www.yoloworks.org / Yolo County Workforce Investment Board
25 North Cottonwood Street One-Stop Career Center Locations
Woodland, CA 95695
(530) 661-2750 Woodland West Sacramento
(530) 661-2658 FAX 25 N. Cottonwood St. 500-A Jefferson Blvd., Building A
(530) 661-2750 (916) 375-6200
Board Members
All Green Electronics
All Phase Security Inc.
Buckhorn Steakhouse/
Putah Creek Café
California Dept. of Rehabilitation
California Employment Development Department
California Human Development
California Indian Manpower Consortium
Cambridge Junior College – Woodland
Capay Organic-Farm Fresh
To You
City of Woodland Economic Development
Clark Pacific
County Fair Mall
Cruickshank Farms
DMC Mori
ERA Mata Realty
Experience Works, Inc.
Food Bank of Yolo County
Four Wheel & Six Pc Campers/Mobile Labs
Home Depot-West Sacramento
Home Depot-Woodland
Los Rios Community College District
Monsanto, Vegetable
Nugget Market, Inc.
Olam Tomato Processors
Orchard Supply Hardware–Woodland
Pride Industries
Sacramento Central Labor Council (6)
WalMart – West Sacramento
West Sacramento Chamber of Commerce
Western Truck School
Woodland Aviation
Woodland Community College
Woodland Healthcare, Inc.
Yolo County Department of Employment and Social Services
Yolo County Housing
Yolo County Office of Education
Yolo Employment Services, Inc.
Executive Committee
Informational Minutes
May 28, 2014
Committee: Ken Garrett, Gary Pelfrey, Kevin Ferreira, Art Rodriguez, Tico Zendejas
Present: Gary Pelfrey and Tico Zendejas
Absent: Ken Garrett, Kevin Ferreira and Art Rodriguez
Staff: Elaine Lytle, Judy Needham, Raymond Rivera, Lisa Vincent, Steve Roberts and
Cyndi Sechler
Guests: Diane Parro, Board of Supervisor Deputy to Supervisor Saylor
1.  Public Comment / Announcements – Non-Agenda Items
WIB members, staff, or the public may address the Workforce Investment Board Executive Committee on subjects relating to employment and training in Yolo County. A time limit may be imposed. No action may be taken on non-agenda items.
Elaine Lytle announced Art Rodriguez will be resigning from the Board due to promotion and reassignment; and Raymond Rivera, DESS Program Supervisor will be taking over Art’s place on the WIB.
2.  Call to Order / Establish Quorum
Meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. with no quorum present.
3.  Agenda Review and Order Approval
Agenda received, not able to approve due to lack of quorum.
4.  Review/Approve the Executive Committee Minutes of April 30, 2014
Minutes received, not able to approve the April 30, 2014 minutes due to lack of quorum. Item will move to the June 25, 2014 agenda.
5.  Revise recommended removal of WIB members due to lack of attendance. Originally, it was recommended that Rene Puentes, Dan Flores, Juan Guardado, Carrie Garcia, Sharon Krutt, David Decker, Ted Scott-Femenella, and Velma WhiteBear be removed due to lack of attendance. Although, at the 5/14/14 WIB meeting Carrie Garcia and Sharon Krutt attended and stated they wish to remain on the WIB. So, the revised recommended removal due to a lack of attendance includes WIB members Rene Puentes, Dan Flores, Juan Guardado, David Decker, Ted Scott-Femenella, and Velma WhiteBear.
Steve Roberts announced that Denice Seals would like the opportunity to talk with David Decker and Rene Puentes about their attendance.
Lisa Vincent announced Carry Garcia and Sharon Krutt attended the May 14, 2014 WIB Meeting and would like to remain on the on the Board.
6.  Recommend appointment of WIB Member-Labor; Rob Carrion/Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3
Due to lack of quorum the recommendation of appointment will move to the June 25, 2014 Agenda.

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Executive Committee Minutes

May 28, 2014

7.  Receive/Review WIB membership document

Membership categories were discussed.

8.  Discuss the June 16, 2014 Job Fair and Success Camp Event

Tico Zendejas stated he is working on the Youth side of the event, and all of Yolo County’s youth are invited. I’m looking forward to all of the youth we will be able to help.

Judy Needham stated we have 8 confirmed Labor Apprenticeship programs.

Steve Roberts stated 36 businesses confirmed and 5 confirmed WIB members willing to help where needed.

Elaine Lytle stated that employment services staff will be available to help.

9.  Receive Yolo County/DESS/WIB-WIA Youth Services RFP Number 2014-02

Lisa Vincent gave an overview of the Youth RFP, what are the requirements and the deadlines. Prospective vendors can bid on one, two or all three of the regions. WIA and RISE will continue to provide youth services through September 30, 2014. New contracts will begin on October 1, 2014.

10.  Receive EDD-Status of Unresolved Findings dated March 13, 2014

This letter is to inform you of the status of the finding assigned Corrective Action Tracking System (CATS). Based on the results of our on-site reviews during the weeks of July 21, 2011, and December 14, 2012, and the copy of the updated Workforce Investment Board (WIB) roster received June 17, 2013, we conclude that Yolo County DESS successfully implemented its stated corrective actions to address the findings that led to the CATS. As a result, we consider these finding resolved.

11.  Receive EDD-WIA Fiscal & Procurement Review final Monitoring Report PY 2013-14

The Yolo County DESS was awarded WIA funds to administer a comprehensive workforce investment system by way of streamlining services through the America’s Job Center of CaliforniaSM delivery system.

FISCAL REVIEW RESULTS: We conclude that, overall, Yolo County DESS is meeting applicable WIA requirements concerning financial management.

PROCUREMENT REVIEW RESULTS: We conclude that, overall, Yolo County DESS is meeting applicable WIA requirements concerning procurement.

12.  Receive Workforce Services Directive (WSD) 13-12/70 Percent LLSIL and Poverty Guidelines for 2014

This directive issues the 70 percent Lower Living Standard income Level for 2014 published by the Secretary of Labor in the Federal Register on March 27, 2014.

13.  Receive WSIN 13-57/DOL/VETS Jobs for Veterans’ State Grant Refocus Guidance

This Information Notice provides the Workforce Development Community with links to April 10, 2014 notices by U.S. Department of Labor – Employment and Training Administration, and the Department of Labor – Veterans’ Employment and Training Service regarding recent reforms and clarifications regarding the services to veterans and additional populations at the American Job Centers.

14.  Receive WSIN 13-58/Survey on Drought-Related Job Impacts

This Information Notice informs the Workforce Development Community that the Labor and Workforce Development Agency, as part of the Governor’s Drought Relief Task Force, will be conducting an ongoing online survey to identify the drought’s impact on local and regional economies throughout the State.

15.  Receive WSIN 13-59/Workforce Accelerator Fund-Request for Applications

The purpose of this Information Notice is to announce the availability of $2.5 million for grants to design, develop, and implement projects that accelerate employment and re-employment strategies for California job seekers.

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Executive Committee Minutes

May 28, 2014

16.  Receive WSIN 13-60/Grant Application Opportunity – Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program

This Information Notice is to alert the Workforce Development Community of the Department of Labor Veterans’ Employment and Training Service grant application opportunity: Urban and Non-Urban Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program.

17.  Receive WSIN 13-61/Career Pathways Initiative: Opportunity to Comment

This Information Notice is to inform the Workforce Development Community that the U.S. Department of Labor, Education, and Health & Human Services issued a Request for Information soliciting feedback regarding career pathways training model.

18.  Receive WSIN 13-62/Wagner-Peyser Funds-Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services SFP 2014-15

The Employment Development announces the availability of Wagner-Peyser 10 Percent Governor’s Discretionary funds in a Solicitation for Proposal.

19.  Receive WSIN 13-63/Role and Responsibilities of the Local CalJOBSSM MIS Administrator

The purpose of the Information Notice is to define the role and responsibilities of the local Management Information System Administrator related to the implementation of CalJOBSSM Phase 1B

20.  Receive WSIN 13-64/Local Agency Code Conversion

This Information Notice clarifies the conversion of local agency codes into the new CalJOBSSM system.

21.  Receive WSIN 13-65/CalJOBSSM User Group Meeting-June 4-5, 2014

This Information Notice announces the CalJOBSSM User Group meeting to be held on June 4, 2014 – June 5, 2014, at the Crowne Plaza Anaheim Resort, in Garden Grove.

22.  Receive WSIN 13-66/CalJOBSSM Reports Manual

This Information Notice introduces to the Workforce Development Community the Reports manual to be used for the standard or “canned” reports contained in the new CalJOBSSM system.

23.  Conference and Training Updates

Elaine Lytle

a)  CWA Meeting of the Minds September 2-4, 2014, in Monterey

24.  CWA/WIA - Updates

Elaine Lytle

No reports at this time.

25.  Reports:

a.  Executive Director – Elaine Lytle

Elaine reported that she and Steve Roberts met with WIB Member Denice Seals, and discussed members not knowing what their purpose and role is on the WIB Board, and rotating meeting sites.

Elaine stated she thought it would be a good idea to invite Tim Rainey from the California Workforce Investment Board to discuss what is expected of WIB members.

Diane Parro suggested a brief orientation or overview at the beginning of each WIB meeting; and if rotating sites is an option, then invite local business representatives at each site and discuss what’s up and coming in their town, and what is needed.

Diane also suggested having a WIB member at a City Chamber meeting.

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Executive Committee Minutes

May 28, 2014

b.  One-Stop – Art Rodriguez

No report available.

c.  Yolo Youth Opportunity Council – Tico Zendejas

Tico stated that we didn’t make quorum at the YYOC meeting yesterday. We’re looking forward to the June 16th Job Fair.

26.  Other Business That May Come Before the Board

Lisa Vincent stated she will bring the New Member Binder to the next meeting to re-evaluate; and she will bring the Strategic Plan.

Diane Parro suggested we visit other county WIB meetings and receive the agenda packet earlier.

27.  Adjourn

Meeting dismissed.

Next Meeting:

June 25, 2014

One-Stop Career Center – Davis Room, Woodland One-Stop

8:30-9:30 a.m.

Accommodation: In accordance with Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you require special assistance, meeting

materials to be in an alternative format, auxiliary aids, or other person to assist you while attending this meeting, we will provide

reasonable accommodation to allow participation. Contact Cyndi Sechler at (530) 661-2750 x4327 at least 3 business days prior

to the meeting to facilitate arrangements.

For more about the Yolo County Workforce Investment Board log on to www.yoloworks.org