ACC Chapter Recognition – Word Template
Chapter Name * / TexasChapter President / Rick Snyder, MD, FACC
Chapter Executive / Shari Noonan, CAE, CMP
Name of Person Completing this Form * / Shari Noonan
Title of Person * / Executive Director
Chapter Executive/Staff
How many full or part time employees in your organization are working for the ACC Chapter? / 3 part time
Please describe the staffing resources in your chapter, including names, titles and a brief description of their duties. / Shari Noonan – Chapter Executive – oversees the management of the chapter.
Jaime Capelo – Lobbyist – advocacy aspects of the society
April Mackey – Administrative Coordinator – administrative support for the chapter.
Additional Notes
Executive Committee and/or Council
We have a structured Executive Committee that meets regularly: / The Executive Committee meets once a month via conference call and once a year in person at the chapter’s annual meeting
We have the following number of Council Members: / We have 31 District Councilors in the chapter.
Our Council is primarily structured by: Geography, Institution, Areas of Interest, Practice Type / geography
Please describe the structure of the executive committee/Council, including names and titles. Indicate if you have FITs or CCAs involved in your leadership, along with their names and positions held. / Executive Committee:
President/Governor – Dr. Rick Snyder, Dallas
Immediate Past President – Dr. George Rodgers, Austin
Secretary/Treasurer: Dr. Fernando Lopez, San Antonio
Legislative Chairman: Dr. Michael Miller, Midland
Quality Chairman: Dr. Allan Anderson, Dallas
HeartPAC Chairman: Dr. David May, Lewisville
HeartPAC Treasurer: Dr. Matthew Phillips, Austin
District 1
Dr. Jeffrey Carr, Tyler
District 2
Dr. Allan Anderson, Mesquite
District 3
Dr. Robert Carney, Tyler
District 4
Dr. Timothy Colgan, Beaumont
District 5
Dr. Ken Wigley, College Station
District 6
Dr. Vincent Aquino, Houston
District 7
Dr. Salah El Hafi, Humble
District 8
Dr. David May, Plano
Distict 9
Dr. Mike Ferry, Arlington
District 10
Dr.Brian T. McNamara,Fort Worth
District 11
Dr. Anna Harkins, Nassau Bay
District 12
Dr. John Osborne, Denton
District 13
Dr. James Willerson, Houston
District 14
Dr. Fancis J. Zidar, Austin
District 15
Dr. Ray Stainback, Houston / District 16
Dr. John R. Bret, Dallas
District 17
Dr. Charles Mullins, Houston
District 18
Dr. Harish Chandna, Victoria
District 19
Dr. John Mulrow, San Antonio
District 20
Dr. Thomas Alexander, Corpus Christi
District 21
Dr. Ricky Cigarroa, Laredo
District 22
Dr. Steve Johnston, Dallas
District 23
Dr. Kevin Wheelan, Dallas
District 24
Dr. David Swett, Temple
District 25
Dr. Alexis Fenton, San Antonio
District 26
Dr. Fernando Lopez, San Antonio
District 27
Dr. Eduardo Flores, Brownsville
District 28
Dr. Joseph Gardella, San Angelo
District 29
Dr. Juan Escobar, El Paso
District 30
Dr. Michael Isaac, Sherman
District 31
Dr. Michael Miller, Midland
Please describe any committees organized under the Council (i.e. advocacy, quality, membership, etc). / The Government Relations Committee monitors all legislation and pursues legislative programs at every possible stage of the legislative process. The Committee actively lobbies to defeat those bills which are considered adverse to the health interest of the people of Texas and supports those bills which are in their best health interests. The Government Relations Committee often works in partnership with other groups, such as the TMA, to ensure that the views of the Chapter are represented in Austin.
The Nominations Committee recommends nominees for District Council positions and members of the Executive Committee.
The Quality Committee is dedicated to encouraging and assisting chapter-wide integration and completion of all National Quality Initiatives, as well as any additional initiatives that local leadership select. This committee also is charged with programming and producing the TCACC Annual Scientific Meeting, Cardiology Fiesta, in San Antonio.
If you have designated liaisons to outside healthcare or cardiovascular organizations, please list the liaison and organization below.
Additional Notes
Leadership & Chapter Development
A Chapter leader (i.e. Chapter President, President-elect, designee of the Chapter President and/or Chapter Executive) has represented the Chapter at all three meetings of the BOG in 2008. / yes
Chapter Council has developed or reviewed a Strategic Plan with clear, measurable goals for the Chapter within the past three years. / yes
If Yes, When? / The chapter meets once a month via conference call to review the goals of the chapter by discussing the following on a monthly basis: membership, financials, advocacy, HeartPAC, the annual meeting, the website and their communication strategy.
Chapter has submitted to the BOG Steering Committee their annual goals for 2008. / yes
Please elaborate on what goals your Chapter was able to accomplish, and your plans for keeping your Chapter goals relevant to your membership. / The chapter distributes a monthly email newsletter to members which offers up to date communication with members and asks for their input and assistance when needed.
The chapter participates in quality improvement initiatives such as high school athletic screenings, and D2B.
The chapter is very involved in advocacy having hosted 7 fundraisers for state senators.
The annual meeting of the chapter is held in September in San Antonio.
Chapter President and Chapter Executive communicate on a regular basis as mutually agreeable. / yes
How often and by what method of communication? What advantages does this provide your Chapter? / The President and Chapter Executive communicate almost on a daily basis via email and by phone regularly. This allows constant communication and regular review of goals.
Chapter President has developed a succession plan and identified members willing to run in the next Governor election. / yes
Please describe your process and how you are integrating these members in your Chapter. / The executive committee includes committee chairs which allows for leadership continuity and a succession plan. Additionally the 31 district councilors in the chapter are also up and coming leaders.
Chapter Management
Chapter President and Chapter Executive have reviewed the ACC Chapter Operations Manual. The Chapter is in compliance with all of the good business practices as outlined in the Chapter Operations Checklist in the Operations Manual. / yes
Chapter has met all federal and state requirements for non-profit organizations, such as:
IRS classified tax exempt status is current and in good standing.
/ yesArticles of incorporation are current.
/ yesEmployer Identification Number (EIN) is on file.
/ yesAnnual Corporate status is on file and in good standing.
/ yesChapter bylaws have been reviewed and are current and in compliance with applicable state and ACC National. (Changes must be approved by the BOG Steering Committee.)
/ Yes, chapter is working on edits to the bylaws to include FITs, CCAs and Practice Administrators. The chapter will send it to the BOG steering committee in the near future.Chapter bylaws are posted on website.
/ yesFinancials have been examined by the Chapter President, Chapter Treasurer, and Chapter Executive and reviewed with the Chapter Council on a quarterly basis.
/ Yes (reviewed on a monthly basis)Chapter Executive is operating under an ACC approved management contract, and the contract is on file with ACC national.
/ yesChapter Executive has been reviewed within the last twelve months and his or her goals were defined for next twelve months.
/ yesChapter has clear, transparent financial reports and a defined reporting system for Chapter leaders in place.
/ yesChapter Council has approved an operating budget for the next fiscal year.
/ yesChapter has on file with ACC National copies of their most recent end of year financial statement and next year budget, along with their 990, Articles of Incorporation, Chapter Bylaws and management contract.
/ yesAn independent accounting firm has audited or prepared the Chapter financials and/or tax returns.
/ yesChapter carries Directors & Officers insurance to limit the personal liability of their leaders.
/ yesIn case of an emergency, the Chapter has a disaster plan for communications in place.
/ yesMembership & Communication
Chapter produces at least one newsletter a year, either in hard print or electronic format. This newsletter is directed to the entire Chapter membership.
/ The chapter sends a few e-newsletters on a monthly basis: presidents e-news, political pulse, & heartgram.Which Format? Please Select Hard Copy OR Electronic
/ electronicHow often is it distributed ?
/ monthlyChapter has increased the number of member volunteer opportunities by at least 2 positions, either permanent or temporary.
/ yesName them.
/ Committee members; district councilor positionsChapter has conducted a survey to measure member value at least once in the past 24 months.
/ Yes, this will go out this month.Please tell us what you learned from the survey and how you plan to implement the results to improve.
/ Leadership hopes to learn what issues are most important to the members to help the chapter continue to focus on their mission on what the members want/need.Chapter has welcomed CCAs into their membership through special meetings or a section of a meeting targeted for CCAs, special invitations to CCAs for general meeting, including CCAs in its bylaws, including a CCA representative on its Council, and other inclusive manners.
/ yesPlease explain how you have done this and how it has worked for your Chapter.
/ The executive committee is currently working on bylaws changes to this effect. The nominating committee will work to include CCAs in committee positions.The first annual CCA Elections are underway fall 2008. The Chapter is in the process of incorporating and engaging its Chapter liaison.
/ yesChapter has welcomed FITs into their membership through special meetings or a section of a meeting targeted for FITs, special invitations to FITs for general meeting, including FITs in its bylaws, including an FIT representative on its Council, and other inclusive manners.
/ YesPlease explain how you have done this and how it has worked for your Chapter.
/ The executive committee is currently working on bylaws changes to this effect. The nominating committee will work to include FITs in committee positions.Chapter has welcomed Practice Administrators into their membership through inclusive manners.
/ YesPlease explain how you have done this and how it has worked for your Chapter.
/ The executive committee is currently working on bylaws changes to this effect. The nominating committee will work to include Practice Administrators in committee positions.Chapter has an up-to-date website with valuable information.
/ YesEducation
Chapter holds at least one annual meeting for its general membership or at least two meetings a year for targeted members. Targeted membership could be by region, specialty, membership type, institution or other demographics.
/ YesHow many hours were offered, and was the CME/CE accredited?
/ 18.5 accredited for CMEChapter’s annual meeting attendance is increased over last year’s attendance by 10%.
/ yesWas the target audience FACC, CCA or other?
/ bothEvaluations from the annual Chapter meeting are overall above average or outstanding.
/ yesChapter offers CME/CE for its Chapter meeting and is in good standing with ACGME regulations regarding CME/CE.
/ yesChapter participated in joint-sponsored ACC CME and/or CE.
/ yesPlease describe your program briefly (title, location, target audience, and attendance.)
/ Title: Cardiology Fiesta 2008Location: Hyatt Hill Country Resort, San Antonio, TX
Target Audience: Interventional Cardiologists who wish to learn about new interventional technique; Non Invasive Cardiologists and physicians who manage patients with complex cardiovascular conditions; Nurse Practitioners, Intensive Care Nurses and Catheterization Laboratory Personnel who wish to learn more about patient selection and management of complex conditions.
Attendance: over 150 cardiologists and CCAs.
Please explain from where your Chapter obtains its CME/CE and the process, cost, and effort that your Chapter Executive puts into making certain it is handled according to ACGME regulations.
/ Cardiology Fiesta (annual meeting) Accreditation Statement: The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to sponsor continuing medical education for physicians. This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the essential areas and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint sponsorship of The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI) and The University of Texas Health Science Center. The SCAI is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.Planning: The chapter executive participates in planning meeting conference calls with the planning committee. Dr. Allan Anderson is the quality committee chairman and he also participates in these conference calls and planning of this meeting.
Chapter is participating in at least one ACC quality improvement initiative.
/ yesDescribe the initiative
/ D2B, IC3Chapter has recruited more than one “Quality Champion” in their Chapter to facilitate identified quality projects.
/ Dr. Allan Anderson is the chapter’s “Quality Champion” and he utilizes members on his committee to work on initiatives.Name them:
/ Quality Committee:Dr. Allan Anderson - Chair- Dallas
Dr. Bob Hillert - Dallas
Dr. Ray Stainback - Houston
Dr. Robert Schnitzler - San Antonio
Dr. Ralph McCleskey - Abilene
Dr. Gregory Dehmer - Temple
Chapter has established a partnership with the State Medical Society.
/ yesDescribe any projects you have worked on with the State Medical Society.
/ Dr. Allan Anderson serves on Patient-Physician Advocacy Committee and is a delegate on the TMA House of Delegates from his local county medical society.Drs. Matt Phillips and Stanley Wang serve on the TMA InterSpecialty Society Committee.
Dr. Rick Snyder serves as Vice Chair of the TexPAC board and is a member of the Ad Hoc Committee on Insurance and Managed-care.
Chapter has held a summit, conference or meeting highlighting quality issues.
/ The chapter held a business meeting during their annual conference and quality issues were discussed and future plans were made.Chapter has held at least one meeting or meeting section dedicated to educating hospital administrators about the NCDRTM CathPCI, ACTION, ICD or CARE Registries, or educate practice administrators about the NCDRTM IC3 Registry.