on-one with supervisors and/or at departmental meetings.

·  Departmental meeting agendas regularly including time to discuss safety/comfort/health.

·  Training modules are offered in the library on ergonomic safety, OSHA standards, emergency preparedness and response, etc.

·  “Certificates” issued to a significant number of staff who attended safety and health programs.

·  Annual budget line for ergonomic furniture to facilitate response to needs as they arise.

·  Library FTE assigned and/or campus resources identified to complete ergonomic/environmental orders/repairs/installations identified by staff/supervisors in consultation with campus experts.

·  Agreements with campus facilities staff to expedite projects which require their involvement.

·  Method in place to “fast track” ergonomic equipment orders.

·  A selection of workstation components is available(e.g., desk height, lighting), keyboards/trays, mice, etc., and supported by Space Planning/Systems to accommodate the fact that different people have different needs.

·  Program/checklist and funds to set up workstations for new (or transferring in) employees tailored to their needs.

Possible Milestones /Markers of Success for “related ideas”

·  Library FTE assigned and/or campus resources identified to perform an annual review of all Library units with an eye to health and safety issues.

·  Revised safety, emergency preparedness and response documents on line with relevant sections in print.

·  Early Birds/Town Halls on Safety, Emergency Preparedness and Emergency Response documents, procedures and initiatives.

·  A Library Security Council and/or the Library Safety Committee to monitor requests and their resolutions, and to proactively provide for safety and health improvements in the Library.

·  Schedule for Doe/Moffitt building evacuations

·  Schedule for evacuations of other buildings housing subject specialty libraries.

·  Active lobbying for safety and emergency procedures and drills by unit heads and Library administration with building managers/safety committees of buildings housing subject specialty libraries

·  Putting out an annual call for “ergonomic/health/safety” needs in units.

Action Initiatives

Safe, Comfortable and Healthy Environment – Part 3 of 3

Staff Input from Brainstorming Sessions, October 2000

Library staff attended one of five drop-in sessions offered by the Organizational Culture Committee in October 2000 to discuss concrete actions the Library might take to improve our working environment. Participants made suggestions specifically with regard to the six behaviors that 173 Library staff had previously identified as being the most effective to pursue first.

In these sessions, attendees named

·  actions we take now which are in direct conflict with a value/behavior that we should stop (coded here as P);

·  actions we take now that already support a value/behavior that we should continue (coded here as C);

·  new actions that we should take (coded here as S) .

Participants also indicated whether specific actions required library-wide programs (coded here as O) and/or if individuals could also take effective steps to realize these behaviors in our environment (coded here as I).


SAFE, COMFORTABLE AND HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT — We provide a safe, comfortable and healthy environment for staff and users.


34. We respond immediately and thoroughly to staff concerns about the work environment, taking action per advice of experts on campus when mitigation is needed.

Actions suggested at October meetings.


Oct 05 / 34 / C / Referring staff to systems office for help with ergonomic workstation problems. / I and O
Oct 05 / 34 / C / The position to do safety checks. / O
Oct 05 / 34 / C / Make environmental concerns part of the discourse. / O
Oct 06 / 34 / C / Making ergonomic information available and providing a variety of ergo furniture and accessories to accommodate different individuals.
Oct 10 / 34 / C / Provide appropriate safety supplies and equipment/use it. / I and O


Oct 05 / 34 / S / Tell, inform staff it is okay to say, “the desk is too low” regardless of cost. / I and O
Oct 05 / 34 / S / Quicker response is needed to legitimate safety/comfort issues (e.g. The bathrooms in Moffitt 250) / O
Oct 05 / 34 / S / Put more staff in space planning to reduce delays in getting work done. / O
Oct 05 / 34 / S / Rotations to space planning? / I and O
Oct 05 / 34 / S / Volunteer team of staff to expand Fred’s capacity to get projects done. / I and O
Oct 05 / 34 / S / Put in writing right of employees to leave work area they deem unsafe. / O
Oct 05 / 34 / S / Consistent, across departments responses to ergonomic problems and needs. / O
Oct 05 / 34 / S / I want a mediator who is a part of the library, perhaps who is in HR. This person could hear employee’s problems concerning other staff members or unfair practices. / O
Oct 06 / 34 / S / Pro-actively invite experts to each unit to evaluate workstations. Don’t expect staff to know if they are using good posture or equipment that is best for them.
Oct 06 / 34 / S / Review possible variations in Steelcase concept/design in order to better accommodate people of different sizes.
Oct 06 / 34 / S / Assign a particular person to receive and follow-up such concerns expressed by staff.
Oct 06 / 34 / S / Take action for safe work environment before personal injury or sickness.
Oct 06 / 34 / S / Show good faith by creating an annual budget line for ergonomic improvements.
Oct 06 / 34 / S / Quicker response to ergonomic equipment needs.
Oct 06 / 34 / S / Refusing to work in unsafe environments.
Oct 06 / 34 / S / Periodic review and drills of emergency procedures.
Oct 09 / 34 / S / Put ergonomic orders on a separate “fast track” (perhaps subcontract out so it happens faster) / O
Oct 09 / 34 / S / Make ergonomic information easily available to all staff (equipment, furniture, etc.) choices. / O
Oct 09 / 34 / S / Admit that some workplace issues are not solvable. Some of the problems are personal and not work-related. / I
Oct 09 / 34 / S / When someone new is hired, their workstation set-up should be reviewed and “fixed” right at the start. / O
Oct 10 / 34 / S / Form ongoing committee to work with Space Planning and Administration—Health, Safety, Environment (non-emergency). Questions go to them. / O
Oct 10 / 34 / S / Sound insulation for Moffitt. / O
Oct 10 / 34 / S / Actively support campus transit (Bart, AC Transit, etc.) initiatives and/or discounts. New bus routes. / O
Oct 10 / 34 / S / Create a position independent of the architect’s office, facilities and systems to investigate problems. / O
Oct 10 / 34 / S / “Safe, comfortable and healthy” also means pleasant. Some resources should go to our making our workplaces more desirable to spend time in. / I and O
Oct 10 / 34 / S / Make ergonomically safe workstations a real priority for the organization. Think about preventative actions (not just in response to identified (worker’s comp) situations.) / O
Oct 10 / 34 / S / Building managers assume responsibility for coordination and feedback. Response within 24 hours. / O


Oct 04 / 34 / P / Making staff work in an office when it is either too hot (>80°) or too cold (<65°) inside that office.
Oct 05 / 34 / P / Making the cost of the chair, a desk the culprit. / O
Oct 05 / 34 / P / Purchasing workstations that are not height adjustable. / O
Oct 09 / 34 / P / Pretending that all things are possible here—why do some people get thousands worth of equipment? / O
Oct 10 / 34 / P / Stop giving all decision-making authority to architect’s office. Library unit people should have say about changes to their workspaces. / O