“Subscribe To Learn And Earn … Because The Truth Must Be Written”

aweekly newspaper of Kingbar’s Publications


and Application Form

This will confirm my subscription to our weekly newspaper, ONESOURCENEWS on a monthly frequency for P70.00 per month. I understand that my subscription includes an option of delivery to my residence located at . ______if I choose to pay for its mailing cost, or shipping otherwise my weekly copy will be e-mailed to me as an electronic copy. I can also check the website for such copy.

I also understand that as member and subscriber, I am entitled to receive P100,000.00 as PALUWAGAN BONUS on or before the end of the 12th month period or much later from date of my subscription if I can actively market our newspaper with a minimum of FOUR new subscribers as a condition of my receiving the bonus in addition to accumulating at least 5,000 new member-subscribers in my organizational structure as part of my downline.

I understand that I will receive an overriding bonus of P10.00 for every pair that will be generated in my genealogy out of new subscribers/members regardless of sponsor and paid all the way to infinity, but limited to 100 pairs per level.

I also understand that I am entitled to receive various incentives from promo campaigns to be undertaken by Kingbar’s Publications, Inc. such as Round Trip Ticket for Two to Boracay, or Palawan, or FREE Giant TV Screen, Refrigeration, Sala Set or the like that will be announced in our OneSourceNews and our website:

I further understand that I can also solicit for commercial advertisements for inclusion and publication in our OneSourceNews newspaper and will receive commission in the process up to 30%.

In addition to all the benefits abovestated, I further understand that Kingbar’s Publications will donate part of its income to ONE SOURCE, ON HEART, ONE DREAM SERVICE COOPERATIVE.

I agree that I will join the above cooperative once I have earned enough income from this Program and/or allow for automatic deduction from my income once I qualify to receive my Paluwagan Bonus.

Failure on my part to prepay my subscription regardless of any reason or condition shall be automatic ground for company to forfeit my monthly income for that month.

I understand that for online subscribers the company System willautoplace my registration/ application in the absence of a sponsor.

I agree to receive a soft copy of my newspaper subscription via e-mail, but if I choose to receive a hard copy of my newspaper subscription, I am willing to pay for the cost of mailing or shipping

I declare that if I am at least 13 years of age and I shall submit a Parental Consent Waiver Form upon submission of my registration. Additional Terms and Conditions of my Subscription may be added in the future and I agree to all of them without reservation. Additional rules, policies and procedures maybe implemented at any time by Kingbar’s Publications and will be printed in the newspaper.

Done this ______th day of ______, 201___ at ______.

Name of Subscriber: ______Signature: ______

Address of Subscriber: ______Zip Code ______

E-Mail Address : ______Phone:______

Birthday: ______Tin # ______SSS # ______

I.D. Issued By:______Number: ______Exp. On______

Sponsor Name: ______Sponsor’s Membership ID No. ______

Cell Phone of Sponsor :______Sponsor E-mail Address: ______


(Please TYPE IN your TWO REGISTRATION CONTROL NUMBERS belowtexted to you by the System in order to be registered online by the Office, if you cold not register online by yourself. TWOREGISTRATION CONTROL NUMBTWO REGISTRATION CONTROL NUMBERS

______One Month - P70.00______/ ______

______Two Months - P140.00______/ ______

______Three Months - P210.00______/ ______

______Six Months - P420.00______/ ______

______Twelve Months - P840.00______/ ______OPTION FOR SUBSCRIPTION DELIVERY: Pls Check PLS MAIL/SHIP ______PLS EMAIL: ______

(Cost of mailing or shipping will be posted in our website for your reference)

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: By signing below I certify that I have carefully read the Terms and Conditions of this Application and Subscription Agreement and agree to abide by all the terms set forth in these documents. I understand that I have the right to terminate my subscription at any time, with or without reason, by sending a written notice to KingBar’s Publications.


Forthcoming from Kingbar’s Publications are books, music, apart from the newspaper- OneSourceNews.

Member’s literary works, work of arts, musical creations and other creative works may be submitted to Kingbar’s Management for promotions, production, and marketing. Publishing rights will be retained by author/creator.