Leisure Strategy - Consultation Results Analysis July 2011

Responses - Direct respondents to on-line survey = 11 Indirect respondent (email) = 1 Total = 12


Questions & Comments / Supports strategy / Amend strategy / Helpful wider comment / Notes
Q1 Do you have any comments on the changing shape of Poole?
There is no mention of improving ease of access to sites - by this I mean using the existing sustainable transport infrastructure namely Public Rights of Way and adopted highway footpaths. I find this deeply disappointing, together Transportation and Leisure could change the way people travel and therefore significantly improve peoples quality of life. Which would tick your priorities of get greener get active get involved. If Leisure continues to ignore the paths that travel through and around their sites then the sites run the risk of becoming islands with no links to the community around them. We should be using Bournemouth as an example of delivering quality projects that link with internal and external stakeholders. Slades Farm, Kings Park and the link to Iford are all examples of fantastic walking and cycling links, to both communities and POS. /  / See Proposed Amendments table below
As Centre Manager of The Junction Sports & Leisure Centre I can only see opportunities in the data provided in terms of the over 65's increasing in numbers. We are open from 6.00am each day and therefore are in a great position to assist and lead the way in local sport and health facilities and sessions. / 
Well presented and relatively easy to read and understand / 
This section sets out clearly the current key issues and challenges facing Leisure Services. / 
Important to upgrade and achieve year-round use for Recreation Grounds like Branksome Rec. / 
Why charge fair fees for only some facilities and activities. Does this mean that charges will be over the top on the others? /  / See Proposed Amendments table below
You say "..further savings and income will need to be found whilst protecting frontline provision and affordability to users" which ignores the possibility of increasing the contribution from council tax. Because this tax bears less on the most modest dwellings, it is a progressive way of funding important, health-enhancing services which also bring economic benefit in the form of increased tourism.
Net spend on leisure has reduced from £7m, and £4m is the budget for next year. This represents a real 50% cut over 10 years, and a 4% cut next year. You refer to 'service efficiencies', but is there any reason to suppose the services have been run inefficiently up to now? If this deficit is to be made up from user charge increases, that will impact negatively on health. As is made clear in the Joint Adult Obesity Plan 2010, to which the Borough is a signatory, making exercise easy and enjoyable for everyone is a key aim. As such, it should be reflected in spending priorities. Everybody needs fresh air and exercise, not just those who can afford to pay. It is every bit as 'essential' to health as waste collection, clean water and warm, dry homes.
"Fair fees" is not defined. Income should not be a barrier to exercise, because daily physical activity is vital to human health (Chief Medical Officer 2010)1. A fair fee structure should reflect this, and provide free leisure for all children and those on benefits. (Marmot 2010).
Your choices (Yes, No, Don't Know) are not sufficient. If I don't totally agree, it doesn't mean I 'don't know'. Where is the box for "Up to a point?"
refs 1. Chief Medical Officer 2010.
2. Marmot 2010 Fair Society Healthy Lives. /  / 
Q2 Do you agree with the priorities?
11 x YES / 
Q2 Why do you disagree with the Priorities?
N/A / 
Q3 Do you agree with the priority projects?
9 x Yes 2 x No / 
Q3 Why do you disagree with the priority projects?
Public greenspace should remain public greenspace. A distinction between cosmetic facilities and facilities involving building should be made. Projects involving the loss of greenspace to buildings should not be promoted on existing Borough land. Instead such facilities should be put on land acquired by the Borough for that purpose. / 
From a health perspective, the beach should not be top priority. We know from growing evidence on health and the environment, (Pooland and Dooris, 2010)1 that the greatest health gain comes from green space which is close to home, and freely available. Poole residents with the highest health needs are among the least frequent visitors to the beaches.
Improving static facilities for which users are charged (such as pavilions and pitches) are of lower priority, because organised sport contributes only 8% of the physical activity which society takes. Informal everyday play and travel is of far greater importance. (NHS,BoP,BBC 2010)2
refs 1. Poland, Blake and Dooris, Mark(2010) 'A green and healthy future: the settings approach to building
health, equity and sustainability', Critical Public Health, 20: 3, 281 — 298
2. (NHS Bournemouth & Poole, Borough of Poole, BBC Joint adult obesity strategy, 2010) / 
Q4a Do you have any comments on Beaches and Coastal Protection?
2 x Yes 8 x No 1 x DNA (Did not answer) / 
Beach Huts need to made available to all, you need to overhaul your tenanting system. Saying that I love the beaches and so do my kids /  /  / Working Party addressing this
There is no mention of Poole Harbour, a major resource for a wide range of watersports. It is suggested that the Council include a statement that it will continue to work in partnership with the Harbour Authority and others to ensure that the Poole Harbour Management Plan (or successor) takes a positive approach towards accommodating watersports, so that the harbour is managed in a way that all users (recreation, nature conservation, commercial fishing, etc) can co-exist. /  / Outside scope
Q4b Do you have any comments on Play and Rec
5 x Yes 5 x No 1 x DNA / 
The improvement in play equipment is fantastic, but there has been little or no improvement to footpaths etc in the surrounding area to enable visitors to reach the areas safely. Also Hamworthy Park paddling pool is fab /  /  / Sustainable access picked up in another point.
We are closely looking at the options available in terms of the large space, very much under utilised, which are at present four outdoor Tennis courts. Again an opportunity. / 
It is suggested that reference should be made to the Bournemouth & Poole Playing Pitch Strategy and Action Plan (Sept 2009), and add to the end of PR2 " line with the recommendations of the Playing Pitch Strategy".
Sport England also strongly supports PR5. The Leisure Strategy should provide the basis for a future Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule. /  / Is in table page 20
Upgrade Recreation Grounds, make year round use, such as Branksome Rec.
Important to publish maps and on website of playgrounds and leisure facilities /  / 
Set aside money for maintenance on these facilities / 
Q4c Do you have any comments on Leisure Centres
5 x Yes 5 x No 1x DNA / 
Can there be reduced fees at lunchtime for swimming - I can't afford it and want to do it on a regular basis. Also the cleanliness of the Dolphin Pool - the actual Pool is very poor / 
LC1- can there be an action re making access to centres more affordable for schools use during the day? / 
It is exciting times for The Junction Sports & Leisure Centre, though challenging in terms of improving the overall infrastructure. The centre has always been popular, even more so through the late part of 2010 and now in 2011.
Our centre is going through the QUEST system, which can only help, and I can only see the centre's team, alongside Bournemouth YMCA, playing a more involved role in the strategies ahead.
Investment is important and needed, but also accountability and the possibility of projects being financially sustainable should also not be ignored and should act as a challenge to all those involved. / 
It is suggested that reference be made to the Built Facilities Strategy, which identifies deficiencies in a range of built facilities across the Borough. It is important to demonstrate that considerable effort has gone into identifying future priorities (rather than producing an "off the top of the head shopping list").
Sport England would welcome a statement to the effect that the Council will review the Built Facilities and Playing Pitch Strategies on a regular (say 3 yearly) basis.
The position with regard to the SLM contract and the intention to prepare an options appraisal for the future management of leisure centres are noted. Sport England supports this approach and would welcome being consulted as part of the appraisal process and to support use of its various tools (as contained in the section of its website entitled "Community Sport: In it for the long run"). Other tools to assist the Council are available via Local Government Improvement and Development (LGID), notably its practical guide "Understanding commissioning" (which sets out guidance in respect of options appraisals as part of the commissioning process) and its Culture and Sport Outcomes Framework. /  /  / Is in table page 20
Periodic review is planned
The Borough must try to find a way for Poole Sports Centre above the Dolphin Centre to be re-opened. It was a valuable resource for those engaging in team sport and will be all the more necessary once the Regeneration Area is populated. / 
(Comment via email) - I understand that Poole's Leisure Strategy is currently in consultation and I would like you to consider re-opening Poole Sports Centre.
I live near the town centre and would like to have somewhere close to play badminton as I do not drive and, being on a low income, I do not want the additional cost of bus fares.
I have just been diagnosed with osteoporosis and my bones would benefit from weight-bearing exercise.Badminton is a high impact and enjoyable sport that builds bone density.
Poole U3A runs many badminton classes and an option would be for the Council to rent the Sports Centre to groups like them and the key could be collected from the swimming pool. In this case, the Council would only have maintenance costs.
I am sure there are many people, like myself,living near the town centrewho would like a local badminton court. It would also be very convenient for people working in Pooleto play after work. / 
Q4d Do you have any comments on Sports Development & Active Lifestyles
5 x Yes 6 x No / 
Better promotion of all paths etc available in the Borough - not just site specific /  / Sustainable access picked up in another point.
SD3 Please remove line (e.g. School Sports Partnership) as this finishes in its' current form this July.
1th bullet- not only working with community use of schools facilities but supporting/developing facilities on schools sites where the community will benefit ?? /  / See Proposed Amendments table below
Totally agree with the points mentioned. More work and focus is required aimed at schools, we get the children right through delivering regular and professional programmes in sporting and lifestyle 'choices' then Poole can be a shining example for others to follow. / 
Sport England strongly welcomes the Council's positive commitment to sports development and active lifestyles. It is suggested that emphasis be given to the Council's vital community leadership role in drawing the various partners together (reference could be made in SD3 to Active Dorset County Sports partnership and the intention to build upon successful collaboration with National Governing Bodies of Sport to enhance the sporting opportunities in the Borough.
Sport England welcomes the Council's proactive stance regarding public health and suggests that a commitment be expressed in this section to positively contribute to the proposed Health & Well-being Strategy, promoting the contribution that sport and physical activity make to improved health and well-being and preventing ill-health. /  /  / See Proposed Amendments table below
The strategy omits to mention the vital data from the Active People Survey1, that only 17% of Poole adults take enough exercise to stay healthy, and that this drops to 1 in ten older people. These figures have not changed significantly over the five years of these surveys.Whatever Poole leisure is doing, it is clearly not enough. The proposed actions are necessary, but woefully insufficient to redress this situation.
ref 1. Active People Survey /  / This is a wider issue not just affected by Leisure Services
Q4e Do you have any comments on Park, Trees and woodlands?
4 x Yes 6 x No 1 x DNA / 
Work with internal/external stakeholders - partners to improve infrastructure / 
Can part of the Upton Park plan be to achieve the LOtC quality badge? / 
Sport England notes the intention to undertake an options appraisal to inform the potential for increased community stewardship of greenspace. In relation to this, and indeed in other areas where a degree of responsibility may be transferred to the community/voluntary sector, Sport England’s recently-published Asset Transfer Toolkit (produced in conjunction with Locality) may be of use to the Council or groups/clubs interested in taking more responsibility. / 
Public consultation on the Upton Park improvement plan / 
Q4f Do you have any comments on Nature Conservation?
1 x Yes 9 x No 1 x DNA / 
Work with internal/external stakeholders - partners to improve infrastructure and capitalise on existing skill sets within the authority. In other words use rights of Way officer and Cycling Officer, their professional knowledge will help you improve access and protect vulnerable species /  / Sustainable access picked up in another point.
Q4g Do you have any comments on Allotments?
1 x Yes 10 x No / 
Poole is far too dependent on daily imported food. This is at risk from rising cost of transport, packaging, processing, food, fuel, fertiliser and pesticides. The underlying pressures will grow, not shrink, over the lifetime of this strategy. (Chief Scientific Officer, 2009)1. Allotments need to be a strategic part of food supply, not regarded simply as a hobby, and this should be reflected in:
* a substantial increase in land provision
* support for new allotment holders
* free allotments for people on benefits
ref. 1. Chief Scientific Officer (2009) /  / 
Q4h Do you have any comments on Events and Volunteering?
3 x Yes 7 x No 1 x DNA / 
I personally feel that Leisure Services does a great job in this area. Poole has an image, an image that Leisure Services adds to with each and every event they successfully run. As always more can be done, other events can be thought up...but the present programmes/events are a credit to Poole. / 
Sport England welcomes and supports the Council's commitment to events and volunteering. It is suggested that reference be made to Sport England's Asset Transfer Toolkit and that the Council liaise with Active Dorset CSP on opportunities presented by programmes such as Sport England's Sports Leaders programme. The Council's commitment to club development is appreciated and strongly supported. It may help to emphasise the importance to the local economy of sports and leisure events, especially to tourism. /  / Economy point picked up in Q5
The Council should be seeking ways of encouraging the creation of social enterprises to deliver leisure services. / 
Q4i Do you have any comments on A well managed Service
3 x Yes 7 x No 1 x DNA / 
Create much stronger dynamic relationships with internal/external partners. Particularly the Accessibility Team - Transportation Services /  / Sustainable access picked up in another point.
Increased income from leisure facilities.....agree.
Would it be so 'out of the box' to think and aim for at least day to day operations of leisure facilities to be self financing?...I think not. / 
Sport England encourages use of its various tools to increase efficiency, as listed in the "Community Sport: In it for the long run" basket of tools on its website. These include the National Benchmarking Service for sport and leisure facilities and the Asset Transfer Toolkit (which may assist with the aim to promote joint stewardship). The Council could also use the LGID Culture & Sport Outcomes Framework in its service planning, to help demonstrate the contribution of Leisure Services to the Council's overall objectives and priorities. / 
Q5 Do you have any comments on how Leisure Services will contribute towards wider priorities
Rights Of Way Improvement Plan and Local Transport Plan are missing /  / See Proposed Amendments table below
There did not seem to be a mention of the ROWIP which obviously has an impact on the provision of Leisure Services. /  / See Proposed Amendments table below
Whilst one cannot disagree with the priorities - many of the points made are aspirational and it is to be hoped that those involved / departments / individuals have a follow-up plan that deals with specifics .... /  / 
The LGID's Culture & Sport Outcomes Framework can help Leisure Services identify, demonstrate and evidence its commitment to wider priorities in Poole.
In terms of Health and wellbeing (page 22), Sport England supports the Council's proactive stance and would encourage an active involvement in the proposed Health and Wellbeing Board and Strategy in order to demonstrate the contribution made to improving health and wellbeing and preventing ill health and to enhance opportunities for partnership working and the commissioning of leisure services and facilities.
On page 25 (Stronger and safer communities), it is suggested that reference be made to the benefits of taking part in sport (especially team sport) in terms of bringing people together from different sections of trhe community.
Within the "Dynamic economy" section (page 26), reference could be made to the value of sporting events to the economy and the increasing number of sport related businesses and jobs. /  /  /  / See Proposed Amendments table below
A major omission is the lack of reference to the NHS/BoP/BBC Joint strategy to combat Adult Obesity (2010) /  / See Proposed Amendments table below
Q6 Do you have any comments relating to ensuring Leisure facilities are 'fair', 'affordable' and 'accessible'
Affordable is your biggest challenge - Good luck / 
As previously mentioned, can programmes be made more affordable for schools to use during the day especially during less busy times. Perhaps more taster sessions for schools classes. Time spent investing in young people- as future customers.Possible links with the 14-19 team re supporting NVQs and student placements. / 
Again totally agree. Sport, Health and Fitness is for all, no matter what level or standard or age. Not everyone will be the next Beckham, not everyone will be entering the next Olympics...but to enjoy a chosen activity that helps the individual improve their life's enjoyment and comfort should surely be their right and our aim and passion. / 
It is important to balance charging policies with the Council's social and other policies. The Council makes a considerable contribution to providing accessible and affordable opportunities for people from all sections of the community to participate in sport and it is hoped that through its options appraisal and service review work it can continue to meet the needs of the community in an sustainable way. Sport England will continue to support the Council in this, through its various tools and advice. Using the national Benchmarking Service can, for facilities, help compare rates of Council subsidy with similar authorities across the country. / 
The Strategy should ensure that cost is no bar to exercise, by introducing a sliding scale for all charged facilities, with reductions for those on benefits, and free access for children. /  / 
Q7 Any other comments
I like the look the document and its easy to read / 
Draft plan is ambitious, but it can be done. / 
The document seems to be a very comprehensive document, I look forward to working with various individuals and parties for the benefit of all. / 
.... as above; there are not many points that say HOW money will be saved or HOW many of these excellent ideas will be achieved. / 
The document is very well presented, fairly succinct and easy to read. It addresses the relevant issues and provides a clear set of actions to be undertaken. / 
That 'Leisure' label is a mill-stone, and should be ditched. Everyday physical exercise is a best buy for human health, and the best way to ensure it for Poole residents is to make walking, riding, play, and exercise easy, cheap (ideally free) and close to home. Poole needs a Physical Activity Strategy. /  / 

Proposed Amendments To Leisure Strategy Arising From Public Consultation